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Pronounciation Guide[edit]

The following is mostly composed of copied lists compiled on other websites.

The Big Ones[edit]

Coup de Grace
is the subject of many arguments. People will often gleefully tell you it's pronounced "coo de grah" because of the way "gras" is pronounced in "Mardi Gras". They're wrong. "Grace" (which means "mercy") and "Gras" (which means "fat") are entirely different words. They have different letters in them and everything, just like other words which aren't the same words as each other do. "Grace" has a strong "ss" sound at the end of it, and the phrase is pronounced "coo de grass" (that's a hard "a" like Americans pronounce "ass", not like how the English pronounce "arse"). You can hear a Frenchman pronouncing it here. Don't walk around saying "blow of fat", for pity's sake!
is pronounced "may-lay", though the "may" part is very short (almost "meh"). Not mee-lay, mee-lee, or meh-lee.
has the emphasis on the first syllable: PAL-a-din.
the Planescape city, is not pronounced the same as the word "sigil" (which means "symbol"). It's a hard "G". Si-gill, not Si-jill. David 'Zeb' Cook says: "Yeah, we went with the “mispronunciation” (because I think I mispronounced it that way)." He indicates that it's a little in-joke at his expense.
is pronounced "blaggard". It's not just a D&D word, it's an actual, real word. Listen to it here.

Drow rhymes with "cow". Page 9 of A Grand Tour of the Realms (2nd Edition Forgotten Realms boxed set) states, "Dark elves, also called Drow (pronounced to rhyme with now or how)..."

is an old celtic word pronounced "gesh". Listen to it here. WotC and TSR before them tend to say "GEE-ASS".

Gaol is the British spelling of "jail" and is pronounced the same way. It's a current spelling, not an old-timey spelling.

is pronounced "guy-gaks" (see below for more info on that).
Drizzt's panther, is an old spelling of "Guinevere", King Arthur's wife (you can hear that here). However, the panther is not pronounced that way.

Gelatinous begins with a "j" sound, as you can hear here. Brazier is pronounced "bray-zier" (slightly sounds like the TV character Frasier); hear it here.

is pronounced TEEF-ling, not tie-fling, as you can hear here.
A balor: is a "BAY-lor" not a "BAH-lor".
is located on
according to Patrick Stewart narrating the Demon Stone PS2 game.
is pronounced "the"; or, more accurately, there was no such word as "ye" in the sense of "Ye Olde Shoppe" (though the word 'ye' did mean 'you'). In the 9th-12th century, the English used the letter thorn (þ) to represent the “th” sound. Later, as printing became widely used, they instead used the y key which was understood to mean a thorn, or the sound "th".
has two different pronunciations. The British pronunciation is ar-KANE-uh, while the American pronunciation is ar-CAN-uh.
is pronounced "ba-HAH-moot" or "ba-HAH-mat" (see here). Bahamut, before the name was co-opted for D&D, was from Arabian mythology, and was actually a vast elephant-headed fish. The original pronunciation is the "moot" version; the later "mat" version is popular with gamers, though.
The 'c' in scion is silent.
The word is pronounced sigh-on, as demonstrated here.
is "BEEyamuth" (British) or "beeHEEmuth" (American) (listen); an episode of Deep Space 9 repeatedly pronounced it "bermuth", so it's different in space.
is LITCH, not Lik or Leek; see this video for more. (The English town Lichfield is pronounced the same way).
is understandably awkward to say. It's the plural of Erinys, an alternate name for the Greek Furies. You say it ih-rin-ee-eez (listen here; the top entry is the singular Erinys, but just below is the plural, Erinyes).
TSR, WotC, and R.A. Salvatore have various pronunciations.
  • Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Revised 2nd Edition): gives the pronunciation as Drist Doe-URR-den.
  • The Crystal Shard (the novel by R.A. Salvatore) gives the pronunciation as "Drits" in a scene where the character teaches a child how to pronounce his name.
  • In the Dark Elf Trilogy, Book 3: Sojourn, he again teaches a child how to pronounce his name using the pronunciation "drizzit".

WotC's Glossary[edit]

  • Aarakocra: a-rah-KO-krah
  • Arquebus: AR-keh-bus
  • Baatezu: bay-AH-teh-zu or BAH-teh-zu
  • Bardiche: bar-DEESH
  • Bulette: boo-LAY (note that this one is universally condemned by gamers everywhere, so we suggest ignoring WotC and saying "boo-lett")
  • Catoblepus: kuht-OH-bleh-puhs, also kah-TA-ble-pus
  • Chatkcha: CHAT-k-cha (thri-kreen throwing weapon)
  • Chimera: ky-MAEE-ruh, or ky-MAIR-ruh (rhymes with "care of")
  • Chitin: KITE-in
  • Cuirass: KWEE-rass
  • Drow: DRAU (as in drowsy; rhymes with now and how)
  • Dweomer: DWEH-mer (rhymes with "hem her"), or DWIH-mer; sometimes DWEE-mer
  • Falchion: FAL-chun
  • Geas: GEE-ass, or GYASS (both with a hard "g") (this one's wrong; it's "gesh" - see above)
  • Gygax: GY-gaks
  • Halberd: HAL-berd, (not HAL-bread)
  • Herb: ERB (if you're American; "Herb" if you're British)
  • Ioun: EYE-oon
  • Iuz: YOOZ or EE-uz
  • Ixitxachitl: iks-it-ZATCH-i-til or ik-zit-zah-chih-tull
  • Lich: LITCH (as in ditch), *not* LIKE or LICK (seriously, try saying 'Wrath of the Lich King" with a "lick" pronunciation of 'lich')
  • Lycanthrope: LY-kun-throhp, LY-kan-throhp (like lichen rope/my tan rope)
  • Lycanthropy: ly-KAN-thruh-pee
  • Mage: MAGE (as in age), *not* MADGE (as in badger)
  • Melee: MAY-lay
  • Otyugh: AHT-yuhg
  • Sahuagin: sah-HWAH-gin
  • Scythe: syth (rhymes with tithe)
  • Svirfneblin: svirf-NEB-lin
  • Tanar'ri: tah-NAHR-ree
  • Tarrasque: tah-RASK
  • Vargouille: var-GWEEL
  • Vrock: vrahk
  • Wyvern: WIH-vern (as in did learn), or WHY-vern
  • Zaknafein: zack-NAY-fee-in

Forgotten Realms Box[edit]

The following pronunciations are found in TSR 1031 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

Place Names[edit]

