Sumo Wrestler (3.5e Class)

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Sumo Wrestler

A large fighter hailing from the distant eastern lands, where they embody the ideal man, Sumo Wrestlers are notorious for their large bodies and impressive strength, ferocity, and discipline. Sumo Wrestlers, also known as Rikishi, are best when dealing with a single opponent, most often when grappling. A Rikishi's thick large body, although slow, is more than capable of taking a large variety of damage.

Making a Sumo Wrestler

Rikishi are a mixed class. They don't perfectly fit the role of the monk, and they don't perfectly fit the role of a tank. Instead, they take a place somewhere in between. Though they can use weapons, they usually prefer not to, choosing to rely on their bare hands and grappling throws.

Abilities: Strength is very important for a Rikishi, to increase the effectiveness of grappling and throws. Additionally, Constitution is also important, as it increases the amount of damage they can take. Charisma is the third most important, mostly to keep enemies intimidated as long as possible. It should not take precedence over Str or Con. Dex, Int, and Wis are less important, as Rikishi rarely, if ever, use magic. It is also worth noting that the stats of a Rikishi are affected by their weight, in the passive skill 'Size Matters'.

Races: Any race is welcome to be a Rikishi, however, as this is a class heavily based upon the size of the character, size definitely matters. Smaller races, such as Gnomes and Halflings, would be less effective Rikishi than Half-Orcs or Dwarves and Humans that are very fat. Elves, Half-Elves and non-fat Humans find the sport of Sumo to be repulsive, due to its focus being on size, and are therefore rarely, if ever, seen as Rikishi.

Gender: For historical accuracy and role play purposes, it is ideal for a Sumo Wrestler to be male.

Alignment: Any lawful. nothing happends if the character become Neutral Good, Neutral or Neutral Evil. Sumo Wrestlers have a great sense of honour, and would never dream of cheating. They are, however, rather greedy, and can therefore be evil or good.

Starting Gold: 5d6 if the character's race fits in a Medium or higher size category. 3d6 if the character's race is smaller than Medium.

Starting Age: Moderate

Table: The Sumo Wrestler

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Rikishi, Heavy Weight, Size Matters, Grappling Fighter
2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Intimidating Size, Discipline
3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 Oshi-Dashi
4th +3 +4 +1 +1 Improved Grapple, Heavy Weight
5th +3 +4 +1 +1 Komusubi, Hikiotoshi
6th +4 +5 +2 +2 Sotogake
7th +5 +5 +2 +2 Crippling Arm Hold
8th +6 +6 +2 +2 Nodowa, Improved Disarm, Bonus Feat
9th +6 +6 +3 +3 Ritual Sanctification
10th +7 +7 +3 +3 Sekiwake
11th +8 +7 +3 +3 Heavy Weight, Greater Grapple
12th +9 +8 +4 +4 Chankonabe, Strangel Hold
13th +9 +8 +4 +4 Harite
14th +10 +9 +4 +4 Abise-Taoshi
15th +11 +9 +5 +5 Ozeki
16th +12 +10 +5 +5 Weaponized Enemy, Bonus Feat
17th +12 +10 +5 +5 Master Grapple
18th +13 +11 +6 +6 Supplex
19th +14 +11 +6 +6 Grounded Stance, Grounded Push
20th +15 +12 +6 +6 Yokozuna

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Perform (sing) (Cha), Tumble (Dex)

Class Features

Sumo Wrestler's class features focus on the use of grappling technique, unarmed, and unarmored combat. All of the following are class features of the Sumo Wrestler.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Sumo Wrestler's are proficient with short swords, long swords, both one handed and two handed. They are not proficient with any kind of shield. They are not proficient with any kind of armour, but may wear robes if they wish. Sumo Wrestlers, as far as armour goes, prefer to wear a mawashi, which is a traditional sumo wrestling garment. While using shields, weapons, and armour that isn't a robe or mawashi, the Sumo Wrestler loses any benefit gained from Size Matters, and loses the ability to use their grappling techniques.

Size Matters: While unarmoured and unarmed, the Sumo Wrestler gains an increase to their BAB equal to their weight/100(rounded up)+rank bonus. Their Natural AC is increased by their weight/100(rounded up)+rank bonus. At level 1, a Sumo Wrestler is simply Rikishi, and therefore does not receive a rank bonus. Sumo Wrestlers increase in rank every five levels.

