Plague Bearer (3.5e Race)

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Plague Bearers

Plague Bearers are a race of the undead whose sole focus and goal as a people is to bring forth rot and decay wherever they go, and devour all living things in their path. All that's on their mind is food consumption and it only makes them hungrier.


Plague Bearers behave like vultures, preying on the weak, old, and dying; they only seek their own betterment and will go well out of their way for a meal. They are also very unpredictable and untrustworthy, they want food nothing more nothing less. if they have you in their sights and they find you alluring it is pointless to try and reason with them; running or fighting are the only viable options.

Physical Description

They appear quite repulsive and grotesque, yet suprisingly human with tight shrinking skin and bloated muscles; and are preferably covered in filth. They are also thin, enough as to appear sickly. They have dark greenish-brown, lead-grey, pitch-black, or even (rarely) snow-white hair, appearing unkempt, and rarely cut throughout their lives. The males grow very spare facial hair. Their skin is greyish-green and extremely pale, enough so that their veins are clearly visible under their skin. Their eyes are their most striking feature- they glow faintly in darkness, and are greenish-blue, without visible iris, pupil, or white. Their teeth have been sharpened and serated to make eating flesh easier.


Due to their incessant hunger , they have been marked as pariahs and are deemed insane. They are outlaws and scavengers usually very agressive even for scavengers.


Due to their hunger they are most definitely chaotic, since all it takes is one skipped meal and theyll try to eat a whole friggin (yes i used friggin to explain them) village.


Plague Bearers usually live a nearly solitary lifestyle in some viral swamp or pit where other beings fear to tread for threat of illness. Whenever a large area is left barren and deserted as a result of plague or famine, however,Plague Bearers instinctively move in, one by one, looting what’s been left behind, feeding on the dead and dying, and adapting the environment and buildings to suit their own kind. Inevitably, as if called by some intangible force, more and more gather, until the community has been totally taken over. The original occupants, once they see what they’re up against, rarely try to reclaim their lands. Their main Territory is a large Ex-Drow city in the Underdark, known as Bloodmire Chasm.


They tend not to be focused on deities due to their never ending hunger, but they tend to lean towards Deities of death like Nerull.


Like most creatures, Plague Bearers know Common. Many end up criminals however and as such learn to speak Undercommon.


Their names are just like humans.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Str,−4 Wis: Plague Bearers are Strong, but their minds have decayed from living with a never ending hunger.
  • Undead
  • Medium
  • Plague Bearer base land speed is 30 feet: Plague Bearers have a Burrow speed Equal to his base land speed.
  • Dark-Vision 90 feet
  • Low-Light Vision
  • 2d8 Bite Attack: Targets bitten are inflicted with Tetanus(No Save)
  • Blighted Scavenger: Plague Bearers for all purposes posess the Lifesense Feat, except that they can see into and past solid objects.
  • Racial Hit Dice: Plague Bearers start with two levels of Undead, granting them 2d12 HD, a Base Attack Bonus of +2, and saving throws of Fortitude +2, Reflex +2, and Will +2.
  • Bonus Feats: Because they have been rotted from their core outward and putrescence is infused into their being they are Granted two Vile Feats.
  • Decaying Touch: A Plague Bearer has the gift of Decay, they rot everything they touch to its core. The Touch of a Plague Bearer bestows Vile Damage Equivalent to afflicted creature's HD. A Plague Bearer may choose to mitigate its effects in certain areas of their body, so as to prevent corroding its own armor and on-hand items, however they can never fully suppress this effect.
  • Blighted Land: The Plague Bearer blights the landscape he stands upon, every space within 30 feet centered on him becomes Blighted Terrain for 1d4 rounds after he no longer affects that space, All undead gain a +4 Profane bonus to all rolls while inhabiting Blighted Terrain, but all non-undead receive a −4 to all rolls, and they must at the start of their turn make a DC20 Fortitude save or become Nauseated for 1d4 turns. A Plague Bearer may choose to mitigate its effects, reducing the space by 10 feet every action.

Vital Statistics

Table: Plague Bearer Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
14 years +2 +3 +6
Table: Plague Bearer Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3
140 years 280 years 420 years
  1. At middle age, +1 to Str, Dex, and Con; −1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, +2 to Str, Dex, and Con; −1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, +3 to Str, Dex, and Con; −1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Plague Bearer Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 6' 5" + 2d10 180 lb. × (2d4) lb.
Female 5' 11" +2d10 130 lb. × (2d4) lb.

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