Retracting Blade (3.5e Equipment)

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Exotic Weapon
Critical: 19–20/×2
Range Increment: Melee
Type: Piercing
Hardness: 1
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp
Fine * Not Available * 1
Diminutive * Not Available * 1
Tiny * Not Available * 1
Small 200 gp 1d3 3 lb. 2
Medium 200 gp 1d4 5 lb. 4
Large Not Available Not Available Not Available 8
Huge * Not Available * 16
Gargantuan * Not Available * 32
Colossal * Not Available * 64
  1. The SRD only gives a means to determine costs and weights of weapons for Large and Small versions based on the Medium weapons. Any other supplied values are the author's best determination.

Essentially a collapsible dagger, a retracting blade is the most advanced gnomish weapon possible, snapping into a full blade with a flick of the wrist. The main advantage of using a retractable blade is that it can be drawn as a free action, but it's also easy to conceal in its retracted state, granting a +2 on Sleight Of Hand checks to conceal it.

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