The Dark City (3.5e Campaign Setting)/The Slayer's Brotherhood

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The Slayer's Brotherhood

The bounty hunters’ and assassins’ guild based in The City. They actively hunt down anyone for a price. Freelance bounty hunters advertising similar services are offered membership (for an annual fee). This is an offer that most cannot refuse. Some City Watch may be part of this Guild. (Includes All types of fighters, rangers, barbarians-any hired muscle. The brotherhood is very disciplined and failure to fulfill contracts is looked down upon by either to either party.

Associated Skills: Intimidate, Search, Spot, Listen, Sense Motive

Allies and Enemies of the The Slayer Brotherhood

The Brotherhood treats all other Guilds as clients and does not personally get involve in disputes. Therefore it does not actively draw the amenity of the other guilds, who use their services. However, the House of Red Lanterns has a contract with the Slayers Guild for protection which keeps the Thieves Guild from taking over the operation it once controlled.

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