Jedi (3.5e Class)

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Jedi Knight

The Jedi Knight is perfect blend between the Jedi Guardian and the Jedi Consular, able to wield his weapon fiercely and with accuracy, while still able to protect himself and his friends using his knowledge of the force. However, because the Jedi Knight is specialized in combat, he lacks in versatility as well as in the personal freedom of his companions, as he has dedicated his entire life to the pursuit of perfection. Due to this pursuit, the Jedi Knight is often quite lonely and searches for comradeship among others, yet it also leads the Jedi Knight to feel mildly jealous of the freedom of his peers. A Jedi Knight follows a creed which outlines many very strict laws, which the Jedi will never hesitate to obey, lest he loses what he gained through his immersion in his craft. In this way, the Jedi are one of the most utmost extreme of the lawful alignment, although when it comes to laws put in place by other powers, the Jedi feels no need to obey them specifically as their allegiance lives almost exclusively to their order.

Making a Jedi Knight

The Jedi Knights are the warriors of the Jedi Order. They are the defenders of peace. Standing for justice around the universe, Jedi Knights uphold the law at any cost, even if that cost is their lives.

Abilities: A Jedi knight depends on Wisdom for Force abilities and Dexterity for physical combat.

Races: Any race can become a Jedi. Contrary to popular belief, even the savage races may find a home with the Jedi Order.

Alignment: Any Lawful

Starting Gold: 20gp

Starting Age: Complex

Table: The Jedi Knight

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Lightsaber Damage 1d6, Extra Feat
2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Lightsaber Finese, Lightsaber Call
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 +10ft Movement Speed
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 20ft fall, Lightsaber Damage 1d8, +2 ability, 10ft throw, Jedi Mind Tricks
5th +5 +4 +4 +4 Shared Thought, Force Lightsaber, Force Sustenance,
6th +6 +5 +5 +5 30ft fall, +20ft Movement Speed, Force Push 5ft,
7th +7/+1 +5 +5 +5 Uncanny Dodge
8th +8/+2 +6 +6 +6 40ft fall, Lightsaber Damage 1d10, +4/+2 ability, Great Leap,
9th +9/+3 +6 +6 +6 +30ft Movement Speed, Greater Force, 15ft throw,
10th +10/+4 +7 +7 +7 50ft fall, Push 10ft, Jedi Deflection,
11th +11/+5/+1 +7 +7 +7 Life Force Sustain,
12th +12/+6/+2 +8 +8 +8 60ft fall, Lightsaber Damage 2d6, +40ft Movement Speed, +6/+4/+2 ability, 20ft throw, Evasion
13th +13/+7/+3 +8 +8 +8 Lightsaber Specialty,
14th +14/+8/+4 +9 +9 +9 70ft fall, Push 15ft, Improved Uncanny Dodge,
15th +15/+9/+5/+1 +9 +9 +9 +50ft Movement Speed, Jedi Heal, 25ft throw
16th +16/+10/+6/+2 +10 +10 +10 80ft fall, Lightsaber Damage 2d8, +8/+6/+4/+2 ability, Bounding Charge,
17th +17/+11/+7/+3 +10 +10 +10 Force Sense
18th +18/+12/+8/+4 +11 +11 +11 90ft fall, +60ft Movement Speed, Push 20ft, 30ft throw, Force Sphere
19th +19/+13/+9/+5 +11 +11 +11 Jedi Reflection
20th +20/+14/+10/+6 +12 +12 +12 Fall any distance, Lightsaber Damage 2d10, +10/+8/+6/+4/+2 ability, Force Supremacy

Class Skills ((4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance, Climb, Concentrate, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Heal, Hide, Jump, Listen, Knowledge(Geography, History, Local,Nobility/Royalty, Religion),Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Tumble

