Classes (Revales Supplement)

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Creator's Note on Classes

Many traditional D&D classes do not have much of a place in Revales, although basic classes such as the Rogue or Fighter will never be entirely out-of-context. At your DM's discretion, you may bring any vanilla class into a campaign based in Revales—alternatively, every class below is native to the lands you will travel in this world.

The Rune Champion

Eldritch Cannoneers originated amongst the Lampir, with the realization that the vast crystals forming in the caverns they called home possessed a strange magical energy. This energy could be released and directed by vibrations directed into the crystal, including sounds. Eldritch Cannoneers utilize a rotating armature constructed around a lattice of these crystals, combined with precise chants, to create magical anomalies called Exigents. The wild energies released by their power source, however, require them to wear a heavy suit of protective armor.

Vital Statistics:

  • Role: Combat Caster (Spontaneous)
  • Key Abilities: Dexterity, Intelligence
  • BAB Progression: Normal
  • High Save: Fortitude
  • Hit Die: d6

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