Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Boo! (3.5e Incantation)

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Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Boo!
Effective Level: Using "3.5e Effective Level" as property chain is not permitted during the annotation process.
Skill Check: Knowledge (Arcana), Perform (Sing), Craft(Tailoring), Knowledge (Arcana), all of which have a DC of 26.
Failure: Hostile Spell (see description)
Components: Tattered Clothes, four mice, one horse, one dog and one big pumpkin.
Casting Time: Minimum of 40 minutes, add 10 minutes for each failed skill check (for a maximum of 80 minutes)
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Duration: Four hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The magic words of the Fairy Godmother behold surprising powers.  


" Salagadoola Mechika Boola, Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Boo! Put'em together and what have you got? Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Boo! "

The spell transforms the material components into a beautiful Carosse, with four white horses, a jokey, a valet and of course, a beautiful ball gown and glass pumps. The cart has resistance 10 to all energy, a hardness of 12 and 40 HP. However, this spell also bears a terrible curse. Those still inside the cart when the magic ends revert back into the pumpkin used for the spell. They become part of the pumpkin, just as you would become part of a stone when casting "Meld Into Stone" spell.

The creature trapped is, however, not aware of the passage of time, and cannot cast spells. The pumpkin complete destruction expels you and instantly slays you on a failed fortitude save (DC 19). Any spell that would otherwise affect the pumpkin affects you as well. A manipulation spell deals 3d6 damage but does not expel you, neither does dispel magic.

A break enchantement, wish or miracle restores a trapped person back.

The incantation must be performed at night, at precisely 8:00 PM

Failing the incantation

On a failed incantation, all seems to work just fine. The pumpkin becomes the cart, mice become horses, etc. However, once the recipient of the spell is inside the cart, the horse, valet, jockey and the cart itself show their true colors by trapping the victim inside, waiting for the incantation to end. The valet and the jockey have a grapple modifier of +4, while the cart sprouts 6 vine-like tentacles, each of which have a grapple modifier of +6. Sprouting tentacles reduces the hardness of the cart by two and renders it vulnerable to fire. (Ignore the normal resistance to fire.)


Base seed ; Transmutation

Requires checks involving more then one skill, some of which are not part of the wizard skill list (-2 DC)

Medium to close, then close to touch range (-4 DC)

Round to minutes, then minutes to hours (+6 DC)

Caster is exhausted (-2 DC)

Casting time is restricted (-4 DC)

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