Ranks: The ranks of Sumo Wrestlers, with the exception of Rikishi are as follows.

Komusubi: Granted at the fifth level, grants a rank bonus of 1, and a permanent Constitution increase of +2

Sekiwake: Granted at the tenth level, grants a rank bonus of 2, and a permanent Dexterity increase of +2

Ozeki: Granted at the fifteenth level, grants a rank bonus of 3, and a permanent Charisma increase of +2

Yokozuna: Granted at the twentieth level, grants a rank bonus of 4, and a permanent Strength increase of +2

Heavy Weight: Upon acquiring this trait, the Sumo Wrestler's weight increases by 5d10+25, their Str increases by 1d4, and their Con increases by 1d4. This trait can be acquired multiple times, in place of a feat. Medium and Large characters can acquire this trait up to 5 times, whereas characters smaller than Medium may only acquire this trait up to 3 times.

Intimidating Size The Sumo gains their weight/100(rounded up) to the Miscellaneous of their Intimidate skill. When attacking a Sumo Wrestler for the first time in an encounter, enemies must pass a Will save against the Sumo's Intimidation. If they fail the check, they are intimidated by the sheer size of the Sumo Wrestler, and cannot attack them this turn. They must continue to make Will saves during subsequent turns until one is passed.

Grappling Fighter Sumo Wrestlers, although capable of fighting hand to hand, prefer to grapple. As such, Sumo Wrestlers gain their rank bonus to grapple checks. For every turn that a Sumo Wrestler successfully grapples an opponent, they deal their total melee attack bonus +1d4 in damage.

Discipline\ A Sumo Wrestler is well disciplined, and has trained his mind and body to suffer under the harshest conditions. Sumo wrestler's gain their rank bonus+2 to rolls that save against poisons, stuns, fears, and other debuffs.

Oshi-Dashi (Ex): A frontal push-out. Can be used from a maximum of 60 feet away. The Sumo Wrestler rams their body into their opponent, dealing 2d6 damage. The opponent must pass a balance check greater than the sumo's concentration check, otherwise they are knocked down. Cannot be used if the opponent is within grappling distance.

Hikiotoshi (Ex): A fierce counter attack. Can be used whenever you would have an attack of opportunity. The Sumo Wrestler grabs the arm of a charging opponent, and pulls them to the ground, dealing 2d6 damage. The opponent must pass a balance check greater than the sumo's Concentration check, otherwise they are knocked down.

Sotogake (Ex): A fierce trip that leaves opponents dazed. The Sumo Wrestler literally pulls an opponent's legs out from underneath them, dealing 1d6 damage and dazing them for 1d4 turns. Can only be used once per encounter.

Nodowa (Ex): Can only be done if the opponent is grappled. The Sumo thrusts their palm into the opponent's throat, dealing 3d6 damage. This ends the grapple, and knocks the opponent back ten feet.

Harite (Ex): A slap to the face, distracting the opponent for a brief moment. The Sumo deals 1d4 non-lethal damage. The opponent must make a Fortitude save, otherwise they are dazed for one turn.

Abise-Taoshi (Ex): The sumo uses their very body weight to force an opponent to the ground. Initial damage dealt is 3d6. The opponent must succesfully make a fortitude save to push the Sumo wrestler off of them, though the wrestler may remove himself at any time. While the Sumo Wrestler is on top of an opponent, treat the situation as a normal grapple.

Ritual Sanctification (Ex): If the Sumo is in possession of salt and sake/beer/wine, he can make a purification circle around the party's camp. Whilst inside the purification circle, party members recover hit points at an accelerated rate (at the DM's discretion), and cannot be attacked by undead, evil spirits, and unholy creatures. The category of unholy creature is again up to the DM's discretion.

Supplex (Ex): A significantly more aggressive strike than what one would normally see from a Sumo Wrestler. Cannot be used after Abise-Taoshi. Can only be used while grappling or in grappling distance of an enemy. The Sumo Wrestler grabs the opponent and throws their entire body backwards, almost acrobatically. When used on humanoids, roll 1d100. If the result is 90 or higher, the enemy's neck has been broken, reducing their hit points to 0 and paralyzing them. Otherwise, deal 5d6 damage, and end the grapple.

