Pixie (5e Race)

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Petal Gowns and Acorn Caps are so last summer!
—Rivergleam, Pixie Fashionista

Curious as cats and shy as deer, pixies go where they please. They like to spy on other creatures and are always excited to make new friends; only a pixie's fear of being captured or attacked can contain its innate curiosity. In truth those who wander through a pixie's glade might never see the creatures, perhaps hearing the occasional giggle, gasp, or sigh. When seen, Pixies generally wear doublets or flowing gowns made of silk that sparkle in the moonlight. Some dress in acorns, leaves, bark, and the pelts of tiny woodland beasts. They take great pride in their regalia and beam with joy when they are complimented on their ensembles.

Physical Description

Pixie (Monster Manual, D&D 5e)

Being barely a foot tall, pixies resemble diminutive elves with gossamer wings like those of dragonflies or butterflies, bright as the clear dawn and as luminous as the full moonrise. Their skin, hair, and eyes come in shades of natural colors including the greens of the leaves and grass or the browns and bronzes of the dirt and trees and even spans into the reds and yellows of autumn.

Magical Faerie Folk

With their innate power of invisibility, pixies rarely appear unless they wish to be seen. In the Feywild and on the Material Plane, pixies etch patterns of frost on winter ponds and rouse the buds in springtime. They cause flowers to sparkle with summer dew and color the leaves with the blazing hues of autumn.

Pixie Dust

When visible, a shower of sparkling dust follows in their wake like the glittering trail of a shooting star. A mere sprinkle of pixie dust is said to be able to grant the power of flight, confuse a creature hopelessly, or send foes into a magical slumber. Only pixies can use their dust to its full potential, but these fey are constantly sought out by mages and monsters seeking to study or master their power.

Tiny Trickster

While the arrival of visitors piques their curiosity, pixies are too shy to reveal themselves at first. They study the visitors from afar to gauge their temperament or play harmless tricks on them to measure their reactions. For example, pixies might tie a dwarf's boot together, create illusions of strange creatures or treasures, or use dancing lights to lead interlopers astray. If the visitors respond with hostility, the pixies give them a wide berth. If the visitors are good-natured, the pixies are likely to be emboldened and more friendly. The fey might even emerge and offer to guide their "guests" along with a safe route or invite them to a tiny yet satisfying feast prepared in their honor.

Opposed to Violence

Unlike their fey cousins, the sprites, most pixies abhor weapons and would sooner flee than get into a physical altercation with an enemy.

Pixies as Adventurers

As an adventurer, you are expected to face many threats, and such encounters will usually require violence to resolve. Think about why you, as a pixie, have chosen this path of necessary violence that few of your brothers and sisters have taken before. Was there a threat to your family that you were forced to confront? Has your curiosity about the world led you to partake in adventures that help you explore it? Are you simply and inscrutably a break in the mold?

Pixie Names

Traditional pixie names are no more than a combination of two pleasant-sounding nouns. It is sometimes impossible to distinguish a male pixie from a female by name alone if the pixie is given a traditional name, though some trends and patterns can be observed (for instance, names with "sun" are usually masculine and names with "moon" are usually feminine). Pixies tend not to place as much emphasis on masculinity or femininity as most other races, and as such, a pixie parent usually names his/her child with whatever name seems best, regardless of gender. Most pixie communities have no concept of surnames. Pixies will sometimes name their children after the non-pixie wanderers or adventurers that they come across. Though they favor names that sound whimsical, it isn't unheard of for a pixie to be named along the lines of Kildrak or Doug.

Traditional: Ambergrass, Beetlesong, Cedarflower, Feathercloud, Frostwing, Goldspring, Honeystar, Jellybeam, Moondrop, Oakwind, Silverbell, Snowmist, Sugardust, Sundew, Willowkiss

Male: Alven, Amnon, Ander, Cedric, Flint, Gimble, Ivellios, Lindal, Mival, Patrin, Romero, Skamos, Soveliss, Warryn, Wellby

Female: Amber, Arveene, Bai, Criella, Diesa, Ellywick, Farideh, Jasmal, Kithri, Meriele, Minna, Xanaphia, Yua

Pixie Traits

Tiny, mischievous, flying fey.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Pixies do not age as normal races do, like most fey, they live indefinitely or until killed. Pixies reach maturity at 20.
Alignment. Almost all pixies are good, with chaotic ideals of freedom. Simply having fun and enjoying life are typically at the forefront of their desires.
Size. Pixies are like tiny elves, standing at barely a foot tall. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 15 feet. Your flying speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Living mostly outdoors without exposure to traditional lighting, you have superior vision in dark or dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Nature's Child. The children of the Feywild have a natural gift for the outside world. You are proficient in the Nature skill.
Invisibility. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the invisibility spell without needing a material component, choosing yourself as the target. You can cast invisibility this way three times, regaining your uses of the spell after finishing a long rest.
Wing Regrowth. If your wings are cut, removed or injured, you regrow them at the end of a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and Sylvan.

Random Height and Weight

Table: Pixie Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
0′ 5″ +2d4 0.5 lb. × (1d4) lb.

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