  • AGLAROND (AHG-lah-rond)
  • AMN (AWW-mmm)
  • ANAUROCH (Ann-OAR-ock)
  • ARABEL (AIR-ah-bell)
  • ARCHENDALE (ARK-hen-dale)
  • ASBRAVN (Az-BRAH-ven)
  • BEREGOST (BEAR-eh-gost)
  • BOARESKYR (Boar-reh-SKEER) Bridge
  • CALANTAR’S (CAH-lan-tare's) WAY
  • CALIMSHAN (CAL-im-shan)
  • CORMYR (Core-MEER)
  • DAMARA (Dah-MARR-ah)
  • DHEDLUK (DED-luke)
  • ESSEMBRA (Ess-SEM-brah)
  • EVERESKA (Eh-ver-EH-ska)
  • ELVERSULT (EL-ver-suhlt)
  • HLINTAR (Heh-LIN-tar)
  • HLUTHVAR (Heh-LUTH-var)
  • HUDDAGH (HUHD-agh)
  • IMPILTUR (IM-pill-tur)
  • IRIAEBOR (Ear-ee-AY-bore)
  • KARA-TUR (Kah-rah-TOUR)
  • KULTA (KUHL-tah)
  • MARSEMBER (Mar-SEM-burr)
  • MASKYR’S (MAH-skeer's) EYE
  • MELVAUNT (MELL-vont)
  • MOONSHAE (MOON-shay)
  • MULHESSEN (Muhl-HEH-sen)
  • MULHORAND (Muhl-HOH-rand)
  • MULMASTER (MUHL-mah-ster)
  • ORDULIN (ORE-dyoo-lin)
  • ORLUMBOR (Or-LUM-bore)
  • PROS (Prahss)
  • PROSKUR (PROSS-kurr)
  • PROCAMPUR (Pro-CAHM-pur)
  • RASHEMEN (Rah-SHEH-men)
  • RAURIN (ROAR-en)
  • REDDANSYR (Reh-DAHN-seer)
  • SAERLOON (Say-er-LOON)
  • SCORNUBEL (SCOR-noo-bell)
  • SELGAUNT (SELL-gont)
  • SOSSAL (SAW-sall)
  • SOUBAR (SOO-bar)
  • SURD (Serd)
  • TARKHALDALE (TARK-hal-dale)
  • TETHYR (TEH-theer)
  • TSURLAGOL (Tsss-SIR-lah-gel)
  • TULBEGH (TULL-beg)
  • TYRLUK (TEER-luke)
  • URMLASPYR (Erm-LASS-peer)
  • VAASA (VAH-sah)
  • WHELOON (way-LOON)
  • YLRAPHON (Ee-ul-RAFF-on)
  • ZHENTIL KEEP (Zz-HENT-ill Keep)

Human Deities[edit]

  • AURIL (AWE-rill)
  • AZUTH (AH-Zooth)
  • BESHABA (Beh-SHAH-ba)
  • BHAAL (Beh-HAHL)
  • CHAUNTEA (Chawn-TEE-ah)
  • ELDATH (EL-dath)
  • GOND (Gond)
  • HELM (Hehlm)
  • ILMATER (Ihl-MAY-ter)
  • LATHANDER (Lah-THAN-der)
  • LEIRA (LAIR-ah)
  • LLIIRA (LEER-ah)
  • LOVIATAR (Low-vee-A-tar)
  • MALAR (MAY-larr)
  • MIELIKKI (My-LEE-kee)
  • MILIL (Meh-LILL)
  • MYRKUL (MERR-kool)
  • MYSTRA (MISS-trah)
  • OGHMA (OGG-mah)
  • SELUNE (Seh-LOON-eh)
  • SHAR (Shahr)
  • SILVANUS (Sihl-VANN-us)
  • SUNE (SUE-nee)
  • TALONA (Tah-LOW-nah)
  • TALOS (TAH-los)
  • TEMPUS (TEM-pos)
  • TORM (torm)
  • TYMORA (Tie-MORE-ah)
  • TYR (teer)
  • UMBERLEE (Um-ber-LEE)

Elemental Lords[edit]

  • AKADI (Ah-KAHD-dee)
  • ISTISHIA (Iss-TISH-ee-ah)

====Selected NPCs of the Realms====*

  • AILOTH (EYE-loth)
  • ALDOLPHUS (al-DOL-Fuss)
  • ALZEGUND (Ahl-zeh-GUND)
  • ARTHAGUS (Are-THAY-gus)
  • ASBRAS HLUMIN (AZZ-brazz Huh-LOO-min)
  • AUBAERUS (AWE-bare-us)
  • AZALA (Ah-ZALE-ah)
  • AZARGATHA NIMUNE (Ahz-zar-GAH-tha Nih-MOON-nee)
  • AZOUN IV (Azz-OO-un)
  • BORUSTINE (BORE-uh-stine)
  • DEIOR RASTHAVIN (DAY-ore RAST-hah-vin)
  • DOUST SULWOOD (Dowst SULL-wood)
  • DURKIN (DER-kin)
  • ELMINSTER (El-MIN-ster)
  • EMPEREL (Emp-er-EL)
  • EREGUL (ERE-eh-gull)
  • ERESSEA AMBERGYLES (Ere-ess-SEE-ah AHM-ber-giles)
  • GHARRI (JAR-ee)
  • GUNTHOR (GUN-thor)
  • ILLISTYL ELVENTREE (IL-iss-til EL-ven-tree)
  • ISLIF LURELAKE (ISS-liff LUR-lake)
  • JELDE ASTURIEN (JEL-deh ASS-tur-ee-en)
  • KHELBEN 'Blackstaff' ARUNSUN (KEL-ben AIR-un-sun)
  • KORTH (rhymes with NORTH)
  • LHARAVE (Lah-rah-VAY)
  • MANXAM (MANK-zam)
  • MASYR (MAW-zeer)
  • MAXER (MAYK-ser)
  • MHZENTUL (Mah-ZEN-tull)
  • NAGLATHA (Nahg-LATH-ah)
  • NEIRON (NEAR-on)
  • NETHMURTA (Neth-MER-tah)
  • NURLAR (NURR-larr)
  • ORGAUTH (ORE-goth)
  • OSPER LINTHALAM (AWE-spur Lin-THAY-lamm)
  • PERENDRA (Per-EN-drah)
  • RAIRUN (RARE-unn)
  • RHAUNTIDES (RAWN-tee-dees)
  • SEMEMMON (SEH-mem-on)
  • SHAUNIL THARM (SHAW-nil Tharm)
  • SUNDETH GOSSYL (SUN-deth GAW-sill)
  • SYLUNE (Sill-OO-nay)
  • THAGDAL (THAHG-dahl)
  • THENTIAS (Then-TIE-ass)
  • VANGERDAHAST (VAN-jer-dah-hast)
  • YOREL (YORE-el)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Revised)[edit]

The following pronunciations were included in TSR 1085: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Revised). Select NPCs