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Jedi Knight.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Jedi Knights are proficient with Lightsabers. Jedi Knights are not proficient in any shields, armor, or any weapons other than their own Lightsaber. AC Bonus (SRD:Special Abilities Overview): A Jedi Knight is highly trained in the force granting him a sixth sense that lets him avoid even unanticipated attacks. When unarmored and unencumbered, a Jedi Knight adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his Armor Class. This ability does not stack with the monk or ninja AC bonus ability (a Jedi Knight with levels of monk or ninja do not add the bonus twice). These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when a Jedi Knight is flat-footed. The character loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Natural Ascetic: The Jedi Knight is taught to rely on his connection to the force for everything, and can slowly grow further and further from the material world and turn to the force as a means of sustenance. The Jedi cannot carry over 20 gold pieces at a time, can only carry 1 ration, a bedroll, and cannot own mounts. The Jedi also can't own or use objects which enhance skill or ability modifiers. If any of these rules are purposefully disobeyed, the Jedi does not gain experience for that session and continues on normally afterwards as long as he is no longer gaining benefits from these actions. Because of the Jedi’s asceticism, he gains +2 to any ability score at first level. At fifth level, he gains an additional +2 to that ability score as well as a +2 to another ability. Each 4 levels, the Jedi gains an additional +2 to his previously chosen abilities and a +2 to another ability of his choice. The Jedi can, however, retain the use of his lightsaber and his grapple hook. This replaces the ordinary ability enhancements at every 4th level that most characters receive.

Focus of the Force: A Jedi Knight has dedicated his entire life to his pursuit of his own perfection, and for this reason cannot multi-class into most classes. However the Jedi Knight can freely multiclass into the Jedi Consular, the Jedi Guardian.

Utmost Specialization: This asceticism allows the Jedi to abandon the pursuit of material goods and focus on bettering himself, allowing him to better his ability scores over time. A Jedi Knight takes a -4 to his Strength and -2 Constitution due to his complete abandonment of these aspects of his abilities. At first level, take a +1 bonus to both Wisdom and Dexterity. At 5th level and every 5 levels after this, another +1 bonus is gained to both Wisdom and Dexterity. This intense focus of the mind and body is what allows nearly any race who is willing to become a capable Jedi Knight.

Lightsaber: A 1st level Jedi Knight chooses his Lightsaber. The Lightsaber is made from a unique crystal that is unbreakable and emits a glow. Different crystals can be used to achieve different color glows. The hilt is also unique in sturdiness and can come in many designs. A Jedi Knight can choose whatever design for a hilt and whatever color of a crystal he wishes. His choices of Lightsabers are 1 handed, dual wield, or double bladed, each with 19-20/x4 critical. The Lightsaber is a brilliant energy weapon and is treated as such, incapable of damaging non-living things (It can damage Armor and Weapons. Armor and shield bonuses to AC including any enhancement bonuses to that armor do not count against it, because the weapon passes through armor.Dexterity, deflection, dodge, natural armor, and other such bonuses still apply.) This weapon can only be used by those who have the ability to channel the force and in the hands of another creature without this ability, cannot be activated.

Lightsaber Damage Enhancement: The Jedi Knight uses his lightsaber as an extension of his connection to the force, and as the Jedi becomes more in sync with the force, so does his lightsaber, granting him the ability to strike with more power. At first level, the Jedi Knight’s lightsaber is able to do 1d6 damage. This damage goes up every 4 levels (lvl4- 1d8, lvl8-1d10, lvl12-2d6), as the monk’s unarmed damage.

Grapple Hook: The Jedi also possesses a grappling hook which is able to shoot from a bracer on his left arm. This grapple hook has a range of 30ft and once having attached to a surface, can retract, pulling the Jedi towards it at a speed of 30ft per round. This can only affectively pull the Jedi upward if the Jedi and his possessions collectively weigh under 200 lbs. If successfully used while climbing, the grappling hook grants a +5 to the climb check. With a successful use rope check, the grappling hook can be used to grasp nearly any solid surface of a 10 hardness or below. Once a surface is successfully grasped, the Jedi can use the grappling hook to hold himself in place for as long as he wishes and can release with a free action at any given time. The speed at which the grappling hook is shot at is extremely fast, and can be considered instantaneous when using it in combat situations; however, it takes a standard action to use. The grappling hook always is given a Dexterity bonus to attack rolls despite feats. This tool can also be used for combat manoeuvres (ranged trip attempt, ranged grapple, ranged disarm, etc.), using base attack plus Dex against opponents touch AC, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Fast Movement: For every 3 levels a Jedi Knight takes, they receive a 10ft enhancement on their movement speed. They receive this bonus as long as they remain unarmored and unencumbered.

Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a Jedi Knight gets a bonus combat-oriented feat, in addition to the feat granted to the Jedi Knight at 1st level.

Lightsaber Finesse: A 2nd level Jedi Knight receive the Saber Finesse ability. The Jedi Knight may use his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier as the bonus to his melee attack rolls when using his Lightsaber

Lightsaber Call: A 2nd level Jedi Knight gains the ability to call his lightsaber to him using the force. He can do this as a free action if the Lightsaber is within 5ft of the Jedi. Otherwise the Jedi Knight can use this ability as a move action or along with a move action, the ability working as the spell Mage Hand, albeit without weight restrictions.

Jedi Training: At level 3 and every 3 levels after, a Jedi Knight studious training in the force allows him bonuses in his jump and tumble checks. A Jedi Knight receives a +3 Jump and +3 Tumble at level 3. Every three levels after, these skills increase by +3 (e.g. A Jedi Guardian at Level 15 gains a (+15 Jump, + 15 Tumble).

Force Fall: A 4th level Jedi Knight gains the ability to absorb 20ft of damage in a fall. This ability improves every 2 levels, as a monk’s Slow Fall, except that the Jedi retains this ability no matter his surroundings.

Throw Lightsaber: At 4th level, the Jedi Knight gains the ability to throw his lightsaber. Taking a standard action, the Jedi can throw his lightsaber 10ft at a foe, using his regular attack roll and doing damage as normal. Every 3 levels after 4th, the Jedi gains an additional +5ft range to his throw. When throwing a lightsaber, the weapon is treated as having the Returning special ability.

Jedi Mind Tricks: A 4th level Jedi Knight can use the force to alter and persuade people for their favor. This is treated like the 'Charm Person' spell.

Shared Thought: A 5th level Jedi can communicate telepathically with one person within their direct line of sight. This can extend within 20ft. This distance increases to 30 at 10th level, 40 at 15th level and can communicate with creatures outside their line of sight, and 50 at 20th level.

Force Lightsaber: A 5th level Jedi Knight now applies his Wisdom modifier, instead of his Strength, to his damage roll with his lightsaber.

Force Sustenance: At 5th level, the Jedi Knight gains the ability to sustain his body using his connection to the force. The Jedi Knight no longer needs to eat or drink, and he shortens his necessary resting period by two hours; however, his means of resting remains the same. (ie. Meditation, sleep)

Force Push: A 6th level, a Jedi Knight gains the ability to push his opponents backward by channeling the force through his hands. The Jedi Guardian can push a single opponent back 5ft as a standard action. Every 4 levels after the 6th, the Jedi gains an additional 5ft distance to the push. If the target succeeds on a Will save against a DC of the Jedi Knight’s level plus Wisdom modifier, the force push has no effect. If the target is pushed into a solid surface, he takes damage as if he had fallen 10ft (1d6).

Uncanny Dodge: At 7th level, a Jedi Knight gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Great Leap: At 8th level and higher, a Jedi Knight always makes Jump checks as if he were running and had the Run feat; enabling him to make long jumps without a running start and granting a +4 bonus on the jump (see the skill description, page 77 of the Player’s Handbook). This ability can be used only if he is wearing no armor and is carrying no more than a light load.

Greater Force: At 9th level, a Jedi Knight gains the ability to use the force to manipulate objects and people around him. This ability works as the spell Telekinesis, with the caster level being equal to 1/2 Jedi Knight’s level and adding a Wisdom bonus when necessary. Unlike the spell, this ability cannot be used for combat manoeuvres.

Jedi Deflection: A 10th level Jedi Knight gains Jedi Deflection through the use of his lightsaber, a Jedi Knight may deflect one projectile per round that would have hit him otherwise, as the feat Deflect Arrows.

