User talk:Hale's Own Troll

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Revision as of 19:58, 26 September 2019 by Hale's Own Troll (talk | contribs) (→‎Welcome to D&D Wiki!)
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Welcome to D&D Wiki![edit]

Behold! A Whole bunch of nothing, for the most part!

I attempt to play DnD, despite the fact our group hasn't met in about 2 months(Rip). Other than that I play dota 2 and the Commander varient of Magic.

As of right now, I only have one weapon to my name here: Entropy's Vessel, A cursed magic weapon that is just as likely to help you win a battle as it is to randomly blow you up, which is quite often. It has a high personal utilization of the Wild magic table, so even if you didn't handicap yourself by picking the more fun, but objectively worse, option; don't worry, as this weapon will have your back! Or your new Beard! Or just disintegrate it because you just so happened to roll a level 5 fireball with you at its center! The game will never be dull with your new friend around, unless your a fun burglar and decide to remove its curse by wishing it away or something.

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