Fear Navigator (5e Subclass)

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Fear Navigator

Psion subclass

Some psions use their power to protect themselves, some to tamper with others minds, some to harvest what they need. You, you are the worst kind of psion, the kind that drive themselves in to ones subconscious and pull out the worst of the worst to leave them broken and useless to defend themselves before ending them. You are a fear navigator.

Chilling presence Just being around you can be hard and from this point on it'll only get worse. Starting at level 1, you gain +2 to Chr. You have proficiency in the intimidation skill, if you already have proficiency, it is expertise. Also, you gain the "frightening" Perk. After making a successful Intimidation check, the target of that check is frightened by you for 1d4+intimidation mod min.

Paralyzing gaze beginning at level 6 you gain the ability to cast "distant whispers" And "minor illusion" At will with no components. (In combat minor illusion is counted as a bonus action) if a creature fails the distant whispers save you go deep into its mind and find what it's scared of. You can then simulate the fear perfectly with minor illusion as long as it fits within the spell limits. On the frightened save for their fear they roll with disadvantage, and are frightened for 1d4+chr min.

Mind Melter The longer your foes are exposed to you the worse their mind crumbles. Beginning at level 11, you gain the "Horrifying visage" perk. Non-undead creatures you choose within 60feet must succeed a wisdom space of your spell DC or be frightened for 1 min. If the save is failed by 5 or more, the creature ages 1d4 years. at the end of the creatures turn if it was frightened it can attempt the save again each turn until it succeeds. Additionally, when using minor illusion for the fear of a creature, you make the creature hear the sounds of their fear as well. It is not able to speak, but screams, growls, roars, etc it can make. These can only be heard by the creature it was made for, as it is in their head. For Every turn it is still in fear, the creature takes another 1d8 psychic damage, and they gain 1 min of fear.

A Dragons Nightmare You've reached the state of being the most terrifying creature around, people tremble when even near you. Beginning at level 17, All intimidation checks are made with advantage. You are immune to being afraid. Anything that tries to scare you must succeed your spell DC or be frightened itself. You gain the "frightful presence" Perk, most dragons possess. Creatures within 120 feet of you must make a DC 21 wisdom save or be frightened for 1 min. You now ignore immunities to frightening. Minor illusion is now upgraded to programmed illusion, it can be casted at will, you can use your bonus action on a turn to make it make sound to all around it and there is no limit on what can be made. It is still an illusion and can be walked right through. When a creature is frightened, you roll with advantage on attacks on that creature. Your charisma score is increased by 2 to a maximum of 22.

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