Keldrashnim (3.5e Race)

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Individually Keldrashni are defined most often by their colorful and artistic culture. Clothing is typically colorful, to mirror their colorful culture. A Keldrashni is often proud of personal accomplishments, however trophies are typically small, usually only something one could wear, such as a bracelet, anklet, ring, earring or decoration for ones horns. Honor and honoring ancestors is also important. An individual Keldrashni will generally know much of their ancestry and can recall it from memory. Individually Keldrashni are proud of both craft skills and performances. Skill is highly prized in this society. One who is a great craftsmen, or performer, or simply of a high level in a class is highly valued.

As a group they are known for being fairly insular as a society. Each tribe or enclave generally forms a tight knit community. The level of isolation depends heavily on geography. Some Keldrashni clans live in the wilderness or along well traveled roads, usually giving a rest stop for travelers and acting as a commercial center. Hospitality and generosity is considered important, however their is a qualifier. One must be friendly towards them to receive these benefits. Lords, Kings and Leaders of all stripes have found that the Keldrashni, if left alone will not bother a host nation. If treated kindly will probably become beneficial to that nation, if met with hostility, they will become a problem.

Physical Description

Physically they share much in common with Humans. The major differences however are stark and noticeable.

For one eye coloration tends towards green, gold, hazel, and occasionally red. They tend to be a bit more olive or brown in skin pigment, Their ears also have a tendency to be more pointed, indicating a possible elven contribution to the early Keldrashnim population. The starkest difference is the emblem of their ancient Tiefling ancestry. Horns, all Keldrashni have horns. These horns are uniformly like that of various goats and rams, though which sort varies from clan to clan and from Keldrashni to Keldrashni. Sometimes long stalks extend out from the side of the head or top or forehead, for others they are curved and rounded like a ram. Rounded horns are a bit more typical and amongst female Keldrashni they are nearly universal. Finally, they possess tails to varying length.

Keldrashnim skin is like any humans skin, similar to any other mammal. Hair colors are as varied as human hair color, though some have purple, or bright red at times, by and large though there is a high degree of dark auburn hair colors amongst Keldrashnim.

Specific markings on the body signify many accomplishments in life. Elderly men and women might have the entire length of their tail tattooed with symbols of children, achievements, milestones, and important feats done in their lives. Often each will be a reminder of a past accomplishment. Married couples and lovers may keep tattoos on their wrists. Occasionally rogues and rangers may keep notches on their horns signifying a great theft, kill, or successful hunt of some great merit.

As a culture they are highly collective or at least community oriented. Even an adventurer will usually act to benefit their family, and community. The pursuit of glory would be done to raise their communities glory and add to the tapestry of their own peoples history.


Relations with other races depends heavily on that races opinion and hospitality towards Keldrashnim. The relations are dominated by if they host nation or of the person being dealt with is friendly and respectful. However half-breeds have found sympathies with the Keldrashnim, who themselves began as a collective of half-breeds. However generally a purely evil being will find only hostility from the generally good natured Keldrashnim.


As a group they tend towards Chaotic Good alignments. Heroes are those whom do righteous acts, even if those acts might not be legal. Doing right by ones self and ones community is highly prized, and while they have a "Keldrashni Code", for the most part being free and doing good is prized. Some are Lawful Good, as their society does internally possess rules and regulations however this seems to apply only to Keldrashni custom.


Generally any climate works, anywhere that a living can be made. Keldrashni of the agrarian variety will usually choose temperate climates out of the way of most people and usually close to a lesser traveled road. More commerce oriented groups choose main roads and some even form enclaves within large cities.

As a group however they may do best in lightly forested, open fields, hill regions and generally any temperate climate.

Geographically nearly 70-80% of their population is believed to live in Faerûn, census data however is sketchy at best.


Ancestral worship is a major aspect of Keldrashni culture. The bones of a great Bard or Rogue may be kept and placed on simple alters with candles and offering bowls beside it. Deceased relatives can be invoked for advice and guidance in this society. The name of a legendary craftsman may be invoked by a craftsman of the same profession. Great heroes, leaders, and pious or noble Keldrashni become saints in this culture.

As far as Deities are concerned, nobody is exactly sure as to which actual God or Gods receive adoration amongst the Keldrashni. They are said to worship a largely unknown Deity named Yah'El. However some historians believe this may be the first ancestor or possibly the name of some so venerated and great Keldrashni that he or she became a deity in their own right.


Keldrish is the name given to their specific language. However it is less a language and more a branch of Common. Loan words from various languages exist throughout the dialect. The degree to which Keldrish is understandable to Common speakers depends on the isolation of the Keldrashnim community the individual Keldrashni emerged from. Keldrish is barely understandable though to a Common speaker, and even when they speak Common the works are laced with Keldrish Idioms, words, and slang.

Unlike their distance Tiefling ancestors they have no native ability towards Infernal, only a handful of curse words from Infernal remain in the dialect of Keldrish.


Naming is similar to that of Humans, though names are usually derivatives of great heroes of the past, saints, or close relatives.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, −2 Strength: Generally Keldrashni are not given to warrior fighting. Having no actual homeland, they generally do not field armies and thus have little history of being fighters. Instead in combat they act as rouges, sorcerers, and rangers. Particularly friendly host populations can gather large Kaldrashnim volunteer forces. However they are generally never part of a regular army.
  • Outsider (Native): Being descended of a group of largely good intentioned Tieflings and some additional humans and Elves, Keldrashni still bare the marks of their more fiendish, lower planes, ancestry. Small bits of the Outsider remains in their blood line.
  • Medium Sized
  • Keldrashni base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Darkvision(Ex) : Keldrashnim can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only.
  • Racial Skills: Keldrashni have a +2 racial bonus on Ride checks, +2 to any craft skill if one is chosen, +3 to all Charisma based skill checks.
  • Resistances: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison and disease effects.
  • Weapon Proficiency: +2 on Attack roles while using Crossbows.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Keldrin. Bonus Languages: Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). Keldrashnim live scattered amongst many peoples and thus can learn any language found in an area, or that of the host nation.
  • Due to their horns and tail, all headgear and leggings that is crafted for a Keldrashni will increase the price by an additional +25%, This can be reduced to a +10% if the Keldrashni has the craft skill being used and can thus assist effectively.
  • Favored Class(es): Bard.

Vital Statistics

Table: Keldrashni Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
16 years +2 Sorcerer, Rogue +3 Bard, Ranger +8 Cleric, Druid, Monk, and Wizard
Table: Keldrashni Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
50 years 70 years 90 years +110 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Con; +1 to Int, Wis,
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +3 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Keldrashnim Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 5’ 1” +2d8 140 lb. × - lb.
Female 4’ 10” +2d8 120 lb. × - lb.

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