Lucarni (Dominaria Supplement)

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There was a time when 15 large cities marked the map of Beldron. Three of those have now passed into memory, but the city of Lucarne lives on in the nomadic tribes of the Lucarni. The city and its territories are long gone, but the Lucarni still live, travel, and trade on and around the old Lucarni Highlands. To many Beldroni the inhabitants of the 'Dragon's Breath Plateau' are erroneously though strange gypsies or wild hillmen, but the Lucarni carry on many of the traditions of their once proud city state. All three powerful clans that ruled the ill-fated city live on and interact in their ancient dance of power. Clan Ruti, Clan Koniz, and Clan Baden XXXX

To be moved to an article on the Dragon's Breath Plateau?

The Lucarni are fighting two enemies now. House Ragos of Etrasini and Orleon presses them from the west, sending armies into their long-held territories. But another foe has attacked the tribes since the end of the wars on the mainland. When the Cabal broke and the Dragon's armies scattered many of the remnants drifted to the unorganized places of the world. The Lucarni highlands and Sword Coast to the south are two such places. Far beyond the normal scum of Dogaska, these foul new cults and hardbitten veteran warriors have even found foothold on the Plateau. What they are doing few can say, but there is great magic in the Dragons' bones that are buried in the ruins...

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