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Revision as of 11:23, 28 January 2018 by Dave189625 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hello. My names Dave, I'm an avid D&D player and a rookie class editor. I'm working on rebalancing the Naruto shinobi 5e class, as I'm a fan of the Naruto franchise. I eventu...")
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Hello. My names Dave, I'm an avid D&D player and a rookie class editor. I'm working on rebalancing the Naruto shinobi 5e class, as I'm a fan of the Naruto franchise.

I eventually plan to create my own d&d material for the 5e homebrew after I complete the rebalance of the prior class in question. If anyone would like to request something made, and I find the time, I may create it for you, please leave a request in my discussion, have a nice day.

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