Untouchable fighter (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

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This build takes the amazing benefits of two-weapon fighting and combines them with Attacks of opportunity to create a truly devastating melee fighter.


PHB, Miniatures Handbook, PHB 2, Complete Warrior, Complete Adventurer, Complete Arcane (optional)

Game Rule Components



spiked chain, short sword, items boosting dex and AC (gloves of dexterity, amulet of natural armor, ring of protection, etc...) +5 mithril chain shirt. by level 12 (when the build is complete) you should be able to afford most, if not all of this.


following ability scores are minimum needed. DEX should be as high as possible, being increased by 1 every 4 levels.

STR: x, DEX: 17, CON: x, INT: 13, WIS: x, CHA: x

Race: human

starting racial traits: if you're looking up optimization you should know what a human gets

this class is so simple to build im not even going to bother with the boxes. Just simply take 12 levels of fighter with these feats: combat expertise, combat reflexes, weapon finesse, exotic weapon proficiency (spiked chain), monkey grip, improved trip, two-weapon fighting, Improved Two-weapon fighting, improved combat expertise, Double hit, deft opportunist and robilars gambit. If your DM requires you to show the order in which you got the feats (for those starting at or around this level) this order should work with little or no adjustment.

Other Components

At level 12, instead of gaining a bonus feat from your fighter level, you're going to take the alternate class feature from PHB 2, Counterattack. This makes it so if you use a full-attack action for one attack (instead of 4 attacks normally in a full attack). If you do this, you gat an immediate action to attack anyone that attacks you in melee with your full BAB. If you want, you could choose to not take this feature and instead get Greater Two-weapon fighting.

Also, dual strike isn't really needed. It's more of a first round thing that allows you to move into melee and attack twice. You could substitute that for Greater two-weapon fighting (depending on the order you choose feat) or you could use this to start on the side-step/ mage slayer part of the build (mentioned farther down).


This class works because anyone who gets in reach of your spiked chain WILL die because they provoke so much. To get into melee (provided they don't have reach) they have to move through your threatened zone (provoke). Every time they attack (if you use robilars gambit, which you should) they provoke (not to mention the free attack from Counterattack). Every time they run away, they provoke. Pretty much what I'm getting at is people are going to start provoking for everything they do once they come into range. This means lots of attacks. Because of double hit, each time they provoke, you attack twice. You can also try tripping anyone that tries to leave combat with the spiked chain, and them attack them again anyway because of improved trip.

Also, the untouchable part of this build comes from improved combat expertise. simply look at what the enemies attack bonus is and make it so they can't hit unless they roll a 20. ex. enemy bonus is +16. Your AC is 31 (yes, you can get it this high, I've done it using standard starting gold for level 12). 16+20=36. 36-31=5. you would sacrifice 5 on your attack roll for your AC, making it so he has to roll a 20. Odds are, you'll always be able to do this because worse comes to worse, you have just as much of a chance to roll a 20 as they do, plus you get way more because they'll provoke so much

Munchkin-Size Me

Here are a couple of things you could do later. The reason I stopped at level 12 is because this is when the main build is complete and becomes effective (it might earlier but i havent been able to test it at lower levels). One option is the mage slayer build. you could use your remaining 8 levels to take the mage slayer PrC and take the mage slayer feat. This will make it so even the most powerful magicians will fall at your feet. Another option is the sidestep road. This requires 2 more feats and 8 ranks in tumble. This feat allows you to 5-foot once per round after a provoke. It doesn't sound like much, but it could be used to step out of range of an attacker or to pursue your target a little longer to get in that one (or should i say 2) last attack before you trip him (which you should always do on last provoke if they're running away). Or you can always do both... I would do both.

Side Notes

This build is flipping amazing.


As stated earlier, it may not be that effective until level 12.

DM Counters

Creatures with larger reach than yours. This isn't too bad though because I'm pretty sure there's a feat that let's you charge without provoking so you can get in close enough to make them start provoking. Also, drunken master from Complete Warrior has an ability like this starting at level 2.


Did I mention this build is flipping amazing.

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