Lich Tank (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

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Generally, divine casters aren't too squishy, but most aren't exactly tanks. However, with a bit of twisting, you can get an incredibly tough divine caster, with DR 24, Fast Healing 21, crazy saves, impossibly good armor class, and fairly good casting.


Unearthed Arcana (optional), Savage Species (optional), PHB, Sunless Citadel (optional), Sandstorm, Complete Adventurer (Munchkin), Complete Divine, Dragon Compedium (optional), Magic Item Compedium (optional)

Game Rule Components

Spells, Powers, Soulmelds, Stances, etc...

Divine Power allows fun cheese, and various healing and buff spells are very helpful.


Monk's Belt


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): <- starting ability scores before racial adjustments ->

Race (Templates): Human

Starting Racial Traits:

Also see the human creature listing.

ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will
1st <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
2nd <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
3rd <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->
4th <- class, racial HD, or LA -> + + + + <- feat(s) -> <- class features gained -> <- other stuff ->

Other Components

<- anything not covered by the previous sections ->


Basically, you get huge defensive synergy with Charisma through Paladin, Battle Dancer, Ascetic Mage and the Dry Lich's Unholy Toughness. In addition, feats and Evolved Undead give you some powerful spell like abilities and good Fast Healing, and Roll With it and the Dry Lich's existing DR give you great DR overall.

Munchkin-Size Me

<- Take it to the next level ->

Side Notes

<- overview of additional info about this build ->


<- conditions of when this build works ->

DM Counters

<- If needed, tricks for the DM (provided they allow this build) to keep the abuse to a minimum. ->


<- Any other side notes that don't fit in the above sections. ->

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