Knight Enchanter (5e Subclass)

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Witch Knight

Sorcerous Origin
Veyle magic

A long time ago, a demi-plane was discovered that connected to both the material and ethereal planes. It was barred from other planes by a wall of arcane energy. These were named respectively, "The Verve" and "The Veyle". This plane is psycho-reactive in nature. There is no geography in the Verve. Place and time are far less important than concepts and symbols. Populated by the spirits of those who have channeled it's energy. This plane was discovered by sorcerers, who became known as the Order of the Veyle. They were trying to understand where their arcane powers came from. They learned that being born during a convergence, of the Verve and our plane, connected them to the energy of the Veyle. Thereby giving them the ability to use it.

One of these founding sorcerers, whose name is lost in the mists of time, was given knowledge to forge a special type of arcane focus called an Arcane Hilt. A spell was then crafted to channel and focus the Veyle to create a blade of arcane energy. The ritual of forging the hilt binds the casters life essence to the Verve. No two hilts are the same. They are unique to each Witch Knight. Reflecting the martial discipline of each sorcerer. As the Order of the Veyle grew, they changed how the world saw these "witches", who became known as Witch Knights, for their deeds of war and martial prowess. While most mages and magic users stay in the rear during combat, these sorcerers fight in the front lines, using their powers to protect themselves and fight their enemies in melee combat.

Sorcerous Origin Features

Gained at 1st, 6th, 14th and 18th levels

Arcane Hilt

The size and shape reflect the weapon type emulated. You are proficient in its use. You are magically bonded to your Arcane Hilt. It is an extension of your will and sorcerous power. You can't be disarmed of it, and while you and your Arcane Hilt are within the same plane of existence you can summon it with a bonus action to your hand. It acts as an arcane focus. Once per level you can change one of your sorcerer spells for one on the Paladin list.

Arcane Blade

At level 1, you have finished the first steps of your path as a Witch Knight. You have forged your own Arcane Hilt as it is the only way to manipulate the Veyle. You know the Arcane blade cantrip.

Arcane Blade

Conjuration Cantrip

Casting Time: Instantaneous

Range: Self

Duration: 1 minute

Component: M (Arcane Hilt)

You create a blade of energy made by channeling and focusing the Veyle, which forms from your Arcane Hilt. The form and appearance of the blade should reflect weapon type emulated. The blade is tangible and can be used to block.

When you attack with this weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 force damage.

Arcane Defence

A Witch Knight eschews armor in favor of sorcery and martial skill. Your hit dice increases to d8. While you are not wearing any armor nor carrying a shield, your Armor Class equals 13 + Charisma modifier.

Also, you gain the dodge action as a bonus action.

Mental Fortitude

Also at 1st level your combat training and dicipline have made you a fierce warrior, you have advantage on your Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration against damage.

Combat Clarity

At 6th level, you gain the extra attack feature with your Arcane blade and you have adopted a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one fighting style from the list available to the fighter class. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again. Also your Arcane Blade gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls and attack damage.

Veyle Caster

At 14th level you can cast any spell with the cost of an action instead as a bonus action.

Arcane Blade Mastery

At 18th level, you are an expert with your Arcane blade you now have a critical range of 19-20. Also you can spend your sorcery points to give your blade extra effects. Choose a damage type and add your charisma modifier as bonus damage to your next attack with your Arcane blade. You must spend 2 sorcery points to activate this effect.

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