10 Thousand Blades Hurricane (4e Power)

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10 Thousand Blades Hurricane Ranger Attack 29
You strike your opponent/s with the furry of a Thousand Blade Hurricane.
Daily Star.gif Martial, Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One, Two, Three or Four creatures
Attack: Strength+3 Vs. AC, four attacks
Hit: 2[W]+Strength modifier damage and takes -3 to Ref save until the end of your next turn(first attack;main),2[W]+Strength modifier damage and takes -3 to Fort save until the end of your next turn(second attack;off hand), 1[W]+ Strength modifier damage to Will save until the end of your next turn(third attack;main), and 2[W]+Strength modifier damage and takes -3 to AC until the end of your next turn(fourth attack;main and off hand weapon)
Miss: Half damage per attack, and target takes no minuses to defense/s
Effect: After the first attack you can shift squares equal to your Wisdom mod

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