Halflings Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)

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Racial Feats

Natural Upbringing [Racial]

From a very young age all halflings learn how to hunt and show respect to nature.
Prerequisite: Halfling, Wisdom 13
Benefit: Subject gains a +2 bonus on the following skills: Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature) and Survival

Stalker [Racial]

Halflings keep training for the hunt through out there lives, often spending great amounts of time to perfect their art of stalking prey.
Prerequisite: Halfling, Wis 13, Dex 13, Survival 6 ranks, Natural Upbringing
Benefit: Subject gains a +2 bonus on the following skills: Hide, Move Silently and Disguise, furthermore they gain the Woodland Stride ability (as the Druid class ability).

Master of the Wild [Racial]

Halflings that reach a specific level of skill in the hunt become known as Masters of the Wild and there skill in hunting is second to none.
Prerequisite: Halflings, Wis 13, Dex 13, Survival 15 ranks, Hide 15 ranks, Natural Upbringing, Stalker
Benefit: You gain the Hide in Plain Sight and Trackless Step abilities (as the Ranger class abilities).

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