Life Force Sustain: At 11th level, the Jedi Knight’s control over the force can now keep his heart beating for 1 hour after his “death”, allowing him to be able to be revived during this time period. After an hour, the Jedi is dead and cannot be revived short of Resurrection.

Evasion: A Jedi Knight of 12th level or higher can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save (such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or a fireball), he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a Jedi Knight is wearing no armor.

Lightsaber Speciality: At 13th level, a Jedi Knight’s lightsaber is now treated as an extension of the Jedi himself, making him impossible to disarm. The lightsaber is considered a Natural Weapon for the purposes of spell or spell-like effects.

Improved Uncanny Dodge: At 14th level and higher, a Jedi Knight can no longer be flanked; he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the Jedi Knight by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has Jedi Knight levels.

Jedi Heal: At the 15th level a Jedi Knight gains Jedi Heal three times a day. If a Jedi Knight can rest uninterrupted for one hour, he gains back a number of hit points equal to his HEAL skill + double his constitution bonus. If interrupted he gains only a portion of hit points back which is proportional to the amount of time spent healing. A Jedi Knight must not being wearing any armor or be otherwise encumbered to use this ability.

Bounding Charge: At 16th level, the Jedi gains the ability to charge at a foe without being in a straight line with the target. The Jedi can use jumps as part of his charge, and can jump off of objects as well as walls with no penalty. The Jedi can also move through occupied squares in a charge, provided he can successfully defeat the Tumble DC. However, the Jedi can still only move twice his speed to do so, and is still given attacks of opportunity from all opponents who would normally receive them.

Force Sense: At the 17th level Jedi Knight gains the ability to use the force for his sense out to 40ft. His senses become so acute that he can maneuver and fight flawlessly even in total darkness. Invisibility, darkness, and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though the Jedi Knight must have line of effect to a creature or object to discern it.

Force Sphere: 18th level, a Jedi Knight gains the ability to channel the force to so great a power he can throw all things in a 20 ft radius away from him, acting to each object or person, identical to the force push. The Jedi cannot single out enemies or friends when using this ability, making it so that all creatures and objects are affected. The weight limits of this ability are the same as that of the Greater Force ability, however, the weights are considered separately to determine the various things affected, instead of adding them together. This ability takes a full-round action and cannot be used for 3d4 rounds afterward.

Jedi Reflection: At the 19th level a Jedi Knight gains Jedi Reflection. Through feverous training, the Jedi Knight has learned to not only to deflect incoming projectiles but to reflect them as well. Once per round a Jedi Knight way reflect one projectile back at the original attacker. 30ft is the maximum range for the returning projectile. This ability is in addition to Jedi Deflection, not in place of.

Force Supremacy: A 20th level Jedi Knight gains supremacy to his Lightsaber. The Jedi has now achieved full potency with his Lightsaber and gains the ability to deal damage to any object, ignoring any hardness below 20. This applies to weapons as well as armor; however, each must be targeted separately and cannot simply be given damage along with the opponent himself. The Jedi also gains the ability to use the force to slow his descent when falling. This ability acts as the spell Feather Fall, albeit the fact that the Jedi can also propel himself at a movement speed of 20 ft per round while falling when using this ability.

Ex-Jedi Knights

A Jedi Knight who becomes unlawful, fails to uphold the Order, or multi-classes outside their boundaries, is then unable to take any further levels in the Jedi Knight class.

Epic Jedi Knight

Table: The Epic Jedi Knight

Hit Die: d6

Level Special
21st +70ft, 35ft throw, Bonus Feat
22nd Improved Force Sense
23rd +1 Reflection
24th +80ft, 40ft throw, Bonus Feat
25th Jedi Pulse
26th +2 Reflection
27th 45ft throw, Bonus Feat
28th Force Shield
29th +3 Reflection
30th 50ft throw, Improved Force Sustain, Bonus Feat

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Epic Jedi Training: At level 21 and every 3 levels after, an Epic Jedi Knight receives (+3 Jump, +3 Tumble)

Improved Force Sense: Force Sense is increased to a range of 100ft.

