Mender (3.5e Class)
Sometimes, children in development are influenced by the planes. Those affected by the plane of positive energy can find themselves with an excess of life energy. Those who learn to cultivate this excess energy and how to share it can be called menders. Menders are some of the greatest healers in the multiverse.
Making a Mender
Menders are very good at healing. They also can make a decent party face. However, they lack combat skill, and so need protection by those who can fight. They are however skilled at killing undead.
Abilities: Menders need Wisdom and Charisma for their life force pool, and a good Constitution is as good as always.
Races: Menders can be of any race. Their power comes from the planes rather than their blood line, so any race can be a mender..
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: As wizard
Starting Age: As complex
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +0 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Life Force, Healing Burst (1d8), Menders Eye's (hit points), Healing Talent | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +1 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Far Burst, Calming Burst, Planar Calm (positive) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +1 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Swift Burst (swift action), Boosting Burst (expeditious retreat) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +2 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Wiping Burst, Mender's Eyes (conditions) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +2 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Healing Burst (2d8), Positive Well (negative energy/levels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +3 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Mender's Sprite (1 sprite, 10 feet, lv 1), Curing Burst, Mender's Eyes (poisons/diseases) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +3 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Bank Life (1d6), Bonus Feat, Boosting Burst (haste), Positive Well (field) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +4 | +6 | +2 | +6 | Life Spring (1/day), Swift Burst (immediate action) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +4 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Return from Death (raise dead), Mender's Eyes (time dead/cause) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +5 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Healing Burst (3d8), Calming Burst, Planar Calm (negative) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11th | +5 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Restoring Burst, Bank Wipe, Mender's Eyes (ability damage/levels) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12th | +6/+1 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Mender's Sprite (2 sprites, 20 feet, lv 3), Life Spring (2/day), Positive Well (death) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13th | +6/+1 | +8 | +4 | +8 | Wide Burst, Bank Life (2d6), Planar Ties | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th | +7/+2 | +9 | +4 | +9 | Return from Death (resurrection), Bonus Feat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15th | +7/+2 | +9 | +5 | +9 | Healing Burst (4d8), Pure Life | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16th | +8/+3 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Bank Restore, Life Spring (3/day) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17th | +8/+3 | +10 | +5 | +10 | Return from Death (true resurrection), Life Bond | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18th | +9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Mender's Sprite (3 sprites, 30 feet, lv 5) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19th | +9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +11 | Hope Springs Eternal, Bank Life (3d6) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20th | +10/+5 | +12 | +6 | +12 | Healing Burst (5d8), Life Spring (4/day) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features
Positive energy carries a large number of gifts. All of the following are class features of the Mender.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Menders are skilled with all simple weapons. Menders are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
Life Force (Su): Menders have a greater life force then most. This excess life force is tracked in their Life Force pool. The maximum size of this pool is half their mender level (round up) times their Wisdom modifier times their Charisma modifier (with a minimum pool size of their mender level). Once per day, a mender can refill this pool to its maximum value. Doing this takes 1 minute. Menders spend points from this pool to activate their various class features.
Healing Burst (Su): The most basic power of the mender is the healing burst. As a standard action, the mender can unleash a healing burst, spending any number of points from their Life Force pool up to their mender level. For every point they spent, the target is healed 1d8 hit points. The range of a healing burst is 5 feet. This healing is positive energy, and so harms undead (Fort save for half, DC is 10+half the number of points spent+Wis or Cha modifier, whichever is higher).
Menders never let healing go to waste. If a healing burst heals its target to their maximum hit points, any excess healing is given to the target as temporary hit points that last for 1 minute. The amount of temporary hit points given can not exceed the maximum hit points of the target.
At level 5, menders grow better at sheer healing. The amount of healing from a healing burst increases to 2d8 per point. This amount increases by +1d8 per point every 5 levels after that.
For the purposes of qualifying for feats and for the effect of feats, healing burst is a conjuration (healing) spell, with a level equal to half the number of points spent (round down). If a mender has enough Life Force points remaining and is a high enough level to create a healing burst of a given level, they are treated as having that spell available to cast.
Mender's Eyes (Ex): To apply their healing to its best effect, menders can see the life force of others. Menders can see the current and maximum hit points of any creature they can see, along with all temporary hit points and non-lethal damage. This also tells them how many hit dice those viewed have. They do still see this information for those who aren't living (undead, constructs, etc), but can also tell that the creature is not actually alive.
Starting at level 4, menders can also see what conditions other have. Menders can see what conditions other creatures may be suffering from. Menders can see any of the following conditions: confused, dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken or sickened.
