Black Fire (5e Spell)

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Note: this is a fanmade update of the Shadowcaster class found in the Tome of magic. I claim no ownership of any of this content. This was made solely because no official content update for the Shadowcaster class has been released by Wizards of the Coast*

Black Fire
2nd-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft
Components: Somatic
Duration: 1 minute(concentration)

You ignite a wall of chilling black fire

You create a large wall of chilling black fire. Choose a space within 30 feet, and from there create a wall of Black fire five feet deep and high that stretches 15 feet, and can turn at any 5 foot increment. The wall deals 3d6 cold damage to any creature beginning its turn in the area, or entering the area for the first time this turn. If a creature is in a space where black fire is being created, it may make a dexterity save to move to an adjacent square to avoid damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3 or higher Add 1d6 damage, and increase the size by an 2 additional squares.

If you have mastery of the Dark Terrain path, add your charisma modifier to the damage delt by black fire.

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