Soultank (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

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Fun tank built with soulmelds. Useful in campaigns when money is an issue.

I am building a tank for a campaign I am running right now and I gave a soul at Magic of Incarmun. So I created an Azurin Soulborn tank. I am sure it's not the optimum character build but for someone who is not looking for perfection this is a great start for a tank.


Game Rule Components

Most probably it will be a Soulborn 20.

Spells, Powers, Soulmelds, Stances, etc...

Notable soulmelds that I am using:

  • Wormtail Belt (have to take it from a feat, since it does not belong to soulborns)
  • Lucky Dice
  • Crystal Helm / Enigma Helm



For Items I have not optimized yet, since it's an on going campaign and I am using what I am finding on my way.


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): sure you will be needing 13 Int for Combat Expertise. Strength and Constitution are very important so as charisma since you will be using this on smites.

Race (Templates): I am using Azurin from Magic of Incarnum. Human is also an option

Starting Racial Traits:

ECL Class Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will Soulmelds Essentia Chakra Binds
1st Soulborn 1 2 0 0 Shape Soulmeld (WORMTAIL BELT),Combat Expertise Aura, smite opposition 1/day 1 (wormtail) 1 (wormtail) 0
2nd Soulborn 2 3 0 0 - Incarnum defense 1 (wormtail) 1 (1 wormtail) 0
3rd Soulborn 3 3 1 1 Stand Still Bonus feat (Sapphire Smite ) 1 (wormtail) 2 (2 wormtail) 0
4th Soulborn 4 4 1 1 - Lucky Dice 2 (wormtail/Lucky Dice) 2 (2 wormtail) 0
5th Soulborn 5 4 1 1 - Smite opposition 2/day 2 (wormtail/Lucky Dice) 2 (2 wormtail) 0
6th Soulborn 6 5 2 2 Riposte - 2 (wormtail/Lucky Dice) 3 (2 wormtail/1 Lucky dice) 0
7th Soulborn 7 5 2 2 - Bonus feat (Cobalt Expertise) 2 (wormtail/Lucky Dice) 4 (2 wormtail/2 Cobalt Expertise) 0
8th Soulborn 8 6 2 2 - Chakra binds (crown,feet,hands) 3 (wormtail/Lucky Dice/Crystal Helm) 4 (2 wormtail/1 Crystal Helm/1Cobalt Expertise) 1 Crystal Helm
9th Soulborn 9 6 3 3 Improved Critical Slashing Share incarnum defense 1/day 4 (wormtail/Lucky Dice/Crystal Helm) 4 (2 wormtail/1 Crystal Helm/1 Cobalt Expertise) 1 Crystal Helm
10th Soulborn 10 7 3 3 - Smite opposition 3/day 3 (wormtail/Lucky Dice/Crystal Helm) 5 (2 wormtail/1 Crystal Helm/2 Cobalt Expertise) 1 Crystal Helm
11th Soulborn 11 7 3 3 - Bonus feat (Cobolt Critical) 3 (wormtail/Lucky Dice/Crystal Helm) 6 (2 wormtail/2 Crystal Helm/2 Cobalt Expertise) 1 Crystal Helm
12th Soulborn 12 8 4 4 Martial Study(Blood in the Water) - 4 (wormtail/Lucky Dice/Crystal Helm/Bluesteel Bracers) 7 (2 wormtail/2 Crystal Helm/2 Cobalt Expertise/1 Bluesteel) 1 Crystal Helm

Next progression will follow


Try to distribute your soulmelds evenly to maximize your ac. The best think of being a soulmelder is that you don;t need to find items yourself, you create them on your own.


Spells, spells and spells. You can easily get at 30 AC (with full combat expertise) at levels 5,6 but spells will eradicate you. Poor save (except fortitude) along with slow speed, since you will most probably be on full plate, caster will be a pain.

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