Weaponized Enemy (Ex): A bizarrely more aggressive technique than one would normally see from a Sumo. Can only be used while grappling an opponent. The sumo throws the opponent at an enemy within 40 feet of himself, dealing 2d6 damage to both the thrown opponent and the target enemy.

Chankonabe (Ex): If the Sumo is in possession of chicken meat, fish meat, vegetables, and sake, he can prepare up to five portions of Chankonabe meal. Each portion restores 2d8 hit points upon consumption. Anyone who goes to sleep within three hours after consuming Chankonabe also gains 2d6 pounds to their weight, regardless of the number of portions. It takes approximately 20 minutes to prepare the meal.

Ex-Sumo Wrestlers

A sumo wrestler who becomes chaotic cannot gain new levels as a sumo wrestler but retains all sumo wrestler abilities.

Like a member of any other class, a sumo wrestler may be a multiclass character, but multiclass sumo wrestlers face a special restriction. A sumo wrestler who gains a new class or (if already multiclass) raises another class by a level may never again raise her sumo wrestler level, though she retains all her sumo wrestler abilities.

Epic Sumo Wrestler

Epic Sumo Wrestler gain bonus feat each two level after 20th from fighter bonus feats of epic fighter bonus feats.

Campaign Information

Playing a Sumo Wrestler

Religion: Sumo Wrestlers are practically are taught from the minute they begin learning the art of Sumo to appease the gods. The god they choose to worship, however, is entirely up to them, as long as the god leans towards Lawful, and has respect for honour and tradition.

Other Classes: Sumos are generally an interesting addition to the party. Due to the Sumo's larger size, most other classes, especially warrior classes, will tend to make fun of them. That is until a Sumo crushes an opponent with his weight, of course. Due to their deep roots in tradition and religion, Sumos tend to get along quite well with Monks and Priests, and they tend to work well together in combat. Sumos view summoners, or people that summon creatures to their side, as being inherently evil, and would choose not to interact with them whenever possible. Again, due to their roots in religion, Sumo Wrestlers have a severe distrust and dislike of anyone who practices any form of necromancy, or summoning and manipulation of the dead. Due to the Sumo's habit of sleeping, many people consider them to be lazy.

Combat: In combat, the role of a Sumo Wrestler is to choose one target and hold them in place, often beating them to a pulp while they're at it. Their arsenal is full of tools for knocking enemies down and dazing them.

Advancement: It is undesirable for Sumos to multiclass, as their lifestyle is unique and streamlined. With a combat that focuses so much on unarmed fighting and grappling, even something as simple as magic could weaken them.

Sumo Wrestlers in the World

Monks hone their fists to be weapons. We prefer to hone our entire bodies.
—Chiyon Fuji, Human Yokozuna

If not working at a restaurant making Chankonabe or competing in a professional circuit, Sumo Wrestlers will often be taking part in street fights.

Daily Life: Wake up before dawn. Commence strict training regime that includes religious ceremonies, and then is followed by a 5 hour work-out session. Eat a massive lunch that consists of, at a minimum, 5000 calories. Take a nice, long, nap. Then, business until the late dinner, which is immediately followed by going to bed.

NPC Reactions: Most NPCs will point and stare, while others may laugh. Most, however, will do so because they are impressed rather than disgusted.

Sumo Wrestler Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge(history) can research Sumo Wrestlers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

DC Result
5 Sumo Wrestler's are known for being very big.
10 Sumo Wrestler's usually consume enough food to feed a family of four people at each meal.
15 Sumo Wrestling has its roots deep in the history of an ancient culture, spanning back thousands of years ago.
20 Despite their flabby appearance, most of a Sumo's body weight is actually muscle. They're quite strong, despite the way they look.

Sumo Wrestlers in the Game

Sumo Wrestlers can be rather difficult to add to the game, unless you're adding a Yokozuna, who are litterally signs of ultimate Sumo power. Again, they tend to make good street fighters, so they can easily fit in such a scenario. NPC Sumo Wrestlers are few and far between. PC Sumo Wrestlers can be rather annoying to place, as they don't explicitly fill a single niche, however they are good to have later in the game because of their incredible damage dealing potential and out of combat uses.

Adaptation: Sumo does not need to be exclusive to a single race, but the vast lore and history can make them a little harder to place into a campaign than other classes.

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