Bladed Cloak (3.5e Equipment)

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A thick and heavy cloak with a silver outline with a hidden blade in the outline that comes out if you spin or swing, treated as a light weapon that deals 1d6 damage with a 19-20 x2 critical. As a special full round action you my spin the cloak around yourself and attack all creatures adjacent to you. This item may be worn separately as a piece of light armor with a +2 armor bonus, -2 armor check penalty, and a maximum dexterity bonus of 8, or this item may be added as an addition to an existing suit of armor that increases is armor check penalty by 2, reduces its maximum dexterity bonus by 1, increases its weight category by 1 (Light to Medium, Medium to Heavy), and increases its armor bonus by 2. This item does not add an additional armor bonus to heavy armor but you may still benefit from the blade in the cloak.

A bladed cloak may be made masterwork and enchanted as any other suit of armor. Any enhancements or enchantments are removed when the cloak is combined with another, and from then on they are treated as one item and may not be removed from one another without destroying both.

It weighs 15 pounds, or adds 15 pounds to the armor and costs 150 gp.

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