Attack on Titan Season 1 (5e Quest)

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This quest is intended for The Walls (Attack on Titan) campaign setting.

Adventure Background[edit]

This takes place in The Walls (Attack on Titan) campaign setting. It’s recommended that the DM watch Attack on Titan or read the Manga to fully understand what is going on. This campaign will start with 2-4 characters at level 3 in the Trost District as soon as The Colossal Titan shows up at the end of episode 4.


This campaign will start with 2-4 characters, with one main character at level 3. This quest starts in Trost District as soon as The Colossal Titan shows up at the end of episode 4, and will last through the Battle of Trost, The trial, the 57th expedition outside the wall, and end with the Raid on Stohess District. However, there can only be one main character, and that means only one person can be a Titan. The others will get the Ackerman feat at level 7.


The main characters finish their training at the southern Cadet Corps and have graduated. Personal relationships are up to them. Keep in mind that Eren, Mikasa, and Armin do not exist in this version of the story. However, the rest of the essential characters, Like Jean and Annie, will be listed below. Other characters will be described as they are introduced.


A quiet, 5 foot tall blond who covers her face with her hair. Annie tries to avoid most social situations and sits alone at lunch. She is secretly the Female Titan, and is originally from Marley. Annie has a slight limp, which she got for kicking her father so hard out of rage.


Connie stands at 5’ 2’’ and has a head like a cue ball. He hangs out with Jean a lot, and was one of the best in the 104th Cadet Corps. Connie comes from Wall Maria, and joined the military to impress his parents even though he isn’t very smart.


Jean is a 5’ 9’’ Cadet usally seen wearing a regal suit vest when not in uniform. His personality is best described with words I should’t use here, but his shaggy light-brown hair and long face has given him the name “horse face” by his peers. Jean hopes to join the Military Police when he graduates, thinking it will be an easy life.


Marco stands at around 5’ 10’’ and has a happy-go-lucky personality. He has black hair, and usally tries to resolve conflict rather than start them. Marco hangs out with Jean a lot, even though Jean isn’t really sure if they are friends.


Sasha stands at 5’ 6’’, has red blond hair that she usually keeps in a ponytail. She earned the name “Potato Girl” after she started eating a potato in front of Sarge during the Corps first training. Despite appearing dumb and always hungry, she has unusually good instincts and is usually right on a hunch. Her friends are Krista and Ymir.


Bertholt is the tallest of the Cadets, standing at 6’ 4’’. He has black hair and stays quiet most of the time, only really talking to his best friend Reiner, and has a crush on Annie. Although he claims he was in Wall Maria and his village was attacked by titans, he is really from Marley and is secretly the Colossal Titan.


Reiner is 6’ 1’’ tall, and is one of the best Cadets in his class. He is Bertholt’s best friend, and is secretly the Armored Titan. He grew up in Eldian enternment camps in Marley, and joined the Warriors to gain respect for his family. He has brown hair and is black.


Ymir is 5’ 8’’ tall and has brownish red hair. She was originally from Marley, but unlike Bertholt and Reiner, she was a part of an Eldian cult. The Marley found the cult and turned everyone in it into a mindless titan, including Ymir. For 60 years, she wandered outside the wall until she came across Bertholt, Reiner, Annie, and their friend Marcel outside the wall planning to attack the walls. She ate Marcel and inherited the Jaws Titan power, and returned to her human state as a Titan shifter. Later, in Wall Sina, she overheard two priests talking about an illegitimate daughter of the king, who’s name was being changed to Krista Lenz and being forced to join the Cadet Corps. Ymir joined the Cadet Corps out of curiosity to find her, and soon found herself caring about her in her own, “tough love” way. She even sacrificed her place on the top ten of the cadet corps so Krista would have a chance to join the Military Police so she would be safe.


Krista is 4’ 9’’ with blond hair, and likes to be a friend to anyone. Ymir once claimed that all she cared about was dying with the word “Hero” written on her gravestone. Krista is actually named Historia, and is the daughter of the true king Rod Reiss. She was forced to join the Cadet Corps, as it was her only chance to live after priests found out she was the king’s daughter. Soon afterwards, she found herself confiding in Ymir after she found out her secret.

Tips before playing[edit]

  • Agree on a theme with your players before starting. Do you want to go for a dark and creepy vibe, or make it a comedy and have the PCs laugh at everyone who dies.
  • Be original. Focus on how your character is unique and what drives them, instead of making them copies of the main characters. There is a reason why Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are not this campaign.
  • Don't feel compelled to follow the plot line in an anime. If you have a better idea or plot development, and as long as it ends with the PCs talking to Pyxis, go for it. Just make sure to stay consistent.

