Bumble Bear (3.5e Creature)

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Bumble Bear

They are so adorable and they smell like hotcakes

Bumble Bear

CR 1

CG tiny Magical Beast (Swarm)
Init/Senses +3 low-light vision/Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Apoidea, Bonus Languages: Common, Elven, and Sylvan insect, bestial.
AC 20(+2 size, +2 dex, +6 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 18
hp 3d10 (15) (3 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/0
Speed 10 ft., fly good 80 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +1/+18
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
SQ Swarm Traits, Glomp, uncanny grip, bumble dance, cutey pie
Feats Alertness
Skills listen +2 spot +2 Survival +2 Sense Motive +2 Tumble +6
uncanny grip (Ex) There is something odd and adherent about the pads of the paws of bumble bears, the viscid qualities enable them to hold-fast to any corpulent body granting a +17 to grapple checks.
bumble dance (Sp) Works much the same as the spell Enthrall, but instead of singing or talking the bears hum and do a wiggly dance.
cutey pie (Su) Works much the same as the spells Charm Animal,Charm Monster, and Charm Person all in one and effects all in line of sight.
Glomp A cross between a hug and a pounce. Allows the bumble bear to make a group grapple check. No size restrictions.

Strategies and Tactics

Sample Encounters


Environment:warm forest, hills, and plain

Typical Physical Characteristics:Yellow or pink soft fuzzy teddy bear like beings adorned with black band strips on lower half of the torso. Antenna coming from the top of the head, a sets of dragonfly like wings upon it's back and a puff ball tail.

Alignment: always Chaotic Good


It is said that they honey is the sweetest and most prized for it's healing properties and it's abilitie make one wiser and astute. The excrement is used for the finest paint. This paint will never chip, fade, peel, or rip. It is also waterproof and resistant to fire, cold, acid and electricity.


Small and harmless-looking, they are steadfast, hardy workers and skilled farmers, tending flowers and fruit trees, and craftsmen.

Sample Lair

Large Bee hive.

Typical Treasure

Honey and colorful excrement

Honey ( serving size 6 oz) , when consumed once, gives a temporary + 9 enchantments bonus in Int, Wis, Initiative and +20 to speed for 30mins. If one consumes more then two servings within an hour they must make a will save( DC 17) or "go completely off your head" for 1d6 rounds, a d6 roll for a type of disability.

  1. Stunned
  2. Blinded
  3. confused
  4. Panicked
  5. Fascinated
  6. Maddening Scream

Colorful excrement: is waterproof, and has a +20 resistance to acid, cold, fire, and electricity and an AC bonus of +10.

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