  • Ailoth (AY-loth)
  • Alias (AY-lee-us)
  • Arthagus (Are-THAY-gus)
  • Asbras Hlumin (AZ-braz HLOO-min)
  • Aurora (Awe-ROAR-ah)
  • Aubaerus (AWE-bare-us)
  • Azargatha Nimune (Ahz-zar-GAH-tha Nih-MOON-nee)
  • Azoun IV (A-ZOON)
  • Brandon (BRAN-don)
  • Doust Sulwood (Dowst SUL-wood)
  • Drizzt Do'Urden (Drist Doe-URR-den)
  • Elminster (El-MINN-ster)
  • Eregul (AIR-eh-gull)
  • Florin Falconhand (FLOAR-in FAL-con-hand)
  • Fzoul Chembryl (Fzool CHEM-bril)
  • Islif Lurelake (ISS-liff LURR-lake)
  • Jelde Asturien (GHEL-deh As-TUR-ee-en)
  • Jhessail Silvertree (Jes-SAIL SIL-ver-tree)
  • Khelben 'Blackstaff' Arunsun (KELL-ben AIR-un-sun)
  • Lanseril Snowmantle (LAN-sair-il SNOE-man-tul)
  • Manshoon (Man-SHOON)
  • Manxam (MANK-Zam)
  • Maxer (MAYK-ser)
  • Merith Strongbow (MAIR-ith STRONG-boe)
  • Miraun (Mihr-RAWN)
  • Mourngrym Amcathra (MORN-grim Am-CATH-rah)
  • Naglatha (Nah-GLAH-thah)
  • Neiron (NEAR-on)
  • Osper Linthalam (AWE-spur Lin-THAY-lamm)
  • Piergeiron (Peer-GEER-on)
  • Rairun (RARE-un)
  • Rhauntides (RAWN-tee-dees)
  • Sememmon (SEH-mem-mon)
  • Shaerl Amcathra (SHAY-earl Am-KATHthrah)
  • Temmi Dharimm (TEH-mee DAH-rimm)
  • Thentias (Then-TAY-us)
  • Vangerdahast (VAN-gerr-dah-hast)
  • Yorel (YOR-el)
  • Zandess Danthiir (ZAHN-dess DAN-theer)

Forgotten Realms Deity Trilogy[edit]

The Forgotten Realms "deity trilogy" of sourcebooks consisted of TSR 9516: Faiths & Avatars, TSR 9563: Powers & Pantheons, and TSR 9585: Demihuman Deities. They included the following pronunciations: Faiths & Avatars

  • Akadi (Ah-KAH-dee)
  • Amaunator (Ah-MAWN-ah-tor)
  • Ao (AY-oh)
  • Auril (AWE-ril)
  • Azuth (Ah-ZOOTH)
  • Bane (BANE)
  • Beshaba (Beh-SHAH-ba)
  • Bhaal ((Bahl)
  • Chauntea (Chawn-TEE-ah)
  • Cyric (SEER-ick)
  • Deneir (Deh-NEER)
  • Eldath (EL-dath)
  • Gond (GOHND)
  • Grumbar (GRUM-bar)
  • Heml (HELM)
  • Ibrandul (Ih-BRAN-duhl)
  • Ilmater (Ihl-MAY-ter)
  • Istishia (Is-TISH-ee-ah)
  • Iyachtu Xvim (ee-YACK-too-ZIM)
  • Kelemvor (KELL-ehm-vor)
  • Kossuth (Koh-SOOTH)
  • Lathander (Lah-THAN-der)
  • Leira (LAIR-uh)
  • Lliira (LEER-ah, with a trill on the long "e" sound)
  • Loviatar (Loh-VEE-a-tar)
  • Malar (MAH-larr)
  • Mask (MASK)
  • Mielikki (My-LEE-kee)
  • Milil (Mihl-LILL)
  • Moander (non given)
  • Myrkul (MER-kul)
  • Mystra (Miss-trah)
  • Oghma (OGG-mah)
  • Selune (Seh-LOON-eh)
  • Shar (SHAHR)
  • Shaundakul (SHAWN-da-kul)
  • Silvanus (Sihl-VANN-us)
  • Sune (SUE-nee)
  • Talona (Tah-LOW-na)
  • Talos (TAH-los)
  • Tempus (TEM-pus)
  • Torm (TORM)
  • Tymora (Te-MORE-ah)
  • Tyr (TEER)
  • Umberlee (Um-ber-LEE)
  • Waukeen (Wau-KEEN)

Powers & Pantheons[edit]

Faerunian Pantheon (Demipowers)[edit]
  • Finder Wyvernspur (FIND-er WHIV-urn-spur)
  • Garagos (GAH-rah-gohs)
  • Gargauth (GAR-goth)
  • Gwaeron Windstrom (GWAIR-on WIND-strahm)
  • Hoar (HORE)
  • Jergal (JER-gull)
  • Karsus (KAHR-sus)
  • Lurue (Luh-RUE)
  • Nobanion (No-BAN-yun)
  • Savras (SAHV-ras)
  • Sharess (SHAH-ress)
  • Shiallia (shee-AL-lee-ah)
  • Siamorphe (SIGH-a-morf)
  • Ulutiu (oo-LOO-tee-oo)
  • Uthgar (UHTH-gar)
  • Valkur (none given)
  • Velsharoon (VEL-shah-roon)
Chultan Pantheon[edit]
  • Eshowdow (eh-SHOE-doe)
  • Sseth (non given)
  • Ubtao (oob-TAY-oh)
Mulhorandi & Untheric Pantheons[edit]
  • Anhur (ANN-her)
  • Geb (non given)
  • Gilgean (non given)
  • Hathor (HAA-thor)
  • Horus-Re (hore-US-ray)
  • Isis (eye-sis)
  • Nephthys (NEF-this)
  • Osiris (o-SIGH-rihs)
  • Sebek (SEH-beck)
  • Set (SEHT)
  • Thoth (THOTH)
  • Tiamat (TEE-a-maht)

Demihuman Deities[edit]

Drow Pantheon[edit]
  • Eilistraee (EEL-iss-TRAY-yee)
  • Ghaunadaur (GONE-ah-door)
  • Kiaransalee (KEE-uh-RAN-sa-lee)
  • Lolth (LOLTH)
  • Selvetarm (SELL-veh-TARM)
  • Vhaeraun (Vay-RAWN)
Dwarven Pantheon[edit]
  • Abbathor (AB-bah-thor)
  • Berronar Truesilver (BAlR-roe-nahr TROO-sihl-vur)
  • Clangeddin Silverbeard (CLAN-gehd-din SIHL-vur-beerd)
  • Deep Duerra (DEEP DWAIR-uh)
  • Dugmaren Brightmantle (DUHG-mah-ren BRITE-man-tuhl)
  • Dumathoin (DOO-muh-THOE-in)
  • Gorm Gulthyn (GORM GULL-thin)
  • Haela Brightaxe (HUH-ae-la BRITE-ax)
  • Laduguer (LAA-duh-gwur)
  • Marthammor Duin (Mar-THAM-more DOO-ihn)
  • Moradin (MOAR-uh-din)
  • Sharindlar (Sha-RIHN-dlar)
  • Thard Harr (THARD HAHRR)
  • Vergadain (VUR-guh-dane)
Elven Pantheon[edit]
  • Aerdrie Faenya (AIR-dree FAH-ane-yuh)
  • Angharradh (ON-gahr-rath)
  • Avachel (AH-vah-chel)
  • Corellon Larethian (CORE-ehlon Lah-RETH-ee-yen)
  • Deep Sashelas (DEEP SA-sheh-lahs)
  • Erevan Illesere (AIR-eh-van ILL-eh-seer)
  • Felarathael (FEH-leh-RAH-thay-ehl)
  • Fenmarel Mestarine (FEHN-muh-rehl MESS-tuh-reen)
  • Hanali Celanil (HAN-uh-lee SELL-uh-nihl)
  • Khalreshaar (Kal-REH-shay-are)
  • Labelas Enoreth (LAH-bay-lahs EHN-or-eth)
  • Lashrael (LASH-ray-ehl)
  • Rillifane Rallathil (RILL-ih-fane RALL-uh-thihl)
  • Sehanine Moonbow (SEH-ha-neen MOON-boe)
  • Shevarash (SHEV-uh-rash)
  • Solonor Thelandira (SOE-lue-nohr Theh-LAN-dih-ruh)
  • Zandilar (ZAN-dih-lahr)
Gnome Pantheon[edit]
  • Baervan Wildwanderer (BAY-ur-van WILD-WAN-der-er)
  • Baravar Cloakshadow (BARE-uh-vahr CLOKE-sha-doh)
  • Callarduran Smoothhands (KAAHL-ur-duhr-an SMOOTHhands)
  • Flandal Steelskin (FLAN-dahl STEEL-skin)
  • Gaerdal Ironhand (GAIR-dahl EYE-urn-hand)
  • Garl Glittergold (GARL GLIHT-ter'gold)
  • Nebelun (NEHB-eh-luhn)
  • Segojan Earthcaller (SEH-goe-jann URTH-cahl-ur)
  • Urdlen (URD-len)
Halfling Pantheon[edit]
  • Arvoreen (ARE-voh-reen)
  • Brandobaris (BRAN-doe-BARE-iss)
  • Cyrrollalee (SEER-oh-LAH-lee)
  • Sheela Peryroyl (SHEE-lah PAlR-ree-roil)
  • Urogalan (URR-roh-GAH-lan)
  • Yondalla (Yon-DAH-lah)

