Gambling Mage (3.5e Feat)

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Gambling Spell [Metamagic]

You are willing to risk losing spell potency to reach for the ultimate payout.
Prerequisite: Able to cast 3rd level spells.
Benefit: When you cast a spell with this feat applied to it you roll a d20.

A roll of 1-5 results in your Caster level being considered 50% of it's normal amount including all bonuses, rounded down. For example a level 11 Cleric with an active Orange Ioun Stone would be considered CL 6 for the purposes of saving throw DC's, number of damage dice rolled etc.

A roll of 6-15 means the spell activates as if you had not used this feat.

A roll of 16-20 results in your Caster level being considered 25% higher than it's normal amount including all bonuses, rounded up. This effect works even if this would put a spells factor higher than normally allowed. For example a level 14 Sorcerer would be considered CL 18 for the purposes of this spell, meaning that if she cast a Gambling Fireball it would deal 13d6 damage, even though it is normally limited to 10d6.

A Gambling Spell uses a normal slot of the spell being cast, including additional Metamagic Feats
Normal: Spell's effects are decided by a fixed number.

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