Act 1: The Battle of Trost[edit]

Act 1, Scene 1[edit]

This scene starts with the party cleaning cannons on Wall Rosa on the Trost District with Sasha, Connie, Marco, and a few other unimportant Cadets. Just as Connie is telling the party that he is thinking of joining the Survey Corps, The Colossal Titan appears on the side of the wall. Before the Cadets can attack, the Colossal Titan kicks down the wal. Roll initiative, giving The Colossal Titan advantage because of surprise. Anyone who moves before The Colossal Titan can grapple onto him. When The Colossal Titan makes it’s first turn, it swipes his hand on the top of the wall, destroying the cannons. Anyone still on the wall can use their reaction to make a DC 14 Dexterity check to jump off the side and grapple on to the inside of the wall. (You can cheese the numbers so no one dies in one hit).

Make sure the party knows about the weakness to the nape. However, any attacks against the nape will result in a reaction from The Colossal Titan will result in harmless steam that pushes the characters away. After two turns, The Colossal Titan disappears, and the Colossal Titan response force moves in to help defend the hole in the wall.

Act 1, Scene 2[edit]

Half an hour after the breach, Commander Vermin addresses the Cadets. He says that the Colossal Titan response force has been wiped out, and that it is now their job to assist in the evacuation. They will fight titans in the middle flank while the Elite squad helps with the evacuation in the rear. He then goes on to say that reinforcements will not be coming anytime soon, so it is up to the Cadets. He also claims that anyone who desserts will be executed.

Afterwards, the cadets are sent to get their equipment. The protagonist runs into Jean, who is freaking out. He starts yelling at the Protagonist to get out of the way, and it soon becomes apparent that Jean was not ready to join the military police and is now scared of dying at the hands of a Titan. The Protagonist can react with either comfort, inspiration, threats, or ignore him. Whatever happens, Jean storms off to join his squad.

Commander Vermin[edit]

One of the fanatic commanders of the Garrison. He hates treason and will threaten to kill anyone on the spot if they question his motives or try to dessert.

Act 1, Scene 3[edit]

The Protagonist and the rest of the party find themselves standing at the rear of the middle flank in Trost on a rooftop. Two NPCs, Thomas Wagner and Mina Carolina are in a squad them. Both of them are good friends to the protagonist, and trained with them for three years in the Cadet Corps.

From a few rooftops over, another squad signals them to go into battle. The charge forward on the rooftops with their three dimensional maneuvering gear. In the distance, the see an abnormal titan charging at them. Someone yells, “take cover!” And the party disperses, landing on different rooftops. The abnormal titan slams into a clock tower, and lifts his face out to reveal Thomas in his mouth.

Mina charges at the titan, but another titan presses down on the cables in her gear, sending her slamming into a fall. She is knocked unconscious and is soon surrounded by Titans. If the party tries to attack, another titan gets an opportunity attack on the protagonist and bites his leg off. He lands on a roof and rolls around and becomes unconscious. More titans join the fight, and while the remaining characters might take down a few in defense of their friend, they will soon be forced to retreat as the Protagonist is swallowed whole.

Act 1, Scene 4[edit]

An hour later, the retreat bell sounds, and the remaining party members land on a roof in the middle flank with Connie, Sasha, Jean, Ymir, Krista, Bertholt, Annie, Reiner, Marco and a few dozen other unimportant Cadets are sitting around on a rooftop. After talking to Marco, they find out that the Cadets are almost out of gas. They too realize that they are almost out of gas.

The armory in the center of the district, about half a mile away from the cadets. No one has enough gas to scale the wall, but if they get to the armory, they can refill their tanks and scale the wall. However, the armory is swarming with titans. Too many people will die if they try, and no one wants to risk it. Sasha is trying to get people go with no success. A DC 18 persuasion check gets a few people to rally, and give out an inspiration point for anyone who tries to give an inspirational speech. Jean starts to rally the cadets since he’s kind of a leader, and everyone starts to attack the armory.

Act 1, Scene 5[edit]

Everyone charges towards the armory with Three Dimensional Maneuvering gear. There are some titans on the way, but Jean yells at everybody to run and not fight. About a third of the way there, one of the party members gear malfunctions, and they are thrown into a building and fall to the ground. Connie goes after her and instructs Jean to keep moving, and the other remaining party members can decide to say with the group or go after their fallen comrade.

