Berkrakwar (3.5e Creature)

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CR 50

Chaotic Evil colossal demigod outsider (evil,extraplanar,chaotic)
Init/Senses +0/Listen , Spot
AC 65 (-8 size +47 natural), touch , flat-footed
hp 2674 (107d20+645 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +200/-45/—
Speed 80 feet
Space/Reach 30 ft./30 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +107/
Special Actions Swallow hole
Abilities Str 68, Dex 10, Con 45, Int 8, Wis 6, Cha 45
SQ damage reduction 20/ good, 20/magic, true sight,when he dies his body hardens and transforms into an elaborate gate to halevru,immunity to poison,disease,acid, ,Doom (DC 35)following storm, when struck by sunligt, Berkrak loses all natural AC, and all abiltiesand takes 2D10 for every round in sunlight. Immunity to mind effects
Feats cleave, great cleave,weapon focus(bite) diehard, endurence,power attack, toughness 15
Skills all +100

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