Elementalist, Variant (5e Subclass)

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You walk along the battlefield, lingered with corpses. Burnt. Sparking. Crushed. All by your hand. The world now bendable in your palms.

Elemental Reactions
Starting at 1st level, your spells now have a chance to have extra affects and/or deal extra damage. These affects can only happen if one of the damage types are followed up with a spell, of 1st level or higher, of the reactive damage type before the end of your next turn. Once an Elemental Reaction occurs, it voids the last used elemental damage type (you can't cold > lighting > thunder/force to do two, you must cold > lightning | lighting > thunder/force).

  • Acid or Poison (must be first) + Fire = Creature(s) takes +1d6 Fire damage for spells of 1st level or higher, +1d8 Fire damage for spells of 3rd level or higher, +1d10 Fire damage for spells of 6th level or higher.
  • Cold (must be first) + Lightning = Creature(s) has a 20% chance to be stunned until the start of your next turn for spells of 1st level or higher, 40% chance for spells of 3rd level or higher, 60% chance for spells of 6th level or higher.
  • Lightning (must be first) + Thunder or Force = Creature(s) is pushed 10 feet away for spells of 1st level or higher, 15 feet away for spells of 3rd level or higher, 20 feet away for spells of 6th level or higher.

Basic Elemental Reactions
Starting at 1st level, your Elemental Reactions also have specific affects for your cantrips. The first reactive damage type can be done and then the second by a 1st level spell slot or higher, causing the affect to come from Elemental Reactions. Once a Basic Elemental Reaction occurs, it voids the last used elemental damage type (you can't cold > lighting > thunder/force to do two, you must cold > lightning | lighting > thunder/force).

  • Acid or Poison (must be first) + Fire = Creature(s) takes +1d4 Fire damage.
  • Cold (must be first) + Lightning = Creature(s) has a 15% chance to be stunned until the start of your next turn.
  • Lightning (must be first) + Thunder or Force = Creature(s) is pushed 5 feet away.

Extended Metamagic: Chain Reactions
Starting at 6th level, you gain the Chain Reactions Metamagic: any time there is an Elemental Reactions using a spell slot of 1st or higher you can spend 1 sorcery point to gain an added affect.
You can use the Chain Reactions even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.

  • Acid or Poison (must be first) + Fire = All adjacent creatures take half of the extra Fire damage.
  • Cold (must be first) + Lightning = All adjacent creatures have half of a chance of being stunned.
  • Lightning (must be first) + Thunder or Force = All adjacent creatures are pushed half as far away from the creature the reaction affected.

Delayed Reactions
Starting at 14th level, your spells can benefit from Elemental Reactions and Basic Elemental Reactions now for two rounds after using a spell of a reactive damage type rather than one. However, the current damage type that can be reacted upon is based on the last used damaging spell only.

Extended Metamagic: Elemental Mastery
Starting at 18th level, you gain the Elemental Mastery Metamagic: you can now enter a heightened state gifted by the elements. You may spend 9 sorcery points and for the next minute while under this affect, all of your Elemental Reactions, Basic Elemental Reactions, and Chained Elemental Reactions affects are doubled and the chances of a creature being stunned become: Cantrips= 30%, 1st= 40%, 3rd= 60%, 6th= 80%.

  • Your spells can benefit from Elemental Reactions and Basic Elemental Reactions now for three rounds after using a spell of a reactive damage type rather than two. However, the current damage type that can be reacted upon is based on the last used damaging spell only.

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