Oriental Adventures[edit]

  • katana (kah-tah-nah)
  • ki (kee)
  • naga (nah-gah)
  • nunchaku (nun-chah-koo)
  • pennaggolan (pen-nag-oh-lawn)
  • sai (sigh)
  • wu jen (woo jen)

DRAGON Magazine #93[edit]

The article "Ay pronunseeAYshun gyd" by Frank Mentzer in Dragon #93 (Jan. 1985) contains the following pronunciation guide. This list contains a large number of GREYHAWK personages and places, along with D&D monsters.

(M) = from the AD&D® Monster Manual, AD&D® Monster Manual II, or FIEND FOLIO® Tome

(P) = AD&D® Players Handbook

(D) = AD&D® Dungeon Masters Guide

(G) = DEITIES & DEMIGODS™ Cyclopedia

(R) = AD&D® Rogues Gallery game accessory

(W) = WORLD OF GREYHAWK™ Fantasy World Setting


  • Aaqa (D): A-ka
  • Aarakocra (M): a-ra-KO-kra
  • Abbathor (G): AB-ba-thor
  • Abishai (M): AB-i-shy
  • Aboleth (M): AB-o-leth
  • Abyss (P): a-BIS
  • Acererak (W): a-SER-ur-ak
  • Achaierai (M): a-CHY-ur-y
  • Acheron (P): ATCH-ur-un
  • Acolyte (P): AK-o-lyt
  • Adept (P): a-DEPT
  • Adherer (M): ad-HEER-ur
  • Adonais’ Deep (D): AD-o-nyz
  • Aerdi (W): AYR-dee
  • Afanc (M): AY-fank
  • Agathion (M): a-GAY-thee-on
  • Aishapra (M): y-SHaP-ra
  • Al’Akbar (D): al-aK-bar
  • Alastor (M): a-LAS-tor
  • Aleax (M): AY-lee-aks
  • Algoid (M): AL-goyd
  • Allosaurus (M): al-lo-SAR-us
  • Al-mi’raj (M): al-mi-RAJ
  • Almor (W): aL-mor
  • Alu-demon (M): AL-oo-dee-mun
  • Alzoll (M): aL-zal
  • Amaimon (M): a-MY-mun
  • Amir (M): a-MEER
  • Amon (M): AY-mun
  • Amphisbaena (M): am-fis-BAY-na
  • Anatosaurus (M): an-ah-to-SAR-us
  • Androsphinx (M): AN-dro-sfinks
  • Anhkheg (M): ANK-eg
  • Ankisaurus (M): an-ki-SAR-us
  • Ankylosaurus (M): ank-ee-lo-SAR-us
  • Annis (M): AN-nis
  • Anstruth College (P): AN-struth
  • Anthraxus (M): an-THRAK-sus
  • Antrodemus (M): an-tro-DEE-mus
  • Apatosaurus (M): a-pat-o-SAR-us
  • Arcadia (P): ar-KAY-dee-a
  • Arcanadaemon (M): ar-CAN-a-day-mun
  • Archelon ischyras (M): AR-ka-lon i-SHY-rus
  • Arkayn (D): ar-KAYN
  • Arlanni (D): ar-LAN-ee
  • Arrarat (R): AR-a-rat
  • Artur’s Dolmen (D): AR-torz DOL-men
  • Arumdina (G): a-rum-DY-na
  • Ascomoid (M): AS-ko-mid
  • Asmodeus (M): az-mo-DAY-us, or az-MO-dee-us
  • Aspis (M): AS-pis
  • Atabeg (M): AT-uh-beg
  • Atamen (M): AT-uh-men
  • Atomie (M): AT-uh-mee
  • Audible glamer (P): a-di-bul GLa-mur (or GLAY-mur)
  • Augury (P): AG-ur-ee
  • Aurora Borealis (W): a-ROR-a bor-ee-aL-is
  • Aurumvorax (M): a-rum-VoR-aks
  • Azer (M): AY-zur


  • Baalberith (M): BAYL-bur-ith
  • Baalzebul (M): BAYL-ze-bul
  • Baalzephon (M): BAYL-ze-fan
  • Baba Yaga (D): ba-ba YA-guh
  • Babau (M): ba-BOW
  • Bactrian camel (M): BaK-tree-en ka-mu1
  • Bael (M): bayl
  • Bahamut (M): ba-HA-mut, or BA-ha-mut
  • Baku (M): BA-koo, or BaK-oo
  • Ballista (D): ba-LIST-a
  • Balor (M): BAY-lor
  • Baluchitherium (M): ba-loo-ki-THEER-ee-um
  • Banderlog (M): BAN-der-log
  • Banshee (M): BAN-shee
  • Baphomet (M): ba-FOM-et, or BAF-u-met
  • Barbican (D): BAHR-bi-kun
  • Bardiche (P): bar-DEESH
  • Barghest (M): bar-GEST
  • Bar-lgura (M): bar-lu-GOR-a
  • Bartizan (D): BAR-ti-zun
  • Basidirond (M): ba-SID-i-rund
  • Basilisk (M): BAZ-i-lisk
  • Bet de corbin (P): bek-de-KOR-bin
  • Beetu (W): bee-TOO
  • Beglerbeg (M): BEG-lur-beg
  • Behemoth (M): bee-HEM-uth, or bee-HEE-muth
  • Behir (M): be-HEER
  • Belial (M): bee-LY-ul
  • Belissica (W): be-LISS-i-ka
  • Beluga (M): be-LOO-ga
  • Berbalang (M): BUR-ba-lang
  • Bey (M): bay
  • Bill-guisarme (P): bil-gwee-ZARM
  • Bilwhr (M): BIL-wur
  • Bireme (D): by-REEM
  • Blashikmund (W): BLaSH-ik-mund,or blash-IK-mund
  • Blibdoolpoolp (G): blib-DOOL-poop,or BLIB-dool-poop
  • Boalisk (M): BO-a-lisk
  • Boccob (W): BAK-ab
  • Bodak (M): BO-dak
  • Boggart (M): BAG-art
  • Boobrie (M): BOOB-ree
  • Booka (M): BOO-ka
  • Brachiosaurus (M): bratch-ee-o-SAR-us
  • Brontosaurus (M): bran-to-SAR-us
  • Bubonis (M): boo-BAN-is
  • Bulette (M): boo-LET, or byoo-LET; also boo-LAY, or byoo-LAY
  • Burneal (W): BURN-ee-ul


