The Dark City (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Thinker's Fraternity

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Thinker's Fraternity

A guild of scholars and historians, bent upon preserving histories and lore through the ages. This guild is not wealthy in the slightest, but runs the only university in The City and provides nobles with schooling for their children should they need it.

Associated Skills: Spellcraft, Profession (Scholar), Knowledge (Varies)

Scribe’s Guild

Record keepers and official documentaries. No official function occurs without a scribe present to record the event, no matter how silly or trivial.

Associated Skills: Spellcraft, Profession (Scholar), Decipher Script

Astrologers’ Consortium

Diviners and soothsayers. The leader of this guild is usually the Overlord’s personal astrologer, and they have influence because of that. Excellent archives for research.

Associated Skills: Spellcraft, Knowledge (Astrologer), Decipher Script

ALLIES: the Overlords, The Society of Joyous and Sorrowful Comedians ENEMIES: Wizard’s Guild, Church of Aarth

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