Seven Sins (3.5e Class)

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Seven Sins

Since you first opened your eyes after the rebound, everything has been different. You don't remember your life from before. Your family. Your friends. Your name. None of them exist in your mind anymore, and all that remains is a feeling of emptiness. You feel nothing more than a overpowering, driving force, pushing you to fulfill what you feel to be a base instinct, and to try and become whole again. But the question is, what is it that you feel, this driving force? The wrath that you wish to rain down upon anyone who stands in the way of your goals? Overpowering greed, and the need to fill the hole inside with everything desirable? Or are you a prideful, arrogant being who has accepted who you are, and now look down on everything else that exists because you're realized that you're the "next step", and will stop at nothing to tear the gods from the heavens and rule over everything. You need to decide your fate, and live with your Sin.

Making a Seven Sins

These creatures feed off of their own personal desire, and use everyone and everything to accomplish it. While they look down on all living creatures, they also look at them as an important resource and do not harm anything that means them no harm. So while they are sometimes unbearable, they can be a vital asset to their group because of their group, especially if they are wrathful or filled with greed, as the greed would cause the creature to see its allies as possessions.

Abilities: No specific stat is more important than another, due to how the Homunculi vary from one individual to the next. But Con is recommended to be prioritized, followed by strength or charisma depending on what Sin you go with.

Races: You must be a Humanoid-type creature to become a Seven Sin.

Alignment: The Seven Sins are the reincarnation of Evil and thus must be some sort of Evil alignment.

Table: The Seven Sins

Hit Die: d12

Level Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +2 +0 +0 Enter the Sin
2nd +3 +0 +0 Bonus Feat
3rd +3 +1 +1 Bonus Feat
4th +4 +1 +1 Bonus Feat
5th +4 +1 +1 Embrace the Sin
6th +5 +2 +1 Bonus Feat
7th +5 +2 +1 Bonus Feat
8th +6 +3 +2 Bonus Feat
9th +6 +3 +2 Bonus Feat
10th +7 +4 +3 Point of no return
11th +7 +4 +3 Bonus Feat
12th +8 +5 +4 Bonus Feat
13th +8 +5 +4 Bonus Feat
14th +9 +6 +5 Bonus Feat
15th +9 +6 +5 Envelopment
16th +10 +7 +6 Bonus Feat
17th +10 +8 +6 Bonus Feat
18th +11 +9 +7 Bonus Feat
19th +11 +9 +7 Bonus Feat
20th +12 +10 +8 The End

Class Skills (10 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
A Seven Sins is trained in all skills.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Seven Sins.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with martial and exotic weapons, and are proficient with all armor and shields.

Enter the Sin: At 1st level, you must choose the sin you are most guilty of. This sin will become your new driving force, and each one will have its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Once you have chosen a sin, you cannot change it.

Pride: Gain the flaw apathy, conceited, overconfident, and pride. Your size is now considered small, and gain a 25% concealment bonus when in a shadow, even if the shadow doesn't completely cover you. Note that this ability and any others from this sin use shadows, not darkness. Because of this, you cannot use your powers in non-magical darkness. Magical darkness is treated as a shadow. Your class BAB is +1, +2/+1, +3/+2, +4/+3, +5/+4, +6/+5/+1, +7/+6/+2, +8/+7/+3, +9/+8/+4, +10/+9/+5/+5, +11/+10/+6/+6, +12/+11/+7/+7, +13/+12/+8/+8, +14/+13/+9/+9, +15/+14/+10/+10/+5, +15/+15/+10/+10/+6, +15/+15/+10/+10/+7, +15/+15/+10/+10/+8, +15/+15/+10/+10/+9, +15/+15/+10/+10/+10,

Wrath: Gain the flaw apathy, compulsive killer, short temper, sadist, and impatient. You also gain +3 to your initiative, +10 to your movement speed, and you gain the blind fighting feat. Your class BAB is +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6/+1, +7/+2, +8/+3, +9/+4, +10/+5/+5, +11/+6/+6, +12/+7/+7, +13/+8/+8, +14/+9/+9, +15/+10/+10, +16/+11/+11/+11, +17/+12/+12/+12, +18/+13/+13/+13, +19/+14/+14/+14, +20/+15/+15/+15

