High Metabolism Healing (3.5e Feat)

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High Metabolism Healing [General]

I feel so much better after that bite to eat.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13, High Metabolism (3.5e Flaw)
Benefit: The character gains fast healing 2, or the character’s existing fast healing increases by 2. This feat does not stack with fast healing granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects.
Normal: A character would need Con 25+ and be of epic level to take the fast healing feat.
Special: This feat can only be taken once upon character creation. Its effects stack with the Fast Healing Feat. However, there is a Drawback, the amount of daily food you require increases even further. You now require five times the amount of food for a creature of your size and begin to feel the effects of starvation in only one-fifth the time a normal creature would you also must take a standard action to eat after you heal 10 points of damage or start to feel the effects of starvation.

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