  • Cabalist (P): KAB-u-list
  • Cacodemon (P): KAK-o-dee-mun
  • Camarasaurus (M): ka-mar-a-SAR-us
  • Cambion (M): KAM-bee-on
  • Camptosaurus (M): kamp-to-SAR-us
  • Canaith (P): ka-NAYTH
  • Caryatid column (M): KAR-ya-tid kal-um
  • Catoblepas (M): ka-TAB-le-pus, kat-o-BLEPus, or kat-o-BLEEPus
  • Cea (R): see
  • Ceratopsian (M): ser-a-TAP-see-an
  • Ceratosaurus (M): ser-ah-to-SAR-us
  • Cerebus (D): SER-e-bus
  • Cetiosaurus (M): set-ee-o-SAR-us
  • Chaggrin (M): sha-GRIN
  • Chaos (P): KAY-as
  • Charon (M): KAR-un, or KAY-run
  • Charonadaemon (M): ka-RAN-a-day-mun
  • Chasme (M): KAZ-mee, or CHAZ-mee
  • Chauves souris (P): sho-ves SOR-is
  • Chimera (M): KIM-u-ru, or kim-AYR-u; also CHIM-u-ru, chim-AYR-u
  • Choleria (M): ko-LAYR-ee-a
  • Cifal (M): si-FAL
  • Clangeddin (G): KLANG-e-din
  • Cli College (P): klee
  • Compsognathus (M): kamp-sag-NA-thus
  • Cooshee (M): koo-SHEE
  • Corellon Larethian (G): kor-el-un la-RETH-ee-an
  • Corseque (P): kor-SEEK
  • Corusk (W): KOR-usk
  • Corvice (D): KOR-vis
  • Corythosaurus (M): KOR-ith-o-SAR-us
  • Couatl (M): koo-AT-ul, or koo-AT-ul
  • Couteaux de breche (P): koo-to de BRESH
  • Criosphinx (M): KRY-o-sfinks
  • Cryonax (M): KRY-o-naks
  • Crysmal (M): KRIS-mal
  • Cuir bouli (D): keer boo-LAY
  • Cyclopskin (M): SY-klops-kin
  • Cygnet (M): SIG-net


  • Dacentrurus (M): day-SEN-troo-rus
  • Daemon (M): DAY-mun
  • Dahlver-Nar (D): dal-vur-NAR
  • Dakon (M): DAY-kan
  • Dao (M): dow
  • Decaton (M): DEK-a-tan
  • Deep Sashelas (G): deep SASH-ul-us
  • Deinonychus (M): day-in-o-NY-kuss
  • Demodand (M): DEE-mo-dand
  • Demogorgon (M): DEE-mo-gor-gun
  • Denzelian (M): den-ZEL-ee-an
  • Derghodaemon (M): DUR-go-day-mun
  • Derro (M): DER-o
  • Deva (M): DEE-va
  • Diakk (M): DY-ak
  • Dilophosaurus (M): dil-o-fo-SAR-us
  • Dimetrodon (M): di-ME-tro-dan
  • Dimre (W): DIM-ray
  • Dinichtys (M): di-NIK-tis
  • Diplodicus (M): di-PLO-di-kus
  • Diptherius (M): dip-THEER-ee-us
  • Dispater (M): dis-PAY-ter
  • Djinni (M): JIN-nee, or JEE-nee
  • Dracolisk (M): DRAY-co-lisk, or DRAK-o-lisk
  • Drakkar (D): DRAK-kar
  • Drow (M): drow, or dro
  • Dryad (M): DRY-ad
  • Duergar (M): DEW-ur-gar
  • Dumathoin (G): doo-ma-THO-in
  • Duodrone (M): DOO-o-dron


  • Eadro (G): EE-dro
  • Eblis (M): EB-lis
  • Elasmosaurus (M): ee-las-mo-SAR-us
  • Elysium (P): e-LIS-ee-um
  • Emir (M): e-MEER
  • Emu (M): E-moo
  • Erac (R): E-rak
  • Erinyes (M): AYR-i-neez
  • Errtu (M): AYR-too
  • Erythnul (W): e-RITH-nul
  • Euparkeria (M): yoo-par-KAYR-ee-a


  • Farastu (M): FaR-as-too, or far-AS-too
  • Fharlanghn (W): far-LANG-n
  • Firbolg (M): FEER-bolg
  • Flanaess (W): fla-NES
  • Fochlucan College (P): FOKH-loo-kan
  • Formian (M): FOR-mee-un
  • Formorian (M): for-MOR-ee-un
  • Fraz-urb’luu (M): fraz-URB-loo


  • Galeb Duhr (M): gay-leb DOR
  • Gambado (M): gam-BA-do
  • Geas (P): geez, or GEE-as
  • Gehenna (P): ge-HEN-na
  • Githyanki (M): gith-YAN-kee
  • Githzerai (M): GITH-zer-y
  • Glabrezu (M): GLaB-re-zoo, or glab-REE-zoo
  • Glaive-guisarme (P): glayv-gwee-ZARM
  • Godentag (P): GO-den-tag
  • Golem (M): GO-lem
  • Gorbel (M): GOR-bel
  • Gorgimera (M): gor-gi-MAYR-a
  • Grippli (M): GRIP-lee
  • Grolantor (G): gro-LAN-tor
  • Grue (M): groo
  • Grugach (M): GROO-gatch
  • Gruumsh (G): grumsh, or groomsh
  • Guisarme (P): gwee-ZARM
  • Gynosphinx (M): GY-no-sfinks


  • Hanali Celanil (G): han-na-lee SEL-a-nil
  • Harginn (M): har-GIN
  • Heward (D): HYOO-ard
  • Heironeous (W): hayr-O-nee-us
  • Herzog (W): HAYRT-zog
  • Hezrou (M): HEZ-ro
  • Hieracosphinx (M): heer-AK-o-sfinks
  • Hippocampus (M): hip-o-KaMP-us
  • Hippogriff (M): HIP-o-griff
  • Homonculous (M): hu-MUNK-yoo-lus
  • Hruggek (G): HRUG-ek
  • Huecuva (M): hyoo-KOO-va
  • Hutijin (M): HUT-i-jin
  • Hyaenodon (M): hy-aN-o-dan
  • Hybsil (M): HIB-sil