Improved Jedi Reflection: This feat may be taken multiple times. One additional reflection may be done each round.

Improved Life Force Sustain: At 30th level, a Jedi’s heart will continue beating after death for 5 hours.

Bonus Feats: The Epic Jedi Knight gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic bonus feats below) at level 21 and every 3 levels after.

Epic Jedi Knight Bonus Feat List: Blinding Speed, Extended Life Span, Epic Endurance, Epic Fortitude, Epic Prowess, Epic Reflexes, Epic Reputation, Epic Speed, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization, Epic Will, Fast Healing, Improved Combat Reflexes, Perfect Health, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Rend

Human Jedi Knight Starting Package

Weapons: Lightsaber.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Feat: Improved Initiative Bonus Feats: If strength is above 13, Power Attack. If below 13, Weapon Focus(Lightsaber). Gear: Jedi outfit, belt, three day's rations, waterskin, lightsaber. Gold: 20gp

Campaign Information

Playing a Jedi Knight

Roleplay: : When playing a Jedi Knight, one must realize that they are not in the Star Wars Saga. Though this may be hard to come to terms with, being that you might want your character to be the ultimate-popular-badass-evil fighting-dude, unless your campaign revolves around the Jedi Knights and the Jedi Order, it is best to play your Jedi Knight as an unknown variable and a mystery to the rest of the world. In a classic campaign, the world does not revolve around you solely and to act as though you should be would be a drag on the game. Not that you have to use this advice, but at least understand it as a warning that if you try to be Luke Skywalker in a medieval setting, your success chances will be very low.

Religion: Jedis meditate on the force and all it makes possible. They follow a creed which states that their mission is to put to justice all who abuse their power.

Other Classes: A Jedi will get along well with monks, rangers, and fighters, while they find sorcerers, barbarians, and rogues to be unpredictable and often selfish.

Combat: Dancing in and out of combat, Jedi knights can surprise a combatant with a sudden burst of the Force. The Jedi is able to deal great amounts of damage to his opponents and very rarely misses; however, if hit, the Jedi risks death from a single blow.

Advancement: Jedi Knights must stay Jedi Knights, else they risk losing their abilities with the Force. However, they may still take prestige classes available to monk or fighter classes, and are able to access them as a monk or fighter of equal level.

Jedi Knights in the World

"Evil and good. Each are a matter of perspective. For how can one fight the evil they strive to defeat without stooping to its lows? And yet you persist in your arrogant classification, as though your word defines reality. Thus is ever the plight of the ignorant; to fight the enemy in others, while it flourishes within themselves." -Zaar the Forgone

Most Jedi Knights fit in well among the populace, usually lying low and focusing on their own perfection of their art; however, when an incident arises in which they are needed the Jedi emerge to aid the weaker spirited. Many Jedi are prone to asceticism as they progress through their training, finding material things to be unnecessary as they learn to live primarily off of their connection to the Force. Jedi can also be seen as merciless in battle, primarily due to their belief in non-attachment to life, and though they would be quick to fell any foe, they would be equally willing to lay down themselves if they believed it to be in the best interest of their mission. Many other beings find this confusing about the Jedi, and are unsure about their motives, as well as perhaps resentful of the Jedi for what might be seen as using a brutal and crude way to solve a problem.

Daily Life: Meditation and training, if not in a pursuit of the defeat of those who abuse their power.

Notables: Being that the Jedi Order played in an average campaign must be kept fairly weak, it is best to roleplay this class as being very new and still unknown, giving it no real notable history.

Organizations: The Jedi Order, an emerging power which has only recently come into existence. This Order is assembled in large temples where they hold council to discuss matters of utmost importance. Being that the order is so new, its presence is scarce known in the rest of the world.

NPC Reactions: NPC's are largely unaware of the Jedi presence in world and treat them as they would anyone else, as the Jedi Knights often resemble simple travelers in appearance

Jedi Knight Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge(Religion) or Knowledge(History) can research Jedi Knights to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Jump 4 Str "—"
Tumble 4 Dex "—"
Diplomacy 2 Cha "—"
Balance 4 Dex "—"
Move Silently 4 Dex "—"
Sense Motive 4 Dex "—"
Knowledge(Religion) or Knowledge(History)
DC Result
30 Jedi knights are defenders of peace and justice.
35 Jedi knights believe in an energy that permeates all life in the universe, simply called the Force.
40 The Jedi Order stands for good and the upholding of their ideals, no matter their personal cost.

