Undine, Regional (3.5e Race)

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The Undine are a generally likable and peaceful people due to their inherit affinity to use support magic. Spend most of their days being annoyingly happy and chipper. Undine are a noble and extremely family oriented race.

Physical Description

All Undine carry the traits for blue hair, and blue skin with varying tints of both pending on the purity of their Undine heritage. Though physical description varies pending on which of the Four regions (Western, Eastern, Northern, and Southern) they were born to.

  • Western: Strong and stout, a race that seems to have tainted the Undine line with Orcish blood, yielding large blueish Orcs with a pale blue skin and silver hair.
  • Eastern: Beautiful and Wise, this is the purist of Undine blood and house to the Royal family, having a thin Elvin stature, with deep blue hair, and indigo skin.
  • Northern: Cunning and Beautiful, these Undine seem to have mingled with Halflings perhaps? They tend to be shorter and portly in comparison to the Eastern Undine, with their pale blue locks and robins egg skin tone.
  • Southern: Wise and Smart, these Undine seem to have the greatest affinity for magic due to the mingling of their blood with that of the Gnomes and love for study. The Southern Undine tend to have the same silver hair as that of the Western, and almost a tan skin tone with a barely notable tinge of blue.


  • Western: Tend to be more cautious of outsiders and slightly barbaric in nature; doesn't tolerate other races well.
  • Eastern: Stick to themselves but occasionally venture out seeking great adventure, pleased to meet and interact with other races.
  • Northern: Somewhat stuck up, and deems anyone of less pure Undine lineage as an eyesore and can't be bothered with giving them the time of day.
  • Southern: Completely ecstatic to meet and study any other race or species, giddy at the chance to gain knowledge... could stand to learn some personal boundries.


Undine very from region to region and all alignments have been seen and aren't unheard of, but more neutral alignments tend to appear.

  • Western---trends to NE
  • Eastern---leans towards TN
  • Northern--usually LG
  • Southern--almost always CE


Due to a natural born affinity to water all Undine tend to live near the coast, whether it be the volcanic beaches of the western island, the icy coves hidden in the northern islands, the mountainous island nation to the east, or even the tropical palm beaches in the south. It isn't unheard of for Undine tribes to also be in a landlocked area as well such as an encampment on the riverbank or a city floating in a lake even.


Most Undine don't lean to religion, but the ones that due tend to be worshipers of Eldath, Goddess of Singing Waters, and praise her for their innate ability to control and live throughout the waters.


All Undine no matter the region speak Abyssal from the age that they learn to speak, and seem to be skilled with learning all new languages except it would seem that Undines have NO AFFINITY FOR SECRET LANGUAGES WHATSOEVER.(i.e. An Undine druid may never learn to read, write, or speak druidic.


Undine names vary from region to region, and only the Royal Family still caries the true Undine name of AD REGIS AQUA or King of Water

Racial Traits


  • +4 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom : Still somewhat beautiful due to their Undine heritage, yet horrifically large compared to other Undine.
  • Humanoid
  • Large: -1 Armor Class, -1 to attack rolls, +4 Grapple modifier, -4 Hide Check modifier, 2x carrying capacity.
  • Undine base land speed is 40 feet: base swim speed is 40 feet
  • Western Undine gain Run as a bonus feat at first level.
  • Underwater Combatant(Su): All Undine have the innate ability to breath water and air alike. Undine also incur no penalty to swinging weapons underwater.
  • Support Magic(Su): The Undine blood gives off faint magic in itself, gifting them increased abilities with support magic; At 1st level and Undine can cast any level cleric spell equal or less than his or her current character level. This ability however only gives them the ability to cast supportive spells, so no damaging spells. Each Undine may only use this ability as many times per day equal to that of their Charisma Modifier.
  • Water Control(Su): From 5th level onward Undine gain their innate ability to control the water around them and turn it into a weapon; damage=1d10+Wisdom Modifier, 16-20x2 Crit Range. An Undine may make 2 attacks in a single round with this ability as a standard action, or 4 as a full round action... These attacks count as a natural weapon and do not occur multi attack penalties, and thier damage can be chose as Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning by the Undine. Each Undine may only use this ability a number of times per day=Wisdom Modifier.
  • Automatic Languages: Abyssal, and Orcish Bonus Languages: All languages other than secret ones(i.e. Druidic).
  • Favored Class: Fighter.
  • Level Adjustment: +1


