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Pathfinder Reference Document

Form of the Dragon (All)

Source form of the dragon

Each mythic form of the dragon spell must be learned individually, and you must know the respective non-mythic form of the dragon spell to learn its mythic version. You don't have to learn them in order, and aren't required to know a lower-level mythic form of the dragon spell before you learn a higher-level one (for example, you can learn mythic form of the dragon II if you know form of the dragon II, even if you don't know mythic form of the dragon I). Each mythic form of the dragon spell adds the following benefits to its respective non-mythic version.

The spell's bonuses to ability scores increase by 2, the natural armor bonus increases by 1, and the breath weapon damage increases to 10d6. All of the dragon form's natural attacks increase by one step (see Improved Natural Attack).

Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, the ability score bonuses increase by an additional 2. During each casting of the spell, you can revert to your normal form or back to your dragon form without ending the spell a number of times equal to your tier.