Society's (Ezeria Supplement)

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Society's of Ezeria[edit]

Order of the Scarlet Templar[edit]

Long ago before the world split there was a powerful group of religious zealots known as the Scarlet Templars. Fighting for what is right even at a cost remains their main tenant to this day though with the destruction of their temple at the time of the land shift they now roam without a home. Many have fallen away from the order either by age or sacrificing oneself in the line of duty. There are some left though, traveling the land and trying to seek out those who would join and that which needs to be destroyed.

the Mystic Sanctum[edit]

Deeply rooted in order and combined efforts to achieve lofty goals the mystic sanctum is an open guild which can be very beneficial. They do not like to keep their bases of power in one location but rather their members are located almost everywhere. Over time they have constructed ways of teleportation and deeply care about their membership, one that is not free. The cost is one of the only issues in becoming a member.

Arcane Eye[edit]

Some of those who have the aptitude for magic have formed the arcane eye. Deeply holding the belief that it was the misuse of the very magic they hold dear that torn the world apart and not the work of the gods. As they do not actively work in the light there have been devious things happen where they are around and very much so keep to themselves.

Merchants Consortium[edit]

A group a well-connected and savvy individuals run the consortium. There are plenty of trades that happen on a daily basis and these are the people who make it happen. It could be a large shipment of grain or a small shipment of gold. They will employ protection for the shipment if needed and assure the cargo arrives safely. It appears that most everyone who trades in this realm will have dealings with them at some point or another.

Seekers Guild[edit]

This guild represents those who accomplish tasks and get things done. Many an adventurer has sought the help of the seekers guild over the years because of their organization and negotiation. Sometimes the mission may be small and other times it may be large but there is always someone willing to take up the task at hand. They do take a small fee from those whom they employ though that cost is differed by the insurance of the guild and their willingness to compensate for missions that end up being different than represented.

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