Races (Revales Supplement)

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Creator's Note on Races

Many races traditionally associated with D&D—including Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Humans—do not exist in Revales. However, if your DM allows it you may be able to bring a traditional character in as an exotic, extraplanar visitor. Alternatively, all of the races below are native to Revales, although it should be noted that (depending on the era) the Lampir are very nearly extinct and vanishingly rare.

The Lampir

Players should consult with their DM before creating a Lampir character—depending upon the era and location, the Lampir are virtually extinct.

The Lampir are a subterranean race that are often compared to humanoid fireflies. They have pale, bio-luminescent flesh beneath segmented, flexible and tough skin that resembles an insect's carapace. This shell, and their bio-luminescence, comes in a variety of colors. Lampir have a well-deserved reputation for eccentricity, and an even more well-deserved reputation for their magitechnical expertise.

Vital Statistics:

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