  • +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma, -2 Strength, -2 Intelligence: Due to their Pure Undine blood they are the pinnacle of Undine beauty and wisdom.
  • Humanoid
  • Medium: There are no size bonuses for a medium creature.
  • Undine base land speed is 40 feet: base swim speed is 40 feet
  • Eastern Undine gain Run as a bonus feat at first level.
  • Underwater Combatant(Su): All Undine have the innate ability to breath water and air alike. Undine also incur no penalty to swinging weapons underwater.
  • Support Magic(Su): The Undine blood gives off faint magic in itself, gifting them increased abilities with support magic; At 1st level and Undine can cast any level cleric spell equal or less than his or her current character level. This ability however only gives them the ability to cast supportive spells, so no damaging spells. Each Undine may only use this ability as many times per day equal to that of their Charisma Modifier.
  • Water Control(Su): From 5th level onward Undine gain their innate ability to control the water around them and turn it into a weapon; damage=1d10+Wisdom Modifier, 16-20x2 Crit Range. An Undine may make 2 attacks in a single round with this ability as a standard action, or 4 as a full round action... These attacks count as a natural weapon and do not occur multi attack penalties, and thier damage can be chose as Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning by the Undine. Each Undine may only use this ability a number of times per day=Wisdom Modifier.
  • Automatic Languages: Abyssal, Celestial and Elvin Bonus Languages: All languages other than secret ones(i.e. Druidic).
  • Favored Class: Ronin.
  • Level Adjustment: +0


  • +4 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength: Wise from the blood of Undines and a tad bit smarter due to Elvin heritage, lacking in pure brute force due to the melding of two peaceful races.
  • Humanoid
  • Medium: There are no size bonuses for a medium creature.
  • Undine base land speed is 30 feet: base swim speed is 30 feet: base fly speed is 90 feet
  • Flight(Su): The more intelligent of the Undine gain the ability to channel direct sunlight, or moonlight into wings at will. These wings allow the Undine to use it's 90 feet fly speed with perfect maneuverability. The Undine however must succeed a DC 10 jump check to summon these wings, and must be outside and out of combat as well. Any creature that passes a DC 15 listen check will be able to hear the wings beat, and anyone who succeeds the check by 10 more more (DC 20+) can pinpoint the Undine's exact location. The Undine must wait 10 minutes after failing the check before attempting it again.
  • Underwater Combatant(Su): All Undine have the innate ability to breath water and air alike. Undine also incur no penalty to swinging weapons underwater.
  • Support Magic(Su): The Undine blood gives off faint magic in itself, gifting them increased abilities with support magic; At 1st level and Undine can cast any level cleric spell equal or less than his or her current character level. This ability however only gives them the ability to cast supportive spells, so no damaging spells. Each Undine may only use this ability as many times per day equal to that of their Charisma Modifier.
  • Water Control(Su): From 5th level onward Undine gain their innate ability to control the water around them and turn it into a weapon; damage=1d10+Wisdom Modifier, 16-20x2 Crit Range. An Undine may make 2 attacks in a single round with this ability as a standard action, or 4 as a full round action... These attacks count as a natural weapon and do not occur multi attack penalties, and their damage can be chose as Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning by the Undine. Each Undine may only use this ability a number of times per day=Wisdom Modifier.
  • Automatic Languages: Abyssal, and Elvin Bonus Languages: All languages other than secret ones(i.e. Druidic).
  • Favored Class: Cleric.
  • Level Adjustment: +1


  • +4 Wisdom, +4 Intelligence, -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -1 Constitution: Due to their small size and frail builds this Undine region is lacking in all physical attributes, but are scholars nonetheless.
  • Humanoid
  • Small: +1 Armor Class, +1 to Attack Rolls, -4 Grapple check, +4 Hide modifier, .5x Carrying Capacity.
  • Undine base land speed is 30 feet: base swim speed is 30 feet: base fly speed is 90 feet
  • Flight(Su): The more intelligent of the Undine gain the ability to channel direct sunlight, or moonlight into wings at will. These wings allow the Undine to use it's 90 feet fly speed with perfect maneuverability. The Undine however must succeed a DC 10 jump check to summon these wings, and must be outside and out of combat as well. Any creature that passes a DC 15 listen check will be able to hear the wings beat, and anyone who succeeds the check by 10 more more (DC 20+) can pinpoint the Undine's exact location. The Undine must wait 10 minutes after failing the check before attempting it again.
  • Underwater Combatant(Su): All Undine have the innate ability to breath water and air alike. Undine also incur no penalty to swinging weapons underwater.
  • Support Magic(Su): The Undine blood gives off faint magic in itself, gifting them increased abilities with support magic; At 1st level and Undine can cast any level cleric spell equal or less than his or her current character level. This ability however only gives them the ability to cast supportive spells, so no damaging spells. Each Undine may only use this ability as many times per day equal to that of their Charisma Modifier.
  • Water Control(Su): From 5th level onward Undine gain their innate ability to control the water around them and turn it into a weapon; damage=1d10+Wisdom Modifier, 16-20x2 Crit Range. An Undine may make 2 attacks in a single round with this ability as a standard action, or 4 as a full round action... These attacks count as a natural weapon and do not occur multi attack penalties, and their damage can be chose as Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning by the Undine. Each Undine may only use this ability a number of times per day=Wisdom Modifier.
  • Automatic Languages: Abyssal, Draconic and Elvin Bonus Languages: All languages other than secret ones(i.e. Druidic).
  • Favored Class: Sorcerer
  • Level Adjustment: +2

Vital Statistics

Table: Undine Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
200 years 200+2d12 years 200+4d12 years 200+8d12 years
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
300 years 300+3d12 years 300+6d12 years 300+12d12 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

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