Starting at level 6, menders can also see what ails others. Menders can see what diseases and poisons those they see are suffering from.
Starting at level 9, menders can see how far gone the fallen are. When looking at any part of a dead body, the mender can see how long the body has been dead and what the cause of death was.
Starting at level 11, menders can tell what other things cause your suffering. Menders can see how much ability score damage or drain is being suffered by those they can see, and how many negative levels or lost levels those seen are under.
Healing Talent (Ex): Menders are rather skilled at using other means of healing as well. Healers may activate all items with the Spell Trigger activation method if the spell in question is a conjuration (healing) spell. They can also activate items with the Spell Completion activation method if the spell is a conjuration (healing) spell and if the level of the spell is less than or equal to half their mender level (round down their mender level).
Far Burst (Su): Starting at level 2, menders can heal from a distance. When unleashing a healing burst, the mender can spend an extra point (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one burst). If they do, the range of the burst is increased to 50 feet.
Calming Burst (Su): Starting at level 2, menders can calm those they heal. When unleashing a healing burst, the mender can spend an extra point (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one burst). If they do, the target also receives the effect of a calm emotions spell, with a save DC based on Wisdom or Charisma, whichever is higher and a caster level of the mender's mender level. They may also spend extra points for this effect (the per burst limit still applies). For every extra point, the save DC increases by 1.
Starting at level 10, menders can calm those who would be unaffected. When using this feature, the mender may choose to spend an extra 4 points on top of the cost (the per burst limit still applies). If they do, the calm emotions spell effect loses the [mind-affecting] tag.
Planar Calm (Ex): Menders are full of positive energy. This results in them having great protection from planes tied to it. Starting at level 2, menders are immune to the effect of positive-dominant planes. In addition, they can breathe the energy of the plane as if it was air.
In addition to their own personal immunity, a mender can, as a move action, choose to start emitting a protective field of their own energy to hold back the energy of the plane. This field grants immunity to positive-dominant planes and the ability to breathe the energy to all creatures within 30 feet of the mender. Each round the field is up costs 1 point from the menders life force pool, and the field can be ended as a free action.
For greater menders, their well of positive energy shields them from opposing planes as well. Starting at level 10, menders are immune to the effect of negative-dominant planes. The menders protective field also grants immunity to negative-dominant planes.
Swift Burst (Su): Starting at level 3, menders can heal much faster. When unleashing a healing burst, the mender can spend two extra points (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one burst). If they do, they can unleash that burst as a swift action. At level 8, this is improved to an immediate action.
Boosting Burst (Su): Starting at level 3, menders can imbue those they heal with added speed in life. When unleashing a healing burst, the mender can spend two extra points (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one burst). If they do, the target also receives the effect of an expeditious retreat spell, with a caster level of the mender's mender level.
Starting at level 7, menders can hand out even greater speed then before. When using this feature, the mender may choose to spend an extra two points on top of the cost (the per burst limit still applies). If they do, the target also receives the effect of an haste spell, with a caster level of the mender's mender level (this means you must spend a total of 4 points to get the haste, and you also get the expeditious retreat).
Wiping Burst (Su): Starting at level 4, menders can restore other things then merely hit points. When unleashing a healing burst, the mender can spend an extra point (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one burst). If they do, the burst also removes one of the following conditions at the menders choice: confused, dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken or sickened. A mender can spend more then one extra point for this ability (the per burst limit still applies). They can remove one condition per extra point spent.
Positive Well (Ex): The life force within a mender shields them from the forces of death. Starting at level 5, the mender can resist various dark effects. They are immune to negative energy damage and ability score drain from undead. If mender would suffer negative levels or level loss while they still have at least 3 points in their life force pool, they instead lose 3 points from their life force pool for every level that would be lost.
Starting at level 7, a mender can, as a move action, choose to start emitting a protective field of their own energy to repel dark energy. This field grants immunity to negative energy damage and ability score drain from undead to all creatures within 30 feet of the mender. In addition, if someone within the field would suffer negative levels or level loss, the mender may spend 3 points from their life force pool per level as a non-action negate the negative levels or level loss. Each round the field is up costs 2 points from the menders life force pool, and the field can be ended as a free action.
Higher level menders can defy death directly. Starting at level 12, if the mender would be killed by a death effect or death spell while they still have at least 9 points in their life force pool, they instead lose 9 points from their life force pool. If someone in a protective field generated by this class feature would would be killed by a death effect or death spell, the mender may spend 9 points from their life force pool as a non-action to negate the death effect or death spell.
