Fiendish Spider (4e Template)

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Fiendish Spider

Fiendish spiders are monstrous spiders that have been blessed by Lolth. They have gained some of the power of the great web and are an embodiment of the demonweb. Fiendish spiders are the sevants of Lolth.

"Fiendish Spider" is a template you can apply to any spiderkind beast with the spider keyword, representing a spider infused with the power of the demonweb.

Prerequisite: Spiderkind beast (spider).

Fiendish Spider
Elemental Magical Beast (demon, spider, spiderkind)
XP Standard
Move Through the Web ♦ encounter
Effect: The fiendish spider teleports 3 squares.
Corrupting Bite ♦ encounter
Effect: Level +2 Vs. Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends). Increase damage to ongoing 10 at 11th level, and ongoing 15 at 21st level.
Effect: The fiendish spider can speak common, elven, deep speech and abyssal.

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