  • Ichor (D): IK-or
  • Icthyosaurus (M): ik-thee-o-SAR-us
  • Iguanadon (M): i-GWAN-a-dan
  • Ildriss (M): IL-dris
  • Illithid (M): il-LITH-id
  • Imix (M): Y-miks
  • Imorph (M): Y-morf
  • Incabulos (W): in-KaB-yoo-lus
  • Incubus (M): INK-yoo-bus
  • Ioun stone (D): Y-oon stone
  • Iuz (W): yooz, or EE-uz
  • Ixitxachitl (M): ik-ZIT-za-chit-ul


  • Jaculi (M): ja-KOO-lee, or JAK-oo-lee
  • Jangada (D): jang-GAD-a
  • Johydee (D): jo-HY-dee, or johee-DEE
  • Juiblex (M): JOO-bleks, or ZHOO-bleks


  • Kamadan (M): KAM-a-dan
  • Kelanen (W): KEL-a-nen
  • Kelubar (M): KEL-yoo-bar
  • Kenku (M): keng-KOO, or KENK-oo
  • Kentrosaurus (M): ken-tro-SAR-us
  • Keoghtom (D): KEE-o-tum
  • Kevokulli (M): ke-vo-KUL-ee
  • Killmoulis (M): kil-MOO-lis
  • Ki-rin (M): kee-RIN, or ky-RIN
  • Kopoacinth (M): ko-PO-a-sinth
  • Korseke (P): kor-SEEK
  • Kostchtchie (M): KAS-tch-tch-ee
  • Kraken (M): KRAY-ken, or KRA-ken
  • Kuo-toa (M): koo-o-TO-a
  • Kurtulmak (G): KUR-tul-mak
  • Kwalish (D): kway-LISH
  • Kyuss (M): kee-OOS


  • Labelas Enoreth (G): lab-el-as EN-or-eth
  • Lacedon (M): LAS-e-dan
  • Lambeosaurus (M): lam-bee-o-SAR-us
  • Lamia (M): LAY-mee-a, or LA-mee-a (rarely, la-MY-ah)
  • Lammasu (M): LA-ma-soo
  • Laogzed (G): lay-AG-zed
  • Lemure (M): lem-YOOR, or lem-YOR
  • Leomund (P): LEE-o-mund
  • Lernaean hydra (M): ler-NAY-un HY-dra
  • Lich (M): litch, or lik
  • Locathah (M): LO-ka-tha, or lo-ka-THA
  • Lochaber axe (P): lok-A-bur aks
  • Lolth (M): lalth, or lolth
  • Loxodont (M): LAK-so-dant


  • Mac-Fuirmidh College (P): mak-FUR-mid
  • Machicolation (D): mat-chick-ul-AY-shun
  • Maglubiyet (G): ma-GLUB-i-yet
  • Malebranche (M): MaL-u-bran-cha, or MaL-eh-bran-cha
  • Mamenchisaurus (M): ma-men-chi-SAR-us
  • Mandragora (M): man-dra-GoR-a
  • Mantari (M): man-TAR-ee
  • Marid (M): ma-RID
  • Massopondylus (M): mass-o-PAN-du-luss
  • Megalosaurus (M): meg-a-lo-SAR-us
  • Mephistopheles (M): me-fis-TAF-e-leez
  • Mezzodaemon (M): MEZ-o-day-mun
  • Mihstu (M): MIS-too
  • Mobat (M): MO-bat
  • Modron (M): MO-dran
  • Monoclonius (M): man-o-KLO-nee-us
  • Moradin (G): MOR-a-din
  • Mordenkainen (R): MOR-den-kay-nen
  • Morkoth (M): MOR-kath
  • Mosasaurus (M): mo-za-SAR-us
  • Murlynd (W): MUR-lind
  • Myconid (M): MY-ko-nid
  • Myrmarch (M): MEER-march
  • Myrmidon (P): MUR-mi-dun


  • Nabassu (M): NAB-a-soo, or na-BA-soo
  • Naga (M): NA-ga
  • Nalfeshnee (M): nal-FESH-nee
  • Nao (D): now
  • Ndulu (M): n-DOO-loo
  • Nothosaurus (M): noth-o-SAR-us
  • Nupperibo (M): nup-pur-E-bo
  • Nycadaemon (M): NY-ka-day-mun
  • Nystul (P): NY-stul, or NIS-tul


  • Obad-hai (W): o-bad-HY
  • Obliviax (M): o-BLIV-ee-aks
  • Oerid (W): O-rid
  • Oerik (W): O-rik
  • Oerth (W): OYth (rarely, URth or AYRth)
  • Ogremoch (M): O-gre-mokh
  • Ogrillon (M): o-GRIL-un, or AG-ril-un
  • Oinodaemon (M): OY-no-day-mun
  • Ollamh College (P): AL-lam
  • Onager (D): AN-u-jer
  • Ophidian (M): o-FID-ee-an
  • Opinicus (M): o-PIN-i-kus
  • Ornitholestes (M): or-nith-al-ES-tes
  • Otiluke (P): O-ti-look
  • Otyugh (M): AT-yug


  • Paladin (P): PAL-a-din
  • Paleoscincus (M): pay-lee-o-SING-kus
  • Papyrus (D): pa-PY-rus
  • Parasaurolophus (M): pa-x-a-sar-AL-o-fus
  • Pazuzu (M): pa-ZOO-zoo
  • Pech (M): petch
  • Penanggalan (M): pe-NANG-ga-lun
  • Pentaceratops (M): pen-ta-SER-a-tops
  • Pernicon (M): PER-ni-kun
  • Phaulkon (W): FAL-kun
  • Phlogiston (D): flo-JIS-tun
  • Phoenix (M): FEE-niks
  • Pholtus (W): FOL-tus
  • Phororhacos (M): for-or-HAY-kos
  • Phycomid (M): FY-ko-mid
  • Piscodaemon (M): PIS-ko-day-mun
  • Plateosaurus (M): plat-ee-o-SAR-us
  • Pleistocene (D): plee-IS-to-seen
  • Plesiosaurus (M): ples-ee-o-SAR-us
  • Podokesaurus (M): po-dak-e-SAR-us
  • Primus (M): PREE-mus, or PRI-mus
  • Prosaurolophus (M): pro-sar-o-LO-fus
  • Psionics (P): sy-AN-iks
  • Pteranodon (M): ter-aN-o-dan
  • Pycomid (M): PY-ko-mid


  • Quaal (D): kwal, or kwayl
  • Quadrireme (D): KWA-dri-reem
  • Quag (W): kwag
  • Quaggoth (M): KWAG-uth
  • Quasit (M): KWA-zit
  • Quipper (M): KWIP-per
  • Qullan (M): KWUL-un


