Creative Planes of the Wild (Endhaven Supplement)

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The Creative Planes of the Wild[edit]

These planes are seeming paradises; lush lands teeming with plants and animals. The plants are mildly aware of their surrounding. The animals often speak. The animals here are unafraid of humans, and quite wild.

Planes under the influence of the Wild have the following traits:

Mildly Wild
  • Animals and plants gain an addition +1 to hit, damage, saving throws, caster level, manifester level, ability and spell DCs, and hit dice.
  • Aberrations, oozes, and vermin lose an addition -1 to hit, damage, saving throws, caster level, manifester level, ability and spell DCs, and hit dice.

The people who live in these places grow increasingly strong-willed and independent. They more frequently solve their problems through violence, more to determine dominance than to dispatch their rivals. Keeping a thriving settlement can be difficult, as the people tend to become restless, drifting towards a nomadic lifestyle.

Moderately Wild
  • Animals and plants gain an addition +2 to hit, damage, saving throws, caster level, manifester level, ability and spell DCs, and hit dice.
  • Aberrations, oozes, and vermin lose an addition -2 to hit, damage, saving throws, caster level, manifester level, ability and spell DCs, and hit dice.
  • Spells related to animals and plants are considered cast with the Extend Spell feat.
  • All psionic effects are at -1 manifester level.

Settlements here are almost impossible. The people who live here are fiercely nomadic.

Strongly Wild
  • Animals and plants gain an addition +3 to hit, damage, saving throws, caster level, manifester level, ability and spell DCs, and hit dice.
  • Aberrations, oozes, and vermin lose an addition -3 to hit, damage, saving throws, caster level, manifester level, ability and spell DCs, and hit dice.
  • Spells related to animals and plants are considered cast with the Extend Spell feat.
  • Spells related to animals and plants are considered cast with the Maximize Spell feat.
  • All psionics are blocked.

There have never been true settlements here. Any people here are so primitive as to be wild men.

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