Mender's Sprite (Su): Starting at level 6, menders have a such a surplus of life energy that their physical frame can't hold it all. A mender's sprite comes into existence to store and use some of this surplus energy. A menders sprite is a glowing ball of light. The sprite has no physical existence, existing as an extension of the mender. Nonetheless, the sprite is intelligent, with mental stats equal to those of the mender. It can speak any language known by the mender.
The sprite is tiny sized and has a fly speed of 30 feet (perfect), but cannot move further than 10 feet away from the mender. If something would cause the sprite to move too far from the mender, the sprite is pulled to stay in range. The sprite has its own life force pool with a maximum size of the menders mender level. This pool is refilled when the mender refills their pool. It may use these points as a first level mender. The sprite has its own set of actions, and acts on the menders initiative count.
At level 12, the mender gains a second mender's sprite. Both sprites have their range increased to 20 feet away from the mender, and they can use their points as a third level mender. Every 6 levels after that, the mender gains another sprite, the range of all of the sprites is increased by 10 feet and the mender level of those sprites increases by 2.
Regardless of their mender level, mender's sprites only get mender's eyes and mender class features with burst in the name.
Curing Burst (Su): Starting at level 6, menders can cure various illnesses. When unleashing a healing burst, the mender can spend two extra points (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one burst). If they do, the burst also removes one disease or poison the target was suffering from at the menders choice. A mender can spend more than two extra points for this ability (the per burst limit still applies). They can remove one disease or poison per two points spent.
Bank Life (Su): Sometimes, the menders help is needed somewhere they can't go. Starting at level 7, they have a way past this problem. As a full round action, a mender can imbue a container of water with life energy. When they do this, they can spend any number of points from their Life Force pool up to half their mender level. If the container is later drunk from, the creature who drunk the water is healed 1d6 hit points for every point spent. Once drunk from, the power stored is used up. If not drunk from within 1 hour per mender level, the power fades to no effect. This healing is positive energy, and so harms undead.
At level 13, menders grow better at storing life. The amount of healing from banked life increases to 2d6 per point. This amount increases by +1d6 every 6 levels after that.
Life Spring (Ex): Starting at level 8, the mender can call upon their inner power to refill their life force reserves. Once per day, a mender can add a number of points to their Life Force pool equal to their mender level. Doing this takes 1 minute. At level 12, a mender may use this ability twice per day. They get another daily use every 4 levels after that.
Return from Death (Sp): Starting at level 9, even death is no barrier to a mender. By spending 10 points from their Life Force pool, a mender can create the effect of a Raise Dead spell (CL is their mender level).
At level 14, the mender can reach further back, and needs less of the dead. By spending 20 points from their Life Force pool, a mender can create the effect of a Resurrection spell (CL is their mender level).
At level 17, the mender needn't have any of the dead at all. By spending 30 points from their Life Force pool, a mender can create the effect of a True Resurrection spell (CL is their mender level).
Restoring Burst (Su): Starting at level 11, menders can bring back missing parts or abilities. When unleashing a healing burst, the mender can spend four extra points (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one burst). If they do, the burst also does one of the following, at the menders choice: removes blindness, removes deafness, restores missing body parts (like Regenerate), removes all ability score damage, remove all negative levels, or restores one drained level. A mender can spend more than four extra points for this ability (the per burst limit still applies). They get one effect per four extra points spent.
Bank Wipe (Su): More skilled menders can store their wiping abilities for future use. Starting at level 11, when using their bank life class feature, the mender can spend an extra point (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one container). If they do, they may choose a condition from the list in wiping burst. When the container of water is drunk from, the chosen condition is removed. A mender can spend more than one extra point for this ability (the per container limit still applies). They can choose one condition per extra point spent.
Planar Ties (Sp): The great planar energy within a mender allows them to drift between the planes. Starting at level 13, the mender can shift between some planes. By spending 15 points from their Life Force pool, a mender can create the effect of a Plane Shift spell (save DC based on Wisdom or Charisma, whichever is higher), except the only planes that can be chosen are the mender's native plane and those with the positive-dominant planar trait.
Wide Burst (Su): Great menders can help groups fast. Starting at level 13, the mender can heal an area all at once. When unleashing a healing burst, the mender can triple the cost (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one burst, and is applied after all other effect). If they do, the burst affects all creatures within 30 feet of the mender. The mender may choose to exclude targets as they see fit.
Pure Life (Ex): The sheer amount of positive energy within a mender becomes immune to poison and diseases.