  • Racaraide (P): rak-ur-AYD
  • Rakshasa (M): rak-SHA-sa
  • Ranseur (P): ran-SOOR
  • Rehnaremme (M): ray-nar-MAY
  • Remorhaz (M): REE-mor-az, or REHM-or-az
  • Rhizome (M): RY-zom
  • Roncie (P): RAN-see
  • Rothe (M): ro-THAY


  • Sahuagin (M): sa-HWA-gin
  • Saurolophus (M): sar-o-LO-fus
  • Scimitar (P): SIM-i-tar
  • Sekolah (G): SEK-o-la
  • Semuanya (G): se-moo-aN-ya
  • Shaman (D): SHAY-man, or SHA-man
  • Shator (M): SHAY-tor
  • Shedu (M): SHEH-doo, SHAY-doo, SHEE-doo, or any with reversed accent
  • Shillelagh (P): shi-LAY-la
  • Simulacrum (P): sim-yoo-LaK-rum, or si-MUL-a-krum
  • Sirine (M): sy-REEN
  • Skoraeus (G): skor-AY-us
  • Slaad (M): slad, or slahd
  • Smilodon (M): SMYL-o-dan
  • Snyad (M): SNY-ad
  • Solar (M): SO-lar
  • Solifugid (M): sa-li-FYOO-jid
  • Spetum (P): SPEE-turn
  • Ssendam (M): SEN-dum, or SSS’sen-dam
  • Stegosaurus (M): steg-o-SAR-us
  • Storoper (M): STO-ro-pur
  • Struthiomimus (M): struth-ee-o-MY-mus
  • Styracosaurus (M): sti-rak-o-SAR-us
  • Succubus (M): SUK-yoo-bus
  • Su-monster (M): SOO-man-stur
  • Sussurus (M): SUS-u-r-us
  • Svirfneblin (M): svirf-NEB-lin


  • Tabaxi (M): ta-BAK-see
  • Tadhemoth (M): tad-HEE-muth
  • Taer (M): tayr
  • Tanystropheus (M): tan-is-TRO-fee-us
  • Tarrasque (M): ta-RASK
  • Tasloi (M): TAZ-loy
  • Tenebrous worm (M): te-NEB-rus wurm
  • Tennodontosaurus (M): ten-a-dan-to-SAR-us
  • Tenser (W): TEN-sur
  • Teratosaurus (M): ter-at-o-SAR-us
  • Terithran (M): te-RITH-run
  • Tharizdun (W): thar-IZ-dun
  • Thoqqua (M): THAK-wa
  • Thri-kreen (M): thry-KREEN
  • Tiamat (M): TEE-a-mat
  • Tirapheg (M): TEER-a-feg
  • Titanothere (M): ty-TAN-o-theer
  • Titivilus (M): ti-TIV-i-lus
  • Trachodon (M): TRAK-o-dan
  • Trebuchet (D): tre-boo-SHAY
  • Trireme (D): TRY-reem
  • Triton (M): TRY-tun
  • Typhous (M): TY-fus


  • Umiak (D): OO-mee-ak
  • Umpleby (M): UM-pul-bee
  • Ustilagor (M): oo-STIL-la-gor


  • Vacuous Grimoire (D): VAK-yoo-us grim-WAR
  • Valkyrie (G): VAL-kree, or VAL-kuree
  • Vaprak (G): VAP-rak
  • Vargouille (M): var-GWEEL
  • Varrdig (M): VAR-dig
  • Vecna (D): VEK-na
  • Verbeeg (M): vur-BEEG
  • Verme (M): verm
  • Vilstrak (M): VIL-strak
  • Vizier (M): viz-EER
  • Vodyanoi (M): VOD-ya-noy, or VAD-ya-noy
  • Voulge (P): voolj
  • Vrock (M): vrak


  • Wemic (M): WEM-ik, or WEE-mik
  • Wendonai (M): WEND-o-ny
  • Wyvern (M): WIH-vurn, or WY-vern


  • Xag-ya (M): zag-YA
  • Xaren (M): ZAR-un
  • Xeg-yi (M): zeg-YEE
  • Xill (M): zil
  • Xorn (M): zorn
  • Xvart (M): zvart


  • Yagnodaemon (M): YAG-no-day-mun
  • Yeenoghu (M): yee-NAG-hoo
  • Yochlol (M): YAKH-lal
  • Yuan-ti (M): yoo-an-TEE


  • Zaebos (M): ZAY-bos
  • Zuggtmoy (M): ZUG-tmoy
  • Zygom (M): ZY-gam

MC8 Outer Planes Appendix[edit]

This appendix included pronunciations of various tanar'ri and baatezu types.

  • aassimon (ASS-eh-mun)
  • baatezu (bay-At-eh-zoo)
  • tanar'ri (teh-NAH-ree)
  • yugoloth (YOU-go-loth)
  • abishai (AB-ish-eye)
  • agathinon (uh-GATH-uh-non)
  • alu-fiend (AL-oo-feend)
  • amnizu (ahm-NEE-tsu)
  • arcanaloth (are-KAN-uh-loth)
  • archon (ARE-kon)
  • babau (buh-BAY-yoo)
  • balaena (bal-uh-EE-nuh)
  • balor (BAL-ore)
  • barbazu (bar-BAT-soo)
  • bariaur (BAR-ee-ahr)
  • bar-lgura (BAR-el-GOO-ruh)
  • bebilith (BEH-bil-ith)
  • bodak (BOE-dak)
  • cambion (KAM-bee-on)
  • celestial lammasu (LAM-uh-soo)
  • chasme (KAZ-me)
  • cornugon (KORN-yoo-gon)
  • dergholoth (DUR-goh-loth)
  • deva (DEE-vuh)
  • dretch (DRECH)
  • enheriar (en-HARE-ee-ahr)
  • erinyes (air-in-yes)
  • gehreleth (GEH-rel-eth)
  • gelugon (GEL-you-gon)
  • githzerai (GIT-sir-eye)
  • githyanki (gith-YANG-key)
  • glabrezu (gla-BREET-soo)
  • hamatula (hah-mah-CHOO-luh)
  • hezrou (HETZ-row)
  • hordling (HORD-ling)
  • hydroloth (HI-dro-loth)
  • lemure (LEEM-yur)
  • maelephant (MAY-luh-font)
  • manes (MAY-nes)
  • marilith (MAR-ruh-lith)
  • marut (muh-ROOT)
  • mediator (MEE-dee-ate-or)
  • mezzoloth (METZ-oh-loth)
  • molydeus (mol-EE-dee-us)
  • mortai (MOR-tie)
  • nabassu (NAH-bah-soo)
  • nalfeshnee (nal-FESH-nee)
  • nightmare (NITE-mare)
  • noctral (NOK-truhl)
  • nupperibo (nuh-per-EE-bo)
  • nycaloth (NY-kuh-loth)
  • osyluth (OSS-ee-luth)
  • piscoloth (PIS-ko-loth)
  • planetar (PLAN-eh-tar)
  • rutterkin (RUT-er-kin)
  • slaad (SLAHD)
  • solar (SO-lar)
  • spinagon (SPIN-eh-gon)
  • succubus (SUK-you-bus)
  • titan (TIE-ten)
  • t'uen-rin (TOO-en-rin)
  • ultroloth (UL-truh-loth)
  • vaporighu (VAH-por-ee-goo)
  • vrok (VROK)
  • yagnaloth (YAG-nuh-loth)
  • zoveri (ZO-ver-ee)

