Atheist Bard Mystic Theurge (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

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My name is Jonathan Clay. Please feel free to comment or correct me. The entire premise of this build was that it started out as constructive criticism.

This build started when I came across a build online that was invalid, with Prestige Class Requirements not even nearly met, but looking at it I was intrigued by the main combination; Using Fochlucan-Lyrist, (which is effectively a Bard/Druid gestalt with similarity to Mystic Theurge, but advancing Bardic Music) to instead gestalt a Sublime Chord with an Ur Priest. The Sublime Chord at high levels being essentially a Level 9 casting Bard, the Ur Priest being a powerful divine caster, and probably the nastiest combination with a Mystic Theurge.


Player Handbook Complete Adventurer Complete Arcane Complete Divine Complete Mage Dragon Magazine #325


Race: Human

Class: Rogue/Bard/Druid/Ur-Priest/Sublime-Chord/Fochlucan-Lyrist/Unseen-Seer

Progression Rogue 1 , Bard 1, Druid 1, Rogue 2-3, Bard 2-3, Priest 1-3, Chord 1, Lyrist 1-7, Seer 1-2

Starting Stats

70 point total 28 point buy 32 point buy
Str 8 8 8
Dex 8 8 8
Con 8 9 10
Int 12 12 12
Wis 18 (20) 17 (19) 18 (20)
Cha 16 (19) 16 (19) 16 (19)
Hit D (-1) Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Feat Arcane Level Divine Level Attribute Increase
6 1 0 0 2 0 sneak attack, trap finding Iron Will, Spell Focus (Evil) 0 0
6 2 0 0 4 2 bardic music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1 1 0
8 3 0 2 4 4 animal companion, nature sense, wild empathy Alternate Source Spell 1 1
6 4 1 2 5 4 evasion 1 1 Charisma
6 5 2 3 5 5 sneak attack 2d6, trap sense +1 1 1
6 6 3 3 6 6 Open Minded 1 1
6 7 4 4 6 6 inspire competence 1 1
8 8 4 4 6 8 1 1 Charisma
8 9 5 4 6 9 rebuke undead Open Minded 1 2
8 10 6 5 7 9 1 3
6 11 6 5 7 11 bardic lore, bardic music 5 3
6 12 7 5 9 13 bardic knowledge, bardic music, unbound Practiced Spellcaster (Ur Priest) 5 4 Wisdom
6 13 8 5 10 14 6 5
6 14 9 6 10 14 6 6
6 15 10 6 11 15 Practiced Spellcaster (Sublime Chord) 7 7
6 16 11 6 11 15 7 8 Charisma
6 17 12 7 12 16 8 9
6 18 13 7 12 16 Lyric Spell 8 9
4 19 13 7 12 18 sneak attack 3d6 9 9
4 20 14 7 12 19 advanced learning, silent spell 9 9 Wisdom

Another possibility is to take 2 levels in Sublime Chord before Fochlucan Lyrist and only taking 1 level in Unseen Seer at the end rather than 2. This would give 1 more average hit points, an extra bardic song per day, and most importantly a new Song which boosts the Caster Level for a spell as a move action. (It's called the Song of Arcane Power, but it doesn't specify Arcane Spells)

Other Components


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Rogue Bard Druid Rogue Rogue Bard (Open Mind) Bard Priest Priest (Open Mind) Priest Chord
Bluff 4 2
Concentration 1 3
Decifer Script 4 2 1
Diplomacy 4 1 2
Gather Information 4 1 2
Knowledge Arcana 2 2 1 3 4 1
Knowledge Nature 2 cross class 3 2
Knowledge Planes 2 2 1
Knowledge Religion 4 4
Listen 4 3 1 1 1 2 cross class 1 cross class
Perform (Stringed Instruments) 2 3 1 3 1 3
Profession (astrologer) 4 1 1
Sleight of Hand 4 2 1
Sense Motive
Speak Language (Elf) 1
Speak Language (Dwarf) 1
Spellcraft 2 cross class 6


Big Problems In order to make the qualification for Lyrist, there can be almost no deviation in Skills for the first 11 levels. In addition, the DM has to agree to allow the use of the Dragon Magazine Feat “Alternate Source Spell” and for that Feat to count for Casting Requirements on Prestige Classes.

More Problems With no Concentration skill until high levels, and with -1 from a low Constitution, you need spells that you can cast quickly and ideally far from any heavy action.

Effective Levels The first 10 levels will be difficult and very suboptimal in most circumstances, though it’s an interesting character development to roleplay through, dark and disillusioned and lacking in power, laying the groundwork for his rapid advance later, where by the exploration of both music and atheism he discovers the true, clinical, mathematic nature of the universe, and his mastery of it.

Skill options; At Level 1 there are 2 skill points available that aren’t required for the build going towards Level 11. Options are Disable Device, Open Lock, Knowledge (Local), Use Magical Device, and Speak Language. Personally I would put both points into Languages; otherwise all you have are Common and Druidic. At Level 9 and at Level 11 there are a few points available. I put all 4 into Concentration.

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