Greed: Gain the flaw apathy, compulsive gambler, curious. You also gain a bonus to your natural armor equal to your dex mod + 1/4th of your ECL. Your class BAB is +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6/+1, +7/+2, +8/+3 +9/+4, +10/+5, +11/+6/+1, +12/+7/+2, +13/+8/+3, +14/+9/+4, +15/+10/+5, +16/+11/+6/+1, +17/+12/+7/+2, +18/+13/+8/+3, +19/+14/+9/+4, +20/+15/+10/+5

Envy: Gain the flaw apathy, dense, and narcissistic. You also gain the shapechanger subtype, and may change into the form of any creature or humanoid you have encountered as a swift action, up to 1 size category smaller and up to 2 categories larger than your normal size. Your class BAB is +0, +1, +2, +3, +3, +4, +5, +6/+1, +6/+1, +7/+2, +8/+3, +9/+4, +9/+4, +10/+5, +11/+6/+1, +12/+7/+2, +12/+7/+2, +13/+8/+3, +14/+9/+4, +15/+10/+5

Lust: Gain the flaw apathy, exhibitionist, and skinny dipper. You gain the ability to add your charisma mod and half of your strength mod when rolling for attack and damage. Your class BAB is +0, +1, +2, +3, +3, +4, +5, +6/+1, +6/+1, +7/+2, +8/+3, +9/+4, +9/+4, +10/+5, +11/+6/+1, +12/+7/+2, +12/+7/+2, +13/+8/+3, +14/+9/+4, +15/+10/+5

Gluttony: Gain the flaw apathy, fear of starvation, high metabolism, and obese. You gain scent for up to 200 feet, a +5 bonus to survival, and a deflection bonus of 1/2 your ECL to your AC. Your class BAB is +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10/+5, +11/+6, +12/+7, +13/+8, +14/+9, +15/+10/+10, +16/+11/+11, +17/+12/+12, +18/+13/+13, +19/+14/+14, +20/+15/+15

Sloth: Gain the flaw apathy, attention deficit, extreme boredom, and unfocused. You may add half of your strength mod as a deflection bonus to your AC, and may use your strength mod instead of your wisdom and dexterity when making a saving throw. You are also considered 2 size categories larger than your actual size. Your class BAB is +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10/+10, +11/+11, +12/+12, +13/+13, +14/+14, +15/+15, +16/+16, +17/+17, +18/+18, +19/+19, +20/+20

Embrace the Sin:

Pride: You gain the supernatural ability to shadow jump (cha mod + 3) a day. You can only shadow jump to shadows within your line of sight, and the shadow must be large enough for you to fit through. You also gain the shadow sight ability. This allows you to see and hear out of any shadow within 100m of you. This distance goes up by 10m for every level that you gain after gaining this ability.

Wrath: You gain the weapon focus and weapon specialization feats. You also gain an additional +10 to your movement speed, and +1 to your initiative.

Greed: You gain two unarmed fighting feats of your from the general feats, regardless of prerequisite. You also gain claws as natural weapons, and your natural weapons and fists may be enchanted.

Envy: When you have shapeshifted, you no longer need to change outfits for the disguise. Your clothes change to whatever you wish them to be, but they may not exceed their current mass (e.g., you cannot make a suit of armor out of a cloak). You gain a +5 bonus to your disguise and bluff checks, and your true form cannot be revealed unless the casters true seeing is higher than your ECL + cha mod + disguise check.

Lust: You may add your charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to your AC. You also gain a +5 to bluff, diplomacy, profession, and sense motive.

Gluttony: Gain the toughness and improved toughness feats. You gain an additional +2 to your constitution score.

Sloth: Gain the brawl, brute, and brawn feats. You gain an additional +2 to your strength.

Point of no return:

Pride: You can now use your own shadow as a weapon. It deals force/slashing/piercing damage of xd8, where x is your charisma mod. This damage is doubled if your shadow is being created by magical light. The range for this attack is half of the range of Shadow sight. Using this ability, you can also grip objects and creatures within line of sight as if you were a creature of any size from Tiny to Large. You choose what size to emulate every round.

Wrath: You gain the greater weapon focus and specialization feats. Any weapon you wield is considered to have a natural +1 enchantment equal to 1/4th of your dexterity mod (e.g., you have a dexterity mod of 20, and you pick up a sword with no enchantments. When you are wielding this weapon, it is treated as having a +5 enchantment.)

Greed: You gain an additional bonus to your natural armor equal to your dex mod + 1/4th of your ECL. When dealing damage with an unarmed strike, you may add half your total AC to your damage dealt.

