Portcullis (4e Trap)

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A spiked portcullis drops down into a seemingly safe doorway. Once used it must be reset into place. As it blocks the doorway it is usefull for separating adventurers from their allies. Clearing the doorway again requires great strength.

Portcullis Trap
Level 1 Trap
100 XP
Detect: Perception DC 19 Initiative:
Immune attacks
Triggered Actions
Melee.png Attack ♦ Encounter
Attack: +5 vs. reflex
Trigger: A creature enters the doorway containing the portcullis
Hit: 3d6 damage, The doorway is blocked and the target is on the other side of the doorway to the one they walked in on.
Miss: The doorway is blocked and the target is on the other side of the doorway to the one they walked in on.
Disable: Thievery DC 20. Success: The trap is disabled. ♦Clear: Atheletics DC 16. Success The trap is reset unless disabled and the doorway is clear.

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