Fang Weapon (3.5e Equipment)

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Fang Weapon
Critical: As Base Fang
Range Increment:
Type: Piercing
Hardness: 12
Size of Spider Cost Damage Weight Equip DC
Fine 1gp +0 1/4 lb 12
Diminutive 2gp +1 1/2 lb 14
Tiny 2gp +1 1 lb 16
Small 8gp +2 2 lb 18
Medium 8gp +3 4 lb 20
Large 16gp +4 8 lb 22
Huge 32gp +7 16 lb 25
Gargantuan 64gp +10 32 lb 30
Colossal 128gp +14 64 lb 35


A Fang weapon is a metal shell (in a spider fang shape) with protruding blades that Drow often purchase to help their "pets" (monstrous Spiders) cause more harm with their bite attacks. They are purchased as a pair, and are generally attached to the fangs of a Monstrous Spider (usually one that serves as a guardian) and fastened on with straps. The fang weapon has a hole at its point where the fangs protrude, and so bite attacks from spiders with fang weapons still deal poison damage. A spider is automatically proficient with fang weapons.

Attaching Fang Weapons

In order to attach a fang weapon to a Spider's fangs, a character must pass a handle animal check (the DC is shown on the weapon table above), or else the Spider will attack. Spider Riders attaching Fang Weapons to their Spider Mounts do not need to make this skill check. The check must be retaken to remove fang weapons, and the check is automatically passed when removing fang weapons from a dead spider. A Monstrous Spider that sleeps while whearing fang weapons is treated as sleeping while wearing heavy armour.


Fang weapons provide an enhancement bonus (as shown on the table above) to the bite damage of a monstrous spider (shown on the table above). This stacks with any magical enhancements on the fang weapons themselves, (i.e, damage from the bite attack of as huge Monstrous Spider with fang weapons is 2D6+13 and poison).

Magical Fang Weapons

A fang weapon can be created as a magical weapon in the same way that a normal weapon can (base cost is as a masterwork fang weapon). The fang weapons are enchanted as if they are one single weapon (so it only costs 2308gp for a +1 medium fang weapon, rather than 4608gp).The bonus from a pair of magical fang weapons is applied to the fangs they are equipped to. These bonuses stack with with the damage bonuses gained from the fang weapons, but not with bonuses gained from Magic Fang and Greater Magic Fang.

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