3e SRD:Reverse Capacitor
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Reverse Capacitor[edit]
A reverse capacitor doesn't store power pointsit drains them, to the surprise and chagrin of a psionic character taken in by its resemblance to a crystal capacitor. Powers that identify psionic items will incorrectly identify a reverse capacitor as a crystal capacitor 50% of the time.
A psionic character attempting to use the power points supposedly stored in a reverse capacitor must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) or lose 3d6 power points. If this drains more power points than the psionic character possesses, he or she takes the balance in temporary Charisma damage on a point-for-point basis. If this Charisma damage is greater than his or her Charisma score, he or she takes the balance as temporary Constitution damage.
Manifester Level: 16; Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, Disarm Mind, contingency; Market Price: 182,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
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