New School of Necromancy (5e Subclass)

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New School of Necromancy[edit]

Wizard Subclass

Your study and curiosity about death has led you to have a profound knowledge of death and the highest respect for the dead. you have learned to exploit the energy released during death itself.

Level 2

Death experience

You have learned to assimilate the mystical energy surrounding death, when a hostile creature within 30 feet dies, you can assimilate some of the energy released by the rancorous death and keep it as black energy. You can hold as much black energy as your proficiency bonus.

Level 2

Exploitation of death

You can use stored black energy to gain advantages in battle. - DEATHS EMBRACE: Your knowledge of death and mortal wounds allows you to stabilize a dying creature within 30 feet as a bonus action at the cost of one black energy. - BLACK BOLT: You can channel black energy into an attack towards a hostile creature, with one action and at the cost of 1 black energy, within 120 feet (36mt) you launch a bolt of pure black energy (appearance at the PC's discretion) inflicting 1d10 plus your proficiency bonus. The damage increases by 1d10 when reaching 5 (2d10), 11 (3d10), 17 (4d10). You roll attack rolls as a spell. This damage is necrotic damage.

Level 2


You can overload a spell with negative energy, for every 2 black energies expended you increase the spell cast by one level (extra dice added by level this way are necrotic damage), you cannot recover black energy slots spent this way until at the next short rest.

Level 6

Death Calling

You learn the SUMMON UNDEAD spell and if you already know it, choose another one of your choice. When you cast summon undead, spend 1 black energy and remove concentration and time limit. You cannot recover the spent slot until the creature is summoned. Summoned creatures remain spirits, but gain the ability to hide in your shadow. You can control a maximum of 2 Spirits this way. Overconsume costs only 1 for the summon undead spell.

Level 6


You are able to understand death like no other, now when you expend black energy your necrotic damage ignores immunities and resistances until the start of your next turn and when your Black Bolt hits an undead you do extra damage equal to your intelligence.

Level 10

Accustomed to undeath

Starting at 10th level, you have resistance to necrotic damage and your hit point maximum cannot be reduced. You've spent so much time dealing with the undead and the forces that animate them that you've grown accustomed to some of their worst effects.

Level 14

Empowered Summon

Summon Undead now always summons 2 Extra creatures You can now have control of 3 spirits

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