Efficient Spell (3.5e Feat)

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Efficient Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast a spell as a move action.
Benefit: Casting an Efficient spell is a move action which provokes an attack of opportunity. A spell whose casting time is more than 1 full round action cannot be efficient. An Efficient spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level. You may cast only one Quickened spell or Efficient spell per round.
Special: This feat cannot be applied to any spell cast spontaneously (including sorcerer spells, bard spells, and cleric or druid spells cast spontaneously), since applying a metamagic feat to a spontaneously cast spell automatically increases the casting time to a full-round action.
Author: Jonathan D. Woolley © Jonathan D. Woolley 2005   This feat is from the NBoF, please see NBoF Credits.
NBoF Balance Rating (0 to 5 Scale)
Overall Purp Pow Port Comp Rule
4.20 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.33

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