Jedi Knights in the Game

In a campaign setting, the Jedi found would be the pioneers of their art and would be known very little of by other races. In addition, in order to keep the class itself realistic yet balanced, the Jedi are to be seen as a relatively new order, still in the process of being fully formed, and are rather the first of their kind. As such they are only on the brink of the full realization of their power, letting them be better balanced in the game. Here it is that they shall forever stay, in order to keep the Jedi themselves from becoming too powerful over the other classes and in order to keep them in a comfortable relationship to their adventuring peers. The reason the Jedi must be played as this would be that in the Star Wars Saga it seems clear that there is no person of any class who can stand in the way of a wielder of the force and their extremely powerful lightsabers. Therefore, a character playing this class must realise that it is built not with the intention of it being completely true to form, but rather with the intention of allowing the Jedi class to integrate smoothly with the game, and to keep the abilities of the Jedi Knight from being powerful enough to destroy all the other classes. The only other gameplay option which may be possible but would be highly unlikely, is that your DM is creating a Star Wars campaign in which he is remaking the statistics of the game to allow for the full power of the Force wielders. If this is the case, this class may not be the one for you.

Sample Encounter: The inn door slams shut as a group of loud army officials saunter in. Taking a seat, they hardly notice the man watching them, a hooded figure with long black hair, braided falling from his cloak. The man is dressed in a dark tunic and loose pants; clothing which hang in drapes from his shoulders and waist. The inn is fairly full now, and the men begin to shout accusations at an old man sitting alone nearby, whilst laughing among themselves. They draw closer to the man and one of the men lifts the man bodily from the ground, where he whimpers and shrinks away from his ale-rank breath. The army lifts his fist. Suddenly, he is flung against the inn wall by an invisible force and is knocked unconscious, dropping the old man who crawls away. Each glass in the hands of the army men is broken one after the other, and a sudden flash of light drops one of them to the ground with a smoldering wound across his chest. As each of the men, terrified, turn and run from the inn, a final snap is heard and the neck of the slumped man is left at an awkward angle. The inn has grown quiet and all heads are turned to the imposing figure. Said figure, with a long black braid and a glowing sword, sheathes his weapon and sits, ordering an ale.

EL 20: The cloaked figure, master Septim Zaar the Forgone, is level 20. Well meaning and entirely friendly, the Jedi Master acts not out of rage but out of duty; his killings stemming not from apathy but from the belief that death is only the destruction of the body and the soul lives to rejoin with the Force.

      • This is not at all how a Jedi would behave. This sample encounter is more in line with a Sith than Jedi (consider Anakin slaughtering the Sand People on Tatooine). A Jedi would have walked over, spoken with the party and inquired what was wrong and why the man was being accosted, and then decide whether their harassment of the man was justified.

For a Jedi, combat is the absolute last resort, well after talking, diplomacy, Mind Trick, charm and guile, and then only in self-defense and when there is no other option. To conquer aggression, even in combat, a Jedi must have explored every other option, including surrender, before resorting to lethal force.

"A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never to attack.'
- Master Yoda
"Patience. Use the Force. Think."
- Obi-Wan Kenobi to Anakin Skywalker
"Surrender. You will be given no other chance."
- Obi-Wan Kenobi to Count Dooku
"Now, where were we? Ah, yes. I believe you were surrendering."
- Obi-Wan Kenobito San Hill
"These aren't the droids you're looking for."
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Listen to the Force, Cade. A Jedi's first concern is to preserve life."
- Kol Skywalker to Cade Skywalker.
"You don't want to sell me deathsticks."
"I don't want to sell you deathsticks."
"You want to go home and re-think your life."
"I want to go home and re-think my life." - Obi-Wan and deathsticks seller in saloon on Coruscant

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