Bank Restore (Su): Very skilled menders can store their restoring abilities for future use. Starting at level 16, when using their bank life class feature, the mender can spend an extra four points (this added cost applies to the limit of points spent on one container). If they do, they may choose an effect from the list in restoring burst. When the container of water is drunk from, the drinker gets the chosen effect. A mender can spend more than four extra points for this ability (the per container limit still applies). They choose one effect per four extra points spent.
Life Bond (Ex): Menders are tied to their own life force very strongly, to the point of retaining it all. Starting at level 17, menders never lose levels when brought back from the dead. In addition, any effect that would stop a mender from coming back from the dead fails (example: soul bind fails).
Hope Springs Eternal (Su): Death can not stop the greatest of menders, even if it that death happens to be their own. Starting at level 19, if a mender dies, their spirit instantly rises in the space of the menders body. Their spirit has any Life Force points they had left in life, and all uses of daily abilities left. They can not leave the square their body is in, nor can they make attacks or be targeted by attacks. They may use any of their mender class features normally. Every round, they lose 10 Life Force points. Once they run out of Life Force points, the spirit fades. If they are raised from the dead while in spirit form, they return to their body.
A mender who becomes undead loses all mender class features (except weapon and armor proficiencies). They may not progress any farther in levels as a mender. They regains their abilities and advancement potential if cease to be undead, as appropriate.
Epic Mender
Level | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21st | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22nd | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
23rd | Bonus feat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
24th | Mender's Sprite (4 sprites, 40 feet, lv 4), Bank Life (4d6), Life Spring (5/day) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
25th | Healing Burst (6d8) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26th | Bonus feat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
27th | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28th | Life Spring (6/day) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
29th | Bonus feat | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30th | Healing Burst (7d8), Mender's Sprite (4 sprites, 40 feet, lv 7), Bank Life (5d6) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 + Int modifier skill points per level. |
Life Force: The mender's life force pool continues to grow based on their class level.
Healing Burst: The limit of points per burst continues to scale, as does the number of dice per point.
Mender's Sprite: The number, range and level of the mender's sprites continues to scale as seen on the chart.
Bank Life: The limit of points per bank continues to scale, as does the number of dice per point.
Bonus Feats: The epic mender gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic mender bonus feats) every 3 levels after 20th.
Epic Mender Bonus Feat List: Additional Magic Item Space, Armor Skin, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reputation, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Wisdom, Superior Initiative.
Human mender Starting Package
Weapons: Quarterstaff.
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.
Skill | Ranks | Ability | Armor Check Penalty |
Heal | 4 | Cha | — |
Diplomacy | 4 | Wis | — |
Bluff | 4 | Cha | — |
Sense Motive | 4 | Wis | — |
Feat: Improved Initiative.
Bonus Feats: Negotiator.
Gear: Padded Armor, healer's kit, 1 weeks rations, full waterskin, backpack.
Gold: 13 gold pieces, 5 silver pieces.
Campaign Information
Playing a Mender
Religion: Some menders tend towards gods of healing, but this is by no means a requirement.
Other Classes: Menders can get along with just about any class, but most menders tend not to work well with necromancers.
Combat: In combat, the role of a mender is to keep the rest of the party active and fighting. When fighting undead, the mender can act as the primary attacker due to the effects of positive energy on undead.
Advancement: There aren't really any classes that mix well with the mender. A small dip into mender can help other classes, but the inverse isn't true.
Menders in the World
“ | "Stella may not be able to fight, but there's no-one else I would want behind me on the battlefield." | ” |
—Carevlan Quickhammer, dwarven fighter |
Menders heal. They make very effective doctors. Due to their combined focus on Charisma and Wisdom, they also make effective leaders.
Daily Life: An average mender simply heads out to do their job, which is usually healing.
Organizations: There is no offical organization of menders, but there are small pockets of menders who gather together to better use their resources and to train new menders.
NPC Reactions: Most people treat a mender like they would any other healer in the world, or perhaps a bit worse due to the lack of a divine focus.
NPC Reactions: <-How NPCs react to PCs of this class->.
Mender Lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes) can research menders to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
DC | Result |
5 | Menders possess large amounts of positive energy from their birth. With this energy, they can heal others. |
10 | All of that extra energy grants them the ability to mend wounds and remedy almost all other conditions, including death. |
15 | Despite the healing focus, menders can be of any alignment. Positive energy doesn't have to be good. |
20 | Even killing a skilled mender can't keep them down. The greatest of menders can act after they die, healing from the grave or even raising themselves. |
Menders in the Game
The mender class fits the healer role. Plain and simple. They can also act as the party face.
Adaptation: Their energy doesn't have to come from the Positive Energy plane. Any plane with the positive-dominant trait will do.
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