Zodiac Born (3.5e Template)
Zodiac Born
Creating a Zodiac Born Creature
The Zodiac Born template is an inherited template. It can be applied to humanoids, giants and monstrous humanoids, although DMs should feel free to apply it to other sentient creatures depending on the campaign setting. The only way to distinguish a Zodiac Born is by their Zodiac birth-mark. Zodiac Born creatures are blessed by the cosmic forces of nature and are either Clairvoyant or Psionic.
Size and Type
Size and type are unchanged.
Hit Dice
By character class, or as per racial hit dice.
Same as base creature
Armor Class
+2 insight bonus(only if clairvoyant)
As normal creature.
Full Attack
As normal creature.
Special Attacks
A Zodiac Born Creature gains a spell like ability depending on their sign.
- Aries (Arians) - Burning Hands at will.
- Taurus (Taurians) - Mage Armor at will.
- Gemini (Geminians) - Charm Person at will.
- Cancer (Cancerians) - Magic Weapon at will.
- Leo (Leonans) - Enlarge Person at will.
- Virgo (Virgoans) - Hypnotism at will.
- Libra (Librans) - Alarm at will.
- Scorpio (Scorpioans)- True Strike at will.
- Sagittarius (Sagittarians) - Mount at will.
- Capricorn (Capricorians - Unseen Servant at will.
- Aquarius (Aquarians) - Grease at will
- Pisces (Pisceans)- Obscuring Mist at will.
Special Qualities
The Zodiac Born are marked with birth-marks resembling their Zodiac sign. These birth-marks will form slowly over time for those that grow into the template. The Zodiac Born also gain elemental resistance according to their sign.
- Aries (Arians) - 10/Fire
- Taurus (Taurians) - DR 15/-
- Gemini (Geminians) -10/Electricity
- Cancer (Cancerians) - 10/Acid
- Leo (Leonans) - 15/Fire
- Virgo (Virgoans) - DR 10/-
- Libra (Librans) - 15/Electricity
- Scorpio (Scorpioans)- 15/Acid
- Sagittarius (Sagittarians) -5/fire
- Capricorn (Capricorians - DR 5/-
- Aquarius (Aquarians) - 15/Cold
- Pisces (Pisceans)- 5/Acid
- Aries (Arians) - +2 strength
- Taurus (Taurians) - +2 constitution
- Gemini (Geminians) - +2 charisma
- Cancer (Cancerians) - +2 constitution
- Leo (Leonans) - +2 strength
- Virgo (Virgoans) - +2 intelligence
- Libra (Librans) - +2 wisdom
- Scorpio (Scorpians)- +2 intelligence
- Sagittarius (Sagittarians) - +2 dexterity
- Capricorn (Capricorians - +2 wisdom
- Aquarius (Aquarians) - +2 intelligence
- Pisces (Pisceans)- +2 charisma
+2 to any one skill Feat extra feat
Challenge Rating
As base creature or character
By HD or character class
Level Adjustment
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