Channel Psionic Touch (3.5e Feat)

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Channel Psionic Touch [Psionic]

You can channel your psionic touch powers through a held melee weapon.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 1st
Benefit: You are able to manifest psionic touch powers through a held melee weapon, allowing you to make a standard armed attack and inflict normal weapon damage plus the effect of your psionic power on a successful strike. For a power with a manifestation time of 1 standard action, manifesting the power and making the attack require a full-round action (unless the power is manifested with Quicken Power, in which case it requires a standard action). When resolving your attack, compare your attack roll against your target’s normal AC and AC against touch attacks. If your attack roll fails to beat the target’s normal AC but beats his or her AC against touch attacks, the power is discharged normally but the weapon inflicts no additional damage. Once the power is manifest your melee weapon holds the charge of the power exactly as if the power had been manifest in the normal manner. You cannot pass a charged weapon to another character as doing so discharges your power. Likewise, the power dissipates (without discharging) if the weapon is ever thrown or leaves your hand.
Normal: You can manifest a psionic touch power as either a touch attack (no armor, shield or natural armor bonus to AC) or a normal unarmed strike.
Special: You cannot manifest personal psionic powers (like claws of the bear, claws of the vampire, etc.) with this feat. For purposes of this feat, the weapon used to manifest your psionic touch power is immune to the effects of your power while it holds the charge of the power.
Author: Eric D. Harry © Eric D. Harry 2001   This feat is from the NBoF, please see NBoF Credits.
NBoF Balance Rating (0 to 5 Scale)
Overall Purp Pow Port Comp Rule
4.05 4.00 4.25 4.25 3.25 4.50

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