If they go to find the other party member, read the following:

“As you fly towards the rooftops near where [name] landed, you see him unconscious in between two building. A fat, mindless titan steps out from the other side of the building and walks towards him. Suddenly, another titan appears from the other side. Instead of eating [name], he steps over his body and punches the other titan in the face with such force that his head flies across the city and lands in a clock tower. The headless titan falls to the ground, and before it can regenerate, the other titan steps on his nape, finishing the job. As [name] wakes up, he sees the abnormal titan run away to attack another titan.”

Connie lands on the roof as the other party members go down to bring up [name]. Connie says it must be an abnormal that attacks its own kind. A DC 15 Intelligence check reveals that the titan is attracted to large groups of titans and is probably headed for the armory.

If anyone stays with Jean and the rest of the group, they start to get closer to the armory. A few people get killed, but the rest make it to the armory by busting down the windows. When inside, the party sees some cadets assigned to the resupply team cowering under a desk. Jean gets angry and attacks them, but is held back by Marco. The result team says the interior of the armory was overrun by 3-4 meter titans. Before anyone can figure out what to do, a titan slams his face into the side of the armory. Everyone runs inside, but if anyone from the party stays they see a titan fist slam into the face in the hole and he goes flying. The titan that the other group found has arrived at the armory and starts clearing out the titans on the outside of the armory.

Act 1, Scene 6[edit]

As the abnormal titan kills titans outside, the party starts to loot what they can of the armory. However, the gas supply, which is downstairs, is filled with 7 3-4 meter titans, and they will be almost impossible to kill without gas (catch 22). A DC 13 perception check finds 20 rifles in the floor they are on. As long as the abnormal titan stays outside, they are safe from outside attacks.

There are two ways to get to the gas supply; going down the elevator or going down the spiral staircase. The spiral staircase leads to the rafters of the gas supply, so from there someone could supposedly jump down and hit a titans nape. Titans are attracted to large groups of people, so if a group of people were lowered in by the elevator, the titans would rush towards them. Guns can be used to blind titans. If someone jumps from the rafters while the titan is blinded, give them advantage on the attack.

Once the titans are cleared out, the remaining cadets refill their tanks and start to exit in hopes of climbing the wall. As they exit, they notice that the abnormal titan in being chewed on by about 5 smaller titans. Part of his chest is ripped open, and he seems to be out of strength. From another street, a new 15 meter titan enters. The party immediately recognizes the titan as the one who ate Thomas. As soon as the abnormal sees him, he throws off the other titan in rage, charges at the one that kills Thomas, bites his nape, holds him above his head, and then throws him into the building. With the area now completely clear of titans, the abnormal falls to the ground. Jean, Reiner, Bertholt, and Annie all witnessed this too. Steam starts erupting from the abnormal titans body, and Connie suggests they leave. But from the nape of the titan, the protagonist emerges unconscious.

Act 1, Scene 7[edit]

After retrieving the main character, the party is separated from Bertholt, Annie, Reiner and Jean and lowered into a courtyard in Wall Maria by Trost district. A cannon from the wall is aimed at them, and Commander Vermin, Rico, and 6d4 armed guards with rifles. Vermin questions the protagonist if he is a titan or human. A DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check convinces him, and on a failure he orders the cannon to fire. The protagonist gets enraged and transforms into The Attack Titan and shields the blast, but his titan form is hit by the canonball mid-transformation and is reduced to a giant skeleton. He falls unconscious and it is up to the other party members to convince Vermin and Rico that they are friendly, either through intimidation or pleading. If they act hostility, the DCs in the Trial in Act 3 all raise by 3. Whatever the outcome, Vermin orders the canon to fire again, but is stopped by Commander Pyxis.

Commander Pyxis takes them up to the top of the wall. He asks the protagonist one simple question: is he willing to use his powers for the good of humanity? Not can he, but is he willing to help.


A white haired woman in the Garrison, under the command of Commander Vermin. She is a loyal soldier, and cares deeply about her comrades, despite not showing it on the surface.

Commander Pyxis[edit]

The top Commander of the southern Garrison. All soldiers there, even Commander Vermin, are under his control. He is known for his determined battle plans and raging alcoholism. It’s rare to ever see him without a flask.


After completing this quest, each PC that participated levels up to level 5.


More information is learned on the titans, and one of the PCs has learned a new secret about themselves.


To be continued in chapter two.


Each character receives 30 minutes of downtime at the conclusion of this adventure.

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