Half-Celestial Template Class (3.5e Template)

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Half-Celestial (Template Class)

The template class version of the classic Half-Celestial template

Half-celestial are the offspring of mortals and celestials. Half-Celestials is usually an inherited template, but it could be acquired under special circumstances, like understanding divine rituals or by spending long time in sacred places.

Making a Half-Celestial

Level Abilities Special
1 Str +2, Cha +2 Outsider type, Darkvision 60 feet, Natural armor +1, Daylight, Spell-like abilities I, Smite evil,
2 Con +2, Dex +2, Int +2 Poison resistance, Energy resistance 5 (acid, cold, electricity), Spell resistance HD/25, Spell-like abilities II
3 Str +2, Wis +2 Damage reduction, Disease immunity, Spell-like abilities III
4 Con +2, Cha +2, Wis +2 Energy resistance 10 (acid, cold, electricity), Spell resistance 10+HD/35, Wings, Spell-like abilities IV

Template Class Features

Outsider Type: At 1st level, the half-celestial nature of the creature shows up. The base type is lost and add the Outsider (native) is acquired. She becomes vulnerable to spells and effects that work on creatures of the outsider type but is immune to effects that target her original type. For example, a half-elf/half-celestial would be subject to the extra damage from an outsider bane sword, but she is immune to hold person because that spell affects only humanoids.

Darkvision (Ex): At 1st level, the half-celestial gains darkvision to a 30-foot range. At 3rd level the range improves to 60 feet.

Natural Armor: At 1st level, the half-celestial's natural armor bonus increases by +1.

Daylight (Su): At 1st level, half-celestials can use a daylight effect (as the spell) once per 5 HD, at 4th level this ability becames uasble at will.

Spell-Like Abilities: Starting at 1st level, a half-celestial with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or better gains spell-like abilities. The exact abilities gained depend on the half- celestial character level and level in the template class, according to the following table. In each case, the caster level equals the half- celestial character level. Save DCs, where applicable, are Charisma-based (10 + spell level + half- celestial’s Charisma modifier).

Starting at 1st level, a half-celestial with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or better gains spell-like abilities abilities. The exact abilities gained depend on its Hit Dice and level in the template class, according to the table below. The abilities are cumulative. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day.

In each case, the caster level equals the half-celestial Hit Dice, and the save DCs, where applicable, are Charisma-based (10 + spell level + half-celestial’s Charisma modifier).

Abilities Minimum Half-Celestial Level
Minimum HD 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 Bless
2 Protection from evil 3/day
3 Detect evil
4 Aid
5 Neutralize poison
6 Cure serious wounds
7 Remove disease
8 Holy smite
9 Dispel evil
11 Holy word
13 hallow Holy aura 3/day
15 Mass charm
17 Summon monster IX
(celestials only)
19 Resurrection

Poison Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level, a half-celestial gains a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

Energy Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level, a half-celestial gains resistance 5 to acid, cold and electricity. At 4th level, the resistance increase to 10.

Spell Resistance (Su): At 2nd level, a half-celestial gains spell resistance equal to her HD (maximum 20). At 4th level, her spell resistance becames HD+10 (maximum 35).

Damage Reduction (Su): A 3rd-level, a half-celestial gains damage reduction 5/magic (11 HD or less), or damage reduction 10/magic (12 HD or more). A half-celestial treats her natural weapons as magic weapons for the purpose of bypassing the damage reduction of other creatures.

Disease Immunity (Ex): At 3rd level, a half-celestial becomes immune to all natural disease.

Smite Evil (Su): At 3rd level, a half-celestial can make a normal melee attack, adding her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll, that deals extra damage equal to its HD against an evil foe. This ability is usable 1/day.

Wings (Ex): At 4th level, a half-celestial has feathered wings and can fly at twice the base creature’s base land speed (good maneuverability). If the base creature has a fly speed, use that instead.


A half-celestial gains skill points as an outsider and has skill points equal to (8 + Int modifier) x (HD +3). Treat skills from the base creature’s list as class skills, and other skills as cross-class. If the base creature has no skill list specified, choose one from your acquired class.

Challenge Rating

  • 1st level half-celestial: HD 11 or less, as base creature +0. HD 11 or more, as base creature +1.
  • 2st level half-celestial: HD 6 or less, as base creature +0. HD 6 to 10, as base creature +1. HD 11 or more, as base creature +1.
  • 3st level half-celestial: HD 6 or less, as base creature +1. HD 6 to 10, as base creature +1. HD 11 or more, as base creature +2.
  • 4st level half-celestial: HD 6 or less, as base creature +1. HD 6 to 10, as base creature +2. HD 11 or more, as base creature +3.


Always good (any).


By character class.

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