Telekinetic Plates (3.5e Feat)

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Telekinetic Plates [Class]

Your Vector Plates can now launch unattended objects.
Prerequisite: Vector Plate Class Feature, Projectile Plates, Caster Level 9
Benefit: Your Vector Plates can now move unattended objects weighing less than 25 pounds per caster level. They get thrown the same distance as creatures in the same direction but they can not be directed to attack creatures with an attack roll. You can however attack individual squares with this ability benefitting alchemical items and other splash weapons. This feat also effectively renders any square affected by a vector plate as total cover against projectiles due to the plates moving the projectile mid flight. However, if the plate is pointing directly at an individual and there is a straight line between where the projectile was fired and the target individual the projectile is bolstered by the Vector Plate and gains the Vector Witch's charisma modifier on the damage roll.
Special: Vector Arrows are counted as projectiles for the purposes of this feat but they only gain the bonus to damage rolls once

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