Envy: You've become so adept in disguising yourself, that you can now understand and speak all languages except lost or secret languages, as per the polyglot feat. You also gain a +10 bluff, diplomacy, disguise, sense motive, and all knowledge checks, and you gain a +5 to forgery and gather information checks.

Lust: You can now use your charisma mod for all saving throws instead of dexterity, wisdom, or constitution. You may also use your charisma mod when making any skill check.

Gluttony: You gain a deflection bonus equal to your total constitution mod. You also gain +4 to your constitution score.

Sloth: You gain the improved brute and brawn feats. You also gain +6 to your strength.


Pride: The strength of your shadows increases. It deals force/slashing/piercing damage of xd10, where x is your charisma mod. This damage is doubled if your shadow is being created by magical light. Your critical threat range with your shadow increases by 1. In addition, if your body dies, you can survive as a separate entity. However, if you do not take a new 'host' within 10 minutes of your body's death, you are irrevocably destroyed and you can only be revived via a miracle, wish or greater wish spell. You may only possess the body of a living sentient creature and to do so requires the attempted host to make a DC 15 + 1/2 of your charisma mod Will save. If you, in you separate entity form, are completely cut off from shadows or darkness of any kind, you are destroyed.

Wrath: You may choose up to 3 feats that involve the use of your weapon of choice, as well as the favored weapon feat. You also gain +10 to your movement speed and +1 to your initiative.

Greed: You gain an additional bonus to your natural armor equal to your dex mod + 1/4th of your ECL. When dealing damage with your claws, you may add your total AC to your damage dealt.

Envy: Your disguise is so believable, allies and foes alike cannot tell if it's you. Once per round as a standard action, you may attempt to confuse a single enemy into attacking his allies during the next round. The will save is (1/2 bluff + 1/2 disguise + cha mod), and when impersonating an enemy commander, the save is doubled. If you are spotted by an enemy while you are changing, the save is cut in half and if the save is successful, your attempt provokes an attack of opportunity. You cannot use this ability on the same opponent two rounds in a row.

Lust: Whenever you make a roll of any kind that you can apply your charisma mod to, you gain a +5 competence bonus to your roll. Anything that naturally involved needing you to add your charisma mod to, you gain a stackable competence bonus of +5.

Gluttony: You gain an additional deflection bonus to your AC equal to your total constitution mod. You also gain +6 to your constitution score.

Sloth: You may add your total strength modifier as a bonus to your natural armor, and half of it as a deflection bonus. You also gain +6 to your strength score.

The End:

Pride: The strength of your shadows increases. It deals force/slashing/piercing damage of xd10, where x is your charisma mod x 1.5. This damage is doubled if your shadow is being created by magical light. At this point, you gain the ability to leave your body at will, as when your body dies, but you are not subject to the time limit unless your current host body dies. If your current host body dies while you have left it, you are instantly aware of this.

Wrath: As long as you are using your favored weapon, your attacks ignore any AC bonuses on your targets that come from armor or natural armor.

Greed: You gain an additional bonus to your natural armor equal to your dex mod + your (ECL x 2.25). You can never be denied your dexterity mod when it comes to your AC.

Envy: The use of the ability gained in Envelopment is increased, and can be used as many times as you are able to take a standard action per round. After the confused target is done attacking his allies, is then dazed for 1d4 rounds.

Lust: When any roll is made by you against someone of the opposite gender, any time your charisma is added, you instead add your charisma x1.5. Any roles made against you from the opposite gender suffer a -4 penalty.

Gluttony: Once per 5 rounds, and up to 3 times a day, you summon a void-like beam in front of you. This beam is 10 feet wide and 20 feet long. To avoid it, a reflex save of (20 + con mod) must be made. A failed reflex causes anything caught by the beam to be devoured and trapped in a closed dimension inside of Gluttony's stomach, where anything living will slowly starve to death.

Sloth: If you have stood still for two or more rounds without attacking, you gain a massive defensive boost. You are granted an additional strength modifier x2 as a bonus to your natural armor, and your full strength modifier as a deflection bonus. You also add two more attacks to your BAB, which are treated as your highest BAB. For every attack made against you, you may treat it as an attack of opportunity and hit back once in retaliation. If you make a non-retaliatory attack or move, you lose this bonus the next round. You may regain it again by restarting the prerequisites for this ability.

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