Elven Ninja Clan Scroll (Pathfinder Equipment)

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This scroll contains instructions on how to draw (craft) Ki Seals. Modifiers for crafting Ki Seals are Dex, Int, and Wis combined.

Elemental Seal Tag(chose one)

  1. Fire & Ice
    Deal 1d6 fire damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Reflex Save fails by less then half DC catch on fire take 1d6 fire damage at start of turn until put fire is put out. 1 Ki point to activate.
    Deal 1d6 cold damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Reflex Save fails by less then half DC be trapped in ice with strength save of the same DC. Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate.
  2. Lightning & Thunder
    Deal 1d6 Lightning damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Reflex save fails by less then half DC be stunned for one round. Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate.
    Deal 1d6 Thunder damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Reflex Save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Reflex save Reflex save fails by less then half DC be flatfooted for one round. Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate.
  3. Radiant & Necrotic
    Deal 1d6 Radiant damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Reflex Save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Reflex save fails by less then half DC be . Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate.
    Deal 1d6 Necrotic damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Reflex Save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Reflex save fails by less then half DC be . Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate.
  4. Psychic & Force
    Deal 1d6 Psychic damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Reflex Save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Wisdom save fails by less then half DC be. Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate.
    Deal 1d6 Force damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Wisdom Save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Reflex save fails by less then half DC be . Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate.
  5. Acid & Shield
    Deal 1d6 acid damage per sneak attack die in 5 foot diameter. Reflex Save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + Wisdom ability mod, if Reflex save fails by less then half DC lose 1 AC. Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate.
    Spend Ki to project a shield of Ki increasing AC by numbers of Ki points spent until beginning of next turn.

Storage Seal

Spend a Ki point to store at item in the Storage Seal. Size 6 inch by 6 inch (2 seal tags) Crafting check 15.

Explosive Seal

1 ballistic damage (counts as piercing bludgeoning, slashing) in 1 foot diameter Reflex Save DC 10 + 1/2 your level + ability mod. Explosive Seals cause other Explosive Seals to explode. Cost 1 Ki point to make and 1 Ki point to activate. Does not need a roll to make and is made when you fail the roll to make a different seal.

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