Unique Devil Names[edit]

Many of the unique names for devils are historical alternative names for Satan or the seven princes of Hell of Christian demonology,

  • Asmodeus: az-ma-DEE-us (listen)
  • Mephistopheles: MEFF-i-STOF-oh-leez (listen)
  • Beelzebub: bee-EL-zi-bub (listen)
  • Mammon: MAH-muhn (listen)
  • Dispater: dis-PAY-ter (listen) (note: often shortened to "Dis" in mythology)
  • Belial: BEE-lee-uhl (listen)
  • Geryon: ge-REE-on
  • Moloch: MOH-lok (listen)
  • Bael: Bel (also spelled "Bel")


Keith Baker's Eberron FAQ lists some pronunciations. Note that he says "As for the pronunciation, the stance we’ve always taken is that there is no official pronunciation; it’s entirely regional, just like “Missouri” or “tomato” in our world." The below are his pronunciations:

Eberron: EH-berr-on

Cyre: SEER-ee (and its citizens SEER-ans)


The following pronunciations have been given by Dragonlance authors:

  • Bupu: boo-poo (Margaret Weiss)
  • Majere: Mah-Jair-Ee (Jeff Grub; note this is the last name of Raistlin and Caramon, and is pronounced differently to the god's name, below)
  • Raistlin: Rayst-Lin (rhymes with "waste" as in "wasting man")
  • Caramon: Care-uh-mon (as in "caring man")


The Dragonlance deity pronunciations can be found in Holy Orders of the Stars.

  • Branchala (bran-cha-luh or bran-kah-luh)
  • Chemosh (kee-mosh or chee-mosh)
  • Chislev (kiz-lev or chiz-lev)
  • Gilean (gil-ee-un)
  • Habbakuk (hab-buh-kuk)
  • Hiddukel (hid-doo-kel)
  • Kiri-Jolith (kee-ree-jo-lith)
  • Lunitari (loo-nuh-tah-ree)
  • Majere (mah-jeer)
  • Mishakal (mish-uh-kul)
  • Morgion (mor-gee-un)
  • Nuitari (noo-uh-tah-ree)
  • Paladine (pal-uh-dyne)
  • Reorx (ree-orks)
  • Sargonnas (sar-gon-us)
  • Shinare (shi-nah-ree)
  • Sirrion (sear-ee-un)
  • Solinari (so-lin-ah-ree)
  • Takhisis (tah-kee-sis)
  • Zeboim (zuh-bo-im)
  • Zivilyn (ziv-uh-lin)

Jeff Grubb's pronunciations for the Dragonlance deities are as follows: "Here's what they were in my original campaign - recognizing that pronounciation can evolve over time as well."

  • Paladine: PAL-ah-dine
  • Majeré: Mah-JER-ray
  • Kiri-Jolith: Keer-ee-JOE-lith
  • Mishakal: Meh-SHACK-cal
  • Habbakuk: Hah-bah-COOK
  • Branchala: Bran-CHAH-Lah
  • Solinari: SOLE-eh-NAR-ee
  • Takhisis: Tah-KEY-Sis
  • Sargonnas: Sar-GONE-Us
  • Morgion: MORE-Guy-on (That's the french "Guy"- like "Gee" but with a hard g)
  • Chemosh: CHEH-Mosh
  • Zeboim: Zeh-BOW-im
  • Hiddukel: HID-doo-kell
  • Nuitari: NWEE-tar-ee (Yep, like the french for night)
  • Gilean: GILL-ee-en (Hard "g" again, like in Morgion.)
  • Sirrion: SEAR-ee-on
  • Reorx: RAY-orcs
  • Chislev: CHIZZ-lev
  • Zivilyn: ZIV-ih-lin
  • Shinaré: Shih-NAR-ay
  • Lunitari: LOO-neh-TAR-ee

"Gilean was originally Gilead, and changed as we moved through the book.Takhisis was Trace's name for the slot I had held for Tiamat (Draco Cerebus in my cosmology), and Paladine was originally called Draco Paladine, the Platinum Dragon."


Gary Gygax' Pronunciations[edit]

These pronunciations come from the many Gary Gygax Q&A threads here on EN World. You can find them in the archive forum.

Oerth is pronounced "Oi-th". Gygax said: "Say it as Oi-th as if you were from Brooklyn, and that's the way I pronounce it. That annoys all who take a fantasy world far too seriously."

On the subject of Mordenkainen, Gygax said: "The character is patterened after a Finnish wizard, so thus the KAY-nen pronunciation."

Other pronunciations from Gary Gygax: "GUY-gax is how my family pronounces [my] name, but in proper Swiss it is pronounced GHE-gox. As for Ioun, I say Eeun but Yoon sounds fine, and so too [for Iuz] Eeuse, but Yuz is okay, We almost agree on the pronunciation of Tarrasque--err-ASK TO YOUR tar-ASK, WE HARMONIZE ON [for lich] litch (many prefer lick), and Tiamat as TEE-a-matt."

Graz'zt: "Graz-zit is how I pronounce it."

Dyvers: "Okay, the city's name is pronounced DYE-vers."

"Well, FWIW, here is how I mumble those names. Nyr Dyv: "Nir Div," with a punning "Near Dive" when PCs were about to be immersed. Flanaess: "Flan-AeCE," the stressed syllable almost sounding "ace," the "Ae" like "Ay" perhaps."

Other Pronunciations[edit]

Many other people and places of Greyhawk can be found in the DRAGON #93 list, above. Those specifically marked as being from WORLD OF GREYHAWK™ Fantasy World Setting have been relisted below, but many other words in that section have relevance to Greyhawk.

  • Acererak: a-SER-ur-ak
  • Aerdi: AYR-dee
  • Aurora Borealis: a-ROR-a bor-ee-aL-is
  • Beetu: bee-TOO
  • Belissica: be-LISS-i-ka
  • Blashikmund: BLaSH-ik-mund,or blash-IK-mund
  • Boccob: BAK-ab
  • Burneal: BURN-ee-ul
  • Corusk: K0R-usk
  • Dimre: DIM-ray
  • Erythnul: e-RITH-nul
  • Fharlanghn: far-LANG-n
  • Flanaess: fla-NES
  • Heironeous: hayr-O-nee-us
  • Herzog: HAYRT-zog
  • Incabulos: in-KaB-yoo-lus
  • Iuz: yooz, or EE-uz
  • Kelanen: KEL-a-nen
  • Murlynd: MUR-lind
  • Obad-hai: o-bad-HY
  • Oerid: O-rid
  • Oerik: O-rik
  • Oerth: OYth (rarely, URth or AYRth)
  • Phaulkon: FAL-kun
  • Pholtus: FOL-tus
  • Quag: kwag
  • Tenser: TEN-sur
  • Tharizdun: thar-IZ-dun

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