Jive of Jealousy, Improved (3.5e Feat)

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Jive of Jealousy, Improved [Dance Style]

You prefer to use your dances to toy with the feelings of others
Prerequisite: Improved Gemini Dance, Jive of Jealousy (lesser)
Benefit: A Gemini Dancer with this feat becomes even better at enthralling her foes. Once per dance, as a full round action, provoking attacks of opportunity, she may attempt to charm all foes within 30'. Those who fail their will save become charmed as the spell. Every round, on their turns, the victims may make a new will save to break free of the charm effect. this benefit does not replace the lesser dance style benefit.
Normal: Any save DCs are equal to 10 + half the Gemini dancer's class level + her charisma modifier.

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