Languages (Mantáer Supplement)

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Languages of the Vortari Lowlands

Common (Vortari)

The Language of the humans of the Vortari Lowlands. The people of Mayne, Illyria, Sindar, and Arafel speak it; and most people of the 1st Dynasty can speak it.

High Elven

The language of the elves of Maneth'rin'drelle who waited out the Age of Wonders and the Fall.

Low Elven

The language of the elves of Lothuein, and the elves who were left behind.

Enlightened Speech

The new language of the 1st Dynasty. Enlightened Speech is the new standard for people born in the Dynasty, and is the legal language of trade and commerce.

"Forsaken" (Draconic)

Known as "Forsaken" because of magic's association with the fall, it's effectively Draconic. No one on Mantáer has seen a Dragon yet though